Saturday, January 30, 2010

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 17

A few days in the life of Tessou Tsuzuri, the bumbling and bespectacled teacher/Anti-Skill member.

Too bad you aren't the girl who can leap through time.

An example of Anti-Skill fail.

List of shoddy highlights:
It's summer at Academy City, and most of the students are enjoying their summer vacation. As such, Anti-Skills are called to help Judgment patrol the streets and maintain order.

Day 1:
- Tessou is late for her patrol with Yomikawa. The two gets called to help with a robbery and Tessou ends up becoming a hostage, but Yomikawa resolves the situation by throwing a riot shield into both the bad guy and Tessou.
- Later in the day, Tessou runs into Mikoto and friends at an arcade. Tessou is supposed to tell the students to go home as it's almost time for curfew, but she is almost tempted into playing a game by Mikoto's gang. Yomikawa shows up to snap Tessou back to the task at hand. Yomikawa goes to shoo away rest of the arcade's patrons, and Ruiko and Kazari recognizes that one of the customer is a boy named Kounoe from their class.
- Tessou, Yomikawa, and Komoe enjoy a night out in the spa and then have dinner and a few beers together.

Kurozuma and Konori aren't the only fans of Musashino Milk.

In such an advanced city, you'd think that every Anti-Skill would get a GPS... but then again, maybe Tessou wouldn't even know how to use one.

Day 2:
- Tessou has an unsuccessful day on the patrol which included causing a traffic jam.
- Late in the day Tessou goes to the arcade again to tell the students to go home. Tessou notices Kounoe playing an old fighting game called Gekisho 9 which she had used to play. Tessou distracts Kounoe into losing and Kounoe leaves.
- On their night out, Yomikawa and Komoe notice that Tessou is feeling down, and Yomikawa suggests that Tessou do something fun to cheer herself up.

Good thing Yomikawa doesn't drive, and Komoe doesn't get drunk.

Day 3:
- Tessou is stuck at school marking exams. Yomikawa lets Tessou off of the patrol, but in exchange Tessou has to finish her marking and pay for dinner next time.
- After finally finishing her work, Tessou goes to the arcade again and sees Kounoe playing Gekisho 9. Tessou unlocks a secret character in the game and is about to start playing, but she is called away by Komoe who told Tessou that Yomikawa was in an emergency situation.
- It turns out that the "emergency" was just Yomikawa getting drunk, and Tessou is tasked with carrying Yomikawa home. On the way, Komoe asks if Tessou feels happy. Komoe then states that she's happy everyday because she loves all the different students in the city, including the person who blew off her roof.

Look who finally decided to show up.

Who's the girl on the left?

Day 4:
- Tessou is back on patrol and she's surprisingly enthusiastic. On her patrol, Tessou encounters Index (who is chasing a cleaning robot for sweeping up her dropped donut) and Aisa (who tries to buy all the hamburgers from a fast food joint). Tessou also helps a girl find her lost pedant.
- After the patrol, Tessou goes to the arcade to play Gekisho 9. In the process, she is challenged by someone using her favorite character and she loses the match. Tessou then discovers that it was Kounoe she was playing against. Tessou walks Kounoe back to his place while talking about the video game and Kounoe thanks Tessou before parting with Tessou.
- After parting with Kounoe, Tessou receives a call from Yomikawa telling her to get to the dinner place since Tessou is supposed to be treating.

Should save your celebration for after you've won the slot machine jackpot.

Last Day (not necessarily day 5):
- Tessou and Yomikawa visit the arcade during the day and learns from Mikoto's group that Kounoe has transferred to a school specialized in video game development. Tessou is quite happy with the news and enthusiastically continues her patrol.


A filler episode about a fairly unimportant side character and her love for a 10-year-old video game. The video game story with the boy is not much to talk about, but this episode was not entirely uninteresting. If you were wondering why the Anti-Skill are so useless, just take a good look at this episode. I don't want to be mean, but I'd be a little worried if someone like Tessou was in charge of maintaining peace and order in my community. She didn't exactly put up a stellar performance this episode. It's not that she's not a nice person, but she's a bit too bumbling for the duties required for a riot/SWAT police squad member. I suppose Tessou is not representative of the entire Anti-Skill (at least I hope not), but Anti-Skill are just too easy to make fun of. At least Yomikawa is somewhat capable at taking down regular criminals, although she does seem to have a drinking problem (hope she doesn't drink and drive).

Other than the story on Tessou, this episode had some interesting cameos. Komoe had a similar extended role like in episode 14, and Index and Aisa finally showed up doing their usual goofy things. I have a feeling that the girl who lost her pedant might also be a cameo appearance or someone important, but I don't know who she is. The little girl in the picture inside the pedant looks somewhat familiar, but I can't pin a finger on that either.

Next episode is another filler about Mikoto and Kuroko's dorm supervisor, who seems less fierce than before. I'm not holding high expectations for that episode either, but it'd be fun if the supervisor will knock Kuroko out at least once in the episode.

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