Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Motto To Love-Ru 06

Saki invites everyone to her private beach; Rito get some math help from Lala; and Lala tries to seduce Rito by following the advice from a magazine given by Risa and Mio.

They are a rather ungrateful bunch, aren't they?

Nobody said you can't join in, Saruyama.

Part 1 Summary:
Rito, Saruyama, Ren, and pretty much all the female characters that are around visit Saki's private beach for an outing. While Saruyama is busy enjoying the sight of all the girls in their swimsuits, Ren starts talking to himself, or more precisely to Run, who wants to take over their body since Rito is around. Rito is then summoned by Mikado-sensei to apply some sunscreen on her back. Rito is somewhat reluctant to obey, so Mikado-sensei tells her helper Oshizu to take control of Rito's limbs using her mind powers. As Rito unwillingly rubs sunscreen all over Mikado-sensei's back, Yui has decided that she has seen enough of this nonsense and interrupts Oshizu. This causes Oshizu to lose concentration of her mind powers and sends Rito's hand flying right into Nana's chest. Nana then sends Rito flying with big throw. On another part of the beach, Saki is organizing a game that involves hitting watermelons. As always, Saki wants to one-up Lala to show everybody that she's the best. Before Saki can start the game though, Rito falls right into her, causing the watermelon in her hand to open and spill all over her body. The angry Saki then proceeds to beat up Rito with all the remaining watermelons. The group now has no more watermelons left for the game, but Lala gets an idea and tells her little sister Momo to summon an alien watermelon. Momo pulls out her cellphone teleporter and summons a giant watermelon with legs and a long tongue. The creature's disposition causes the other characters to be somewhat leery of it.

I heard that watermelon juice is good for your skin.

Everybody at the beach looks at the alien watermelon Momo introduced to play the watermelon-breaking game. Despite Momo's assurance, most of the other girls feels that the watermelon is a bit scary and disgusting. The alien watermelon doesn't take criticism very well and Saki's remark finally pushes it over the edge. The watermelon first coats Saki with sticky spit/juice, and then rolls over Saruyama. As Momo and Lala yell for the watermelon to calm down, Ren steps in front of the alien to show off his manliness to Lala. Ren is sent flying seconds later and falls on to Rito. Ren then sneezes and transforms into Run, who takes advantage by snuggling really close to Rito.

Meanwhile, the watermelon has grabbed Mikan is about to eat her, but Lala frees Mikan by kicking the watermelon. The alien fruit returns fire with a bunch of seeds, and then it grabs Lala's tail with its tongue, thereby neutralizing the Deviluke princess. On the sidelines, Momo is getting really pissed off at her watermelon is about to unleash something nasty, but suddenly she and Nana notices Rito fighting the watermelon with a stick in order to free Lala. Rito's attacks, however, prove ineffective and the watermelon is about to rip Rito a new one. Suddenly, the watermelon is sliced into two halves, and it turns out that Yami was trying to play the watermelon game (she blindfolded herself and turned her hair into a sword). After this little ordeal, the aliens members and Oshizu enjoy the delicious watermelon, but the human members of the group are somewhat reluctant to take a bite. Meanwhile, Lala is still feeling warm and fuzzy inside about Rito's efforts to save her from the watermelon. Somewhere else on the beach, Saruyama is still lying the sand after getting rolled over by the watermelon.

Would you eat this watermelon?

Cutting edge censoring technology on display: they actually used a black panties-like shape to cover up the panties!

Part 2 Summary:
At school, Rito gets his exam back and he only scored 18%, and he learns that Haruna scored 98%. After school, Rito is worried tomorrow's remedial exam and that Haruna doesn't like people who don't do well at school, and he gets some advice from Yami telling him to seek help from friends. At home, Rito learns that Lala scored 100% on the test from Peke, and Peke states that it's no surprise since Lala is a genius. Rito remembers that Lala score 0% before, but Peke explains that it's because Lala didn't understand the language back then. Lala walks in after taking a bath and starts helping Rito study, and things actually go well and Rito is starting to understand the math. After going over the material, Rito thanks Lala for her help and both become embarrassed. Suddenly, Lala's clothes start disappearing as Peke is out of juice, and then Rito trips and falls on Lala just as Mikan comes in to give Rito some snacks.

It is exactly what it looks like.

The next day at the remedial exam, Rito has completely forgotten what he has studied.

Looks like sexy time with Lala is too much excitement for poor old Rito.

Part 3 Summary:
At school, Risa and Mio notice that Lala hasn't been making much progress with Rito and hand Lala a magazine about seducing men. Using tips from the magazine, Lala manages to get Rito to go strolling around with her after school where she tries out various other tips from the magazine but it only causes Rito to become confused and wonder what's wrong with Lala. Lala gets close to getting her first kiss with Rito but bails out at the last moment because she doesn't know she is supposed to kiss. Afterwards, Rito and Lala walk home in awkward silence and Lala notices that tears are coming out of her eyes. As Lala turns away from Rito to hide her tears, Peke hints to Rito that Lala has been following advice from the magazine. Rito gets it and tells Lala that walking around once in a while is kind of fun, and this leads Lala to hug Rito.


Hmmm I thought this show as supposed to come out on Tuesdays. Anyways, we still have three segments in this episode, but the lengths of the segments varied more than the previous couple of episodes. The first segment on the beach was two manga chapters so it was a bit longer, and the second segment was really short. As for the content, the first segment was alright. We've had some horrible beach fan service from the To Love anime (OVA episode 3... one of the crappiest piece of anime I've ever watched), but in this case it was okay since the watermelon alien made things lively. The remaining two segments were nothing too special though. The middle segment was too short, and the last segment about Lala using magazine advice to seduce Rito just wasn't that funny. The scene were Lala got Rito against the ropes but leaves him hanging by not kissing him was a fun moment though. Overall, it was a passable episode, but not as enjoyable as last week's.

Only thing left to talk about is the strange censoring (yet again). It's funny that there was little censoring during the first segment where several characters had revealing swimsuits, but in the second segment they censored Yami's panties in the second segment. I guess the context of the scene matters as to what gets censored and what gets left alone lol. On the plus side though, the censors showed that they can use shapes other than beams to cover up as was the case with Yami's panties.

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