Thursday, September 2, 2010

Naruto 508

The end of Kisame.

It's a shark eat shark world out there.

Kisame breaks out of the stockade and traps himself with a Water Prison technique which prevents Naruto and the others from getting to him. Kisame then summons a bunch of sharks inside the water prison and thinks back to his first meeting with Itachi where the two agree to not turn on their comrades again. Kisame then orders the sharks to rip himself apart, thereby committing suicide.

With Kisame dead, Guy opens up the scroll but it's booby-trapped and everyone is trapped in a Water Prison with a shark. An additional shark appears, nabs the scroll and heads into the sea, and none of the Konoha or Kumagakure ninjas can chase after it.

On the outskirts of Amegakure, Konan faces off against Madara who has come for the Rinnegan.


Just as predicted, Kisame dies and the intelligence he collected finds its way off of the island. The flashback last chapter was a foreshadow of Kisame's death, and this week's flashback with Itachi sealed the deal. As some people have mentioned, Itachi and Kisame have similarities in their backgrounds and that's why they were partnered together. Even though Kisame managed to make his last statement, it was Guy's carelessness that allowed the intel to escape. It's sad that Guy made such an effort to recover the scroll and defeat Kisame only to lose the scroll on a mental lapse, but then again Guy is Guy. Having Guy, Killer Bee and Naruto around means that dumb mistakes are going to be made sooner or later.

With Kisame dead and gone and the intel escaping out to sea, the attention has turned to Konan and Madara. Konan is probably overmatched against Madara, but it's her home turf so she might have some tricks to slow Madara down. I wonder if we'll see that fight though.

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