Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Deadman Wonderland 26

Ganta wakes up three days after the disrupted broadcast and finds that everyone hates him.

Yup, everyone hates Ganta. Everyone.

In the lab, Tamaki has a video call with the army official and Tamaki manages to convince the army official that the Forgeries will be good as a disciplinary unit. The official warns Tamaki not to screw up again like three days ago before hanging up, and afterwards Tamaki checks out Ganta's file again.

Elsewhere in Deadman Wonderland, Ganta wakes up in a strange room and learns from the nearby Shiro that he has been asleep for three days. Ganta's first concern upon waking up is saving Azami, and Shiro agrees to help. At this moment Toto arrives and warns Ganta about going back to Deadman quarters because of what happened three days ago. Not only did Ganta injure most of the strong Deadmen, the Deadmen vs. Forgeries continued on and many more Deadmen have been killed. Ganta returns to Deadmen quarters and finds that all of his former "friends" hate him and that his room has been vandalized. Up in the surface, Ganta is spotted by three normal prisoners who proceed to beat Ganta up because they are hate the Deadmen. Shiro arrives to chase away the prisoners and tries to get Ganta back on track to search for Azami. Ganta appears to have recovered, but then Shiro shows Ganta that she has a Branch of Sin. Ganta is shocked that Shiro has a Branch of Sin, and after realizing Shiro was a Deadmen all along Gant tells Shiro that he hates her and walks the other away. Shiro starts crying and wailing, but Ganta ignores her and keeps on walking.

Someone is on his way of becoming bad-ass.


That was a nice four months in between chapters. Anyways, Ganta is truly on his own now thanks to his misfiring last chapter. He really should have left DW when he had the chance a few chapters ago. Nobody in the prison including (and especially) Shiro was worth staying for. All of Ganta's "buddies" managed to survive the Carnival Corpse, but as expected they all hate Ganta's behind, and most of the normal prisoners hate the Deadmen anyways and therefore they hate Ganta as well. Ganta then turned his back on his one and only ally Shiro, which probably isn't the best idea especially if he wants to find Azami. Then again, maybe Ganta's instincts are telling him that Shiro is main reason why he is (still) in this hellhole. This of course isn't the first time Ganta tried to sever relationships with Shiro (chapter 16, Ganta punches Shiro in the face). The last time the two of them made up so I don't think this breakup will be permanent either. Ganta definitely isn't going to find Azami on his own, so he has to get help from somebody, and I doubt Shiro will leave Ganta alone for long.

It'll be interesting to see what Ganta is going to do next now that he is completely and utterly alone. I'm also waiting to see if Tamaki has any plans for Ganta. As for Azami, I think she's too far along the Forgeries program to be saved, but Ganta will definitely see her again eventually. Hopefully we won't have to wait four more months for the next chapter.

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