Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 25

Ed and Ling runs into Envy in Gluttony's stomach while Mustang has a not-so-pleasant meeting with King Bradley.

Putting you hand in front of a wild animal's mouth is usually a bad idea.

At night in a back alley in Central, May tells Yoki the story of how she met her panda companion Xiao May. May came from one of the lower class tribes and one day she came upon Xiao May, who is actually a giant panda but has stunted growth. May and Xiao grew up together like siblings and thinking about Xiao makes May cry. Scar seems to moved by the story about May's oppressed tribe and so the group goes to look for the mini panda.

You might not have Athlete's Foot, but what about rust?

In the dark space filled with blood, Ed eventually runs into Ling. The two of them desperately try to find an exit but to no avail, and Ling eventually falls down in fatigue. Ed is unwilling to abandon Ling and carries him to a raised platform and the two of them cook and eat Ed's boots for nourishment. At this moment Envy arrives and when asked by Ed, Envy explains that the space that they're in is indeed Gluttony's stomach. Gluttony was a failed attempt by Father to recreate the Gate of Truth. Everything that's been sucked in gets stuck in this space, and there's no exit. Ed starts wondering who Father is and the topic wanders onto the Ishval War, and Envy proudly admits that he was the one who instigated the conflict. To start the war, Envy morphed into a moderate military official and shot an Ishvalan child in public. Ed is pissed off by Envy's words and attacks the homunculus, but his punch has little effect. Knowing that there's no way out of this place, Envy decides not to hold back anymore and transforms into his true form, a giant grotesque beast, and starts bashing Ed and Ling around.

It's too dark... I can't see the grotesque details!

Congratulations Lt. Hawkeye. You have just been named female soldier of the year!

In Central HQ, the general are discussing which alchemists to use as human sacrifice. Meanwhile, Bradley has a private meeting with Mustang. In order to keep Mustang from doing anything naughty, Bradley orders all of Mustang's subordinates to be redeployed throughout the country, with Riza being reassigned as Bradley's personal assistant.

Apparently Gluttony is ticklish.

Back on the outskirts of Central, both Al and Gluttony are wondering what they should do. Al eventually asks Gluttony to take him to Father, and Gluttony agrees as Al is a human sacrifice. Gluttony then leads Al back towards Central.


So Ed, Ling, and Mustang are all in a world of trouble and no obvious solutions exist for their situations. Ed and Ling are stuck with an angry monster in a crappy place with no exit, while Mustang "loses" all of his subordinates. I think this part of the story is lowest point for the good guys. Anyways, I was looking forward to Envy's true form getting animated since the design is pretty sick. Unfortunately, the whole scene is Gluttony's stomach is too dark, and it's hard to make out Envy's entire shape. Bones did do a good job on the skin effects though with the many souls struggling to get to the surface. Envy is quite the evil bastard, and his true form is appropriate to show off the underlying nastiness and ugliness of his personality. Hopefully in the next episode we'll able to see his true form more clearly. Or maybe I just need new glasses. On the mention of Envy, I have to say that the discussion about his weight doesn't make any sense. If Envy keeps the same mass no matter what his form is, then if he was walking around on the streets then the ground would crack if he had the weight of his true form. It's not a very consistent characteristic.

Onto the other parts of the episode, Mustang loses his crew but everyone knows he isn't giving up just like that. I can't really say much about his situation though without spoiling what happens next. As for Scar's group, the flashback on how May met her panda was a nice little bonus. I don't really remember that part from the manga, and the flashbacks explains why May cares so much about her pet and why Scar is willing to let her tag along. Both Scar's group and Al are heading into Central, and since Al has Xiao May, it won't be long before the two groups run into each other.

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