Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist 103

Ed and company fight against Father and Pride, while Scar takes on Wrath.

At the radio station, Breda tries to calm Mrs. Bradley while Denny chats with Maria and Fuery. Denny wonders where Mustang is, and Maria states that the colonel is deep within Central HQ.

Father needs to wear a "high voltage" warning sign.

Deep inside Father's chamber, Ed starts thinking about how Pride forced Mustang to open the Gate of Truth and realizes something doesn't make sense. If Father's forces could just force any random alchemist to open the gate, then why choose the sacrifices who have already done it? Mustang reveals that Pride stated that he was hoping to avoid it, therefore the procedure posed a risk to Father and the homunculi as well. As May called first dibs on Father, Ed and Al go after Pride and for some reason Pride dodges and does not retaliate with his shadows. Father is about to take action against the brothers, but May gets his attention by throwing a knife into his head. May demands that Father tell her the secret to immortality, but Father absorbs the knife and sends a larger version flying back at May. May dodges and goes for a flying kick. At this moment Hohenheim emerges from Father's body and warns May that Father can attack without moving, but it's too late as Father sends May flying with his alchemy.

Back on the surface while most people are looking at the eclipse, several groups of Ishvalans travel to various locations in the city given by Scar. Underground, Scar faces off against Wrath. Scar lands the first blow with an elbow to the mid section, but Wrath ups his attacks and forces Scar back. While backpedaling, Scar slips on some blood and gets cut by Wrath. Scar breaks one of Wrath's swords, but Wrath takes the broken blade and stabs it into Scar's right arm and pins Scar to the ground. Wrath goes to finish Scar with his other sword, but Scar touches the ground with his left hand and transmutes spikes to force Wrath back. As Wrath stares back in surprise, Scar takes off his jacket and shows that his left arm is also tattooed. Scar explains that as the result of his brother's research, he now has the power to reconstruct.

Finally got the matching tattoos!


Scar now has the Arm of Reconstruction! I've been wondering all along if Scar's group got anything else out of Scar's brother's research, and looks like Scar's left arm is the result. You can't ever count Wrath out of a fight, but Scar definitely has the advantage since he's a little less beat-up and has more powers. I originally wanted to see Greed/Ling finish Wrath, but at this point I just want to see what Scar can do his left arm and if he can do any combination attacks with both arms.

Back to the Ed and Al's front, Ed shows off his wits once again by asking the right questions. How Pride forced Mustang to open the Gate of Truth never really made sense to me, and it doesn't make much sense to the Elrics either. It looks like Pride made of a price for going through the Gate as well; he is not regenerating anymore, and he may have lost his shadow powers. It's possible paid for the journey using his Philosopher's Stone. However, we still don't know why Mustang lost his sight and if there's any other costs/risks associated with forcing someone to open the Gate.

As for the other characters, May is obviously not going to beat Father using physical attacks. She might have a slim chance using Xingese alchemy, but I doubt Father will lose against just her. Mustang is still blind, but someone may be able to give him bearings for him to fire his flames (using him as a turret like a comic strip I saw somewhere). I'm sure the Armstrong group can't be too far away, but they may need some help (from Scar) to enter Father's chamber.

So currently Father's plans are more or less going as planned, but Scar's brethrens are going around the city to mess things up. Hopefully the big climactic moment isn't too far off.

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