Monday, September 20, 2010

Highschool of the Dead 12 (Finale)

The Takagi compound is overrun by zombies.

Hi zombies, long time no see.

Four tactical nukes were launched somewhere in the world. Three of the nukes are shot down by naval vessels, but the fourth escapes interception and detonates high about the surface, creating an EMP that knocks out all the electronics around the Tokyo area and nearby airport. At the Takagi compound, Shizuka just got through to Rika on the cellphone when the EMP knocked out all communications. The EMP also disabled all the working vehicles in the area, and people from the Takagi compound are unable to close the roadblock with their fork lift. Meanwhile, Shido also looses control of his bus and the bus crashes right into the roadblock, creating a gap in the cement blocks and allowing zombies to walk through.

Looks like someone is ready to party.

Saeko always knows how to make an impression.

They make a nice couple, don't they?

The horde of zombies make it to the Takagi mansion and break down the front gate. Chaos and carnage spread throughout the compound and many refugees are killed by the zombies. Souichirou and Yuriko lead what remains of their forces to round up survivors, and Souichirou tells Takashi's group to head out and search for their families. Takashi and friends fight their way to the garage where the mechanics report that Rika's Humvee actually has EMP shielding and therefore can run. Takashi and friends then drive out of the compound in their Humvee while Souichirou and Yuriko are trying to fight off wave after wave of zombies.

Rei's primary purpose in the series.

Didn't realize Shizuka knew how to stunt drive.
Is there a reason why Saeko always stands on top of the Humvee (other than to show off)?

After the driving for a while, the Humvee breaks down, and Takashi and friends walk and fight their way to a shopping center.

That's right, friends. Killing zombies can be an enjoyable and fun group activity.


After going missing for two episodes, the zombie action returns just in time for the season finale. This episode was definitely better than the previous two in that there was some actual zombie carnage, although the scenes were a bit restrained compared to some of the better/more outrageous episodes of the series (the crazy Humvee driving was pretty nice though). Actually, the battle at the compound wasn't really as impressive or desperate as I had hoped, and leaving Saya's parents to fight against wave after wave of zombies by themselves seemed a bit stupid, but at least there was blood, biting, slashing and zombies heads being blown apart. In the end, this was an okay season finale, although it didn't really feel like a finale given how things led right on to the next part of the storyline at the end. Takashi, Rei, Saeko, Kohta, Saya, Shizuka, and Alice are still out running from place to place, fighting zombies and having fun doing it, and so season 2 will likely be in the works once there is enough material from the manga.

Overall, the first season of Highschool of the Dead was a decent show if you know what to expect. If you are looking for an intricate plot, in depth character development, or enlightenment of any sort, this series is not for you. HOTD is only designed to appeal to people who like zombies, blood and gore, action, fan service or combination of the listed items. The first three episodes were the best part of the season as it really sets the tone for the series: a bloody survival horror with gratuitous and hilariously-timed fan service in between the action. The series wandered a bit after the introduction and sometimes lost track of its core formula, but the show was entertaining whenever it stuck to the ridiculous violence + fan service combo. That didn't happen as often as it should have after the first three episodes, but as a whole HOTD was watchable, just with some parts a lot more watchable than others. The production quality of the series was solid overall, although once again the most visually impressive scenes were in the first three episodes.

As for the cast,  I have to say I don't like most of the characters in the core group.The only character that I have a positive opinion of is Saeko, whose composure, ass-kicking sword skills and sophisticated sexiness (compared to the other girls) makes her a winner. She is the only one who can standing atop of a moving vehicle while wearing a thong and apron and still look like she knows what she's doing. Kohta used to be cool with his personality-switching, but his breakdown in episode 10 lowered my opinion of him by quite a bit. The rest of the group are either not worth mentioning or not great, particularly Takashi and Rei. Takashi got to be leader because the other guy in the group is socially awkward and Saeko has a thing for him. He also has emotional issues and likes to manhandle girls which aren't great qualities. As for Rei, she always seems to be the one who needs saving despite knowing how to fight, and her relationship with Takashi just doesn't seem to be leading anywhere. Saya is annoying, but has become more tolerable as the series progressed. Shizuka is just your classic big-boobed airhead, and Alice is just a random loli at this point of the story. I guess the good thing about not liking most of the characters is that I won't feel sad when they get eaten by zombies, but so far all of them have managed to stay alive.

That's all I have to say about the first season of HOTD. I'll probably watch the second season when it comes out, but given the pace of the manga it might be a while.

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