Saturday, September 19, 2009


Alphard vs. Canaan, showdown on a train.

A little romantic stroll under the full moon.

After leaving the Factory, Canaan and company and stay the night at a rundown inn and in the night Maria and Canaan go for a romantic walk. The next day, Minoru discovers that the SUV has died so he tells the girls to take the train.

Canaan's magic eyes allows her to see dead people.

On the train, the girls have a whole car to themselves and are eating sandwiches when the train abruptly stops, and Canaan starts getting flashbacks of that fateful day with Siam and Alphard. The girls look out the window and see that soldiers have stopped the train, and suddenly gun shots ring out from the front cars. Canaan dashes off to the front to investigate, and to her surprise she spots Siam sitting in one of the cars, and soon many other dead characters including Santana, Hakkoo and the Borner bros appear in the car. Siam mentions that it's hard to say who was responsible for their deaths, and Hakkoo starts saying that it's all Canaan's fault. Canaan denies the allegation, and soon Hakkoo and everyone except Siam have been replaced by dead bodies. At this time, the train lurches forward again, but unbeknownst to Canaan all of the other surviving passengers have been taken off the train. Siam tells Canaan to not rely too much on her special eyes as her abilities will sometimes make her see things that aren't real. Canaan states that she can see what's really important, but Siam asks if she saw what was important on that day when he died. Siam then disappears, leaving Canaan in a car full of dead bodies.

Siam to Canaan: You have lost your mojo, or else you wouldn't be talking to me.

Further back in the train, Maria and Yunyun have been joined by Alphard. Alphard tells Maria that her only purpose is to ignite Canaan's true power. Maria understands, and in exchange for serving her role she wants to take a picture of Alphard which Alphard agrees to. Just as Maria pushes the shutter on her camera, Alphard draws her gun and shoots Maria in the waist.

Prepare to pay the price if you want a photo of Alphard-sama.

Bargain-hunters at war. Not a surprise given the coat is 80% off its regular price.

Canaan hear the gunshot and runs back to her car. In the car she sees Siam sitting on one of the benches again, but Canaan remembers Siam's words about seeing what's real and is able to tell that the sitting person is actually Alphard. Alphard states that Maria and Yunyun are trapped in a car in the back and the car is rigged with timed explosives, so if Canaan takes too long then Maria and Yunyun will die. Canaan and Alphard then start fighting in the train car. After a exchange of gunfire, Canaan loses her pistol and ends up fighting with her knife, while Alphard still has her pistol but doesn't shoot Canaan. In order to psych Canaan out, Alphard states if Canaan didn't intervene on that day then Siam wouldn't have died. Canaan starts hallucinating about Maria and ends up getting caught in an armlock.

Alphard's signature submission maneuver: the hair-pull hammerlock.

In the back of the train, Yunyun has discovered that they are trapped in a car with timed explosives. While Yunyun tries to find a way out, Maria comes to the conclusion that she's not good enough for Canaan. As a last resort, Yunyun breaks the window and plans to jump out with Maria, but Maria tells Yunyun to escape by herself and carry out a (silent) request. Yunyun eventually complies to Maria's wishes, and she climbs outside to the front of the car.

I guess one of Yunyun's part-time jobs was being a circus performer.

Stop teasing and kiss her already.

Meanwhile, Canaan breaks out of Alphard's hammerlock but she soon loses her knife and is pinned against the door by Alphard. Canaan tries to use her eyes to see Alphard's killing intent but fails to do so, and Alphard states that her intent is not to kill Canaan; her intent is to kill the despair that is Canaan. Alphard slowly moves her pistol in front of Canaan's face is about to pull the trigger, but suddenly the train shakes as Yunyun separates Maria's car from the rest of the train. Canaan uses the distraction to push away and retrieve her own pistol, and she and Alphard once again end up in a stand off with pistols pointed at each other. There is only 30 seconds left until Maria's car explodes.

30 seconds left until what everyone was looking forward to.


I thought we were going to get a flashback to that fateful train ride when Alphard killed Siam, but instead we have what is most likely the final showdown between Canaan and Alphard which is also happening on a train. Alphard has already dealt with Liang Qi and the Factory, so it makes sense that she's moving to her last objective which is to defeat the fully-powered Canaan. Canaan was pretty disappointing yet again just like her last few outings with Alphard, but she was probably handicapped by the train environment. Instead of seeing bullet-time or predicting other people's moves, Canaan's eyes is causing her to hallucinate and daydream in a middle of the most important fight of her life. I guess some people just aren't meant to ride trains.

There was quite a bit of dialogue in this episode about what Siam was looking for and Maria/Canaan's state of mind, but what it really comes down to is Alphard trying to prove to Siam that she's stronger than Canaan. I think that's more or less the central plot of the show, and I feel that all of the other subplots with the Ua virus seem to be irrelevant when I was watching this episode. If it was Alphard's greatest wish to prove Siam wrong, why did she participate in all the intrigue with the Ua virus. In order to make a living? Make herself stronger? I don't really get it. It's like everything in CANAAN is more complicated than it needed to be. I have a feeling that all of the stuff with the Ua Virus and NGO won't come to any definite conclusion, but I'm hoping at least the drama between Canaan, Alphard and Maria will. They should at least give us one coherent flashback of the events that led up to Siam's death.

The episode ends with a cliffhanger with 30 seconds left before Maria is blown to smithereens, and Alphard is still standing. It seems improbable that Canaan will save Maria in time especially now that Yunyun has disconnected the rear cars. Only chance that Maria has that Alphard is using fake bombs like the super-flexible Borner bro, but that's pretty unlikely. I won't be too sad if Maria ends up dead. She's been pretty useless all along, but I suppose that's what you would expect for a maiden-in-distress character. Canaan will always have Yunyun, who was actually quite impressive in this episode climbing out of the locked train car to safety. Looks like having all of those part-time jobs really paid off and Yunyun is stronger than she looks.

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