Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 41

Ed vs. Kimblee and chimeras in Baschool.

The blizzard has cleared in Baschool, which means Kimblee and Miles' groups can resume the search. Miles tells Ed and two loyal subordinates that they are going to take out Kimblee and his two underlings during the search. Ed disagrees with the killing, but Miles states that this is not the time to hesitate.

Golden Man? Are you guys talking about the Oscars?

I spy a metal boot sticking out of the snow.

Meanwhile in the mining tunnels, Scar's group takes a break to look at Scar's brother's research. Marcoh wonders what the book means by "golden man", and May explains that in Xing, the Golden Man refers to someone who is truly immortal. May also adds that legends said that it was a man who had gold hair and eyes (hinted to be Hohenheim) who brought alchemy to Xing. At this time Yoki returns and leads the group to the exit. As the group travels across the snowy outdoors, Winry and May hear a voice calling out for help, and quickly they located Al who is buried in the snow nearby. After being dug out, Al relays the news of Central soldiers taking over Briggs and advises the group to find another hiding place. Scar then leads the group towards a nearby village where a group of Ishvalans is rumored to live.

It's Lion King and Donkey Kong!

Back in Baschool, Ed accounts for the missing Al by making a Briggs soldier wear a fake suit of armor. The search for Scar begins, and soon Miles is informed that Kimblee's group is going to search the mine entrance, but they don't want any Briggs soldiers to be involved. Sensing that Kimblee is on to his plan, Mile and his two subordinates take up position in a building near the mine entrance. The two subordinates aim their rifles at Kimblee who is standing out in the open, but suddenly Ed walks onto the scene unexpectedly. Kimblee tells Ed that he knows there are snipers nearby and he uses alchemy to create a plume of fog and smoke to block out the vision of Miles' snipers. Ed spots Kimblee going into the mine, but he is blocked off by Darius and Heinkel who have transformed into their chimera forms. In the fog and smoke, the two chimeras have the advantage with their acute senses. Ed missteps and falls into mine and lands near boxes of damp dynamite. The two chimeras follows Ed down, but Ed takes them out by transmuting the dynamite into ammonia which overwhelms the chimeras' sense of smell.

It's still Lion King and Donkey Kong, who realize they need some noseplugs.

With Heinkel and Darius out for the moment, Ed confronts Kimblee. Kimblee takes out his Philosopher's Stone, but Ed knocks it away and slices through Kimblee's left hand. Ed thinks he has won, but Kimblee actually has another Philosopher's Stone in his mouth, which he uses to cause a great explosion that destroys most of the mine entrance. Ed eventually wakes out among the wreckage and discovers that he has been run through at the waist by a steel beam. At the same time out of the snowy wilderness, Al feels that his soul is being dragged to the Gate and loses consciousness.

There'll need to be some reconstruction if they want to open this town again.

OMG!!! Ed is dead!... Almost.

Back at the destroyed mine entrance, Ed summons enough strength to free Darius and Heinkel from the wreckage. Ed needs the two to pull the steel beam out of his body so he can seal the wound with alchemy. Darius and Heinkel are initially unsure, but they decide they are no fan of Kimblee and should repay Ed for saving their lives. After Heinkel pulls out the beam, Ed uses alchemy to seal his wound, paying with his own lifespan. Ed wants to go after Kimblee, but he faints due to blood lost and the wound not being completely treated. Darius and Heinkel pick up Ed and decide to carry him to a hospital first. Before leaving, Heinkel also picks up the Philosopher's Stone that Kimblee dropped.

Doing battlefield surgery on yourself is not a pleasant experience.


I didn't realize the series would be on to the "Ed almost died" part already. Brotherhood definitely hasn't slowed down. I remember one of the manga chapters ended with the cliffhanger with Ed discovered he was run through with a metal beam, but this episode went right past that. I suppose everyone knows that Ed can't die... at least not until the end anyways. At this rate, the series is going to run out of manga material to cover pretty soon. They might sneak in a recap or two in there, but I wonder how they are going to end this series. We all expect Brotherhood to end with the manga ending, but the manga doesn't look it'll end within the next half year.

Anyways, this was a pretty good episode. The first half was tame when compared to the exciting second half, but the scene where Scar, Marcoh and May were talking about the research was informative. I completely forgot that Hohenheim was supposed to be Sage of the West who brought alchemy to the Xingese. This partially explains what Hohenheim had been doing after leaving Xerxes, although there is still a lot of mystery surrounding the guy.

The highlight of the show was of course the second half action sequence. Heinkel and Darius made their action debut, and Kimblee finally did something impressive after getting out of jail. The battle showed that while Ed is ready to do nearly everything to get what he wants, his morality and decision not to kill/serious injure opponents can get him into trouble in battles against ruthless fiends like Kimblee. Both Ed and Al will be out of action and Kimblee got away, but on the bright side Ed gained two more allies in Darius and Heinkel. It's apparent that none of the chimeras have any real love for the Central military, and they are ready to switch sides when presented with a better option or any sort of hope. That's good news for Ed and their friends, since the the chimeras are pretty handy in a lot of situations.

A thing that I didn't really understand in this episode (and in the manga) is why Ed had to use his own life force to heal himself. The situation in this episode is not the same as he was trying to revive his mother since he is just sealing a wound rather than bringing a dead person back to life. It seems that any Amestrian alchemy that is done of the human body requires some source of power other than the usual power source. It just seems weird to me.

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