Friday, October 22, 2010

To Aru Majutsu no Index II 03

Touma, Stiyl and Index help the Roman Catholic nuns battle the Amakusa.

Touma has a penchant for getting into these kinds of situations.

The most likely cause of knocking someone out with a tackle is if their head bangs into ground. Now since Touma held this girl's head up, does that mean he knocked her out with the impact alone? Touma must be a bull.

Really Touma? Was it THAT difficult to put a necklace on someone?

The Roman Catholic nuns locate the Amkusa at the amusement park, and the plan is for the battle nuns to attack from the front while Stiyl's group sneak in to rescue Orsola and/or destroy the Amakusa's teleport point. Stiyl, Touma, and Index sneak in the back, but Touma becomes separated from the others when the group is attacked by Amakusas. While on his own, Touma knocks out one female Amakusa by tackling her, but soon after he is tackled by Orsolas who used the chaos of the battle to escape. Touma chats with Orsola and hands her the cross given to him by Stiyl. Touma suggests the two wait out the battle, but the Amakusa leader Saiji appears tossing Stiyl around. Despite Index's warnings, Touma tries his luck against Saiji. After several close calls, Touma manages to punch Saiji in the face with assistance from Stiyl and the two knock out Saiji with yet another tackle.

Touma finally gets to punch someone after waiting two and a half episodes (plus off time between the two seasons).

Another tackle resulting in a KO. This time it looks like the victim's head did hit the ground.

The secret to Touma's strength: shaking off Index is a great way to become stronger.

It doesn't look Kaori will involve herself in the ongoing battle anytime soon... but at least she looks great in the kimono/yukata.

Shortly after, the battle nuns have defeated the rest of the Amakusa, and Saiji is restrained by ropes and some spells from Stiyl. Touma and Index are left alone with Saiji and reveals that the Amakusa didn't steal the Book of the Law and that the Roman Catholics staged the whole thing because they want to capture and kill Orsola. According to Saiji, Orsola initially came to the Amakusa for help, but she didn't trust the Amakusa enough to stay. When asked by Touma about why the Amakusa kidnapped Orsola, Saiji answers that there is no good reason, but their motivation stems from the fact that they want Kaori back as their leader. Suddenly, Touma and Index hear Orsola's scream. Saiji tells Touma that the Roman Catholics can't kill Orsola just yet, but he wants Touma to bring Orsola to a place where she'll be safe from both the Roman Catholics and Amakusa. At this moment, two battle nuns Luccia and Angelene arrive to fetch Saiji. Touma asks if he can see Orsola again but Luccia tells him to give up the thought. Touma shoves Luccia aside to go look for Orsola, but Luccia becomes angry and attacks Touma with her exploding wooden wheel which drives a few splinters into Touma's left arm. Angelene uses her flying magical bags to tie up Index, but Index hijacks the spell and uses the bags to drive the two nuns back. The nuns hear the retreat signal and run off, and Saiji tells Touma that this is the Roman Catholics do things behind the back.

So many flying splinters and Touma only gets hit by two? Maybe he's not so unlucky after all.

Hey look, the wounds on Touma's arm have magically disappeared.


Not a super exciting episode, but the action made a return and it was certainly better than the previous info + random fan service episode. Touma finally got to punch someone in the face, but it wasn't a knockout punch. However, it seems that tackling people is now an instant KO, especially when Touma does it. Tricking Saiji into standing there to summon a spell was a nice move by Touma though. As for the Amakusa warriors such as Saiji, they didn't show anything too special and mostly just waved their swords around with a bit of pseudo-teleporting and enhanced strength. Nothing Touma and the nuns couldn't handle, and the Amakusas went down rather easily. The weapons used by Luccia and Angelene were more interesting, but they don't appear to be that effective. The wounds on Touma's arm actually disappeared just before the end of the episode, but that's probably just an animation error.

So it turns out that the Roman Catholics are the real "villains" of the story and they want to kill Orsola so that no one can use the Book of the Law against them. Most of us probably saw this coming, so it's not much a surprise. Touma, Index, and whichever Amakusas are left will now have to rescue Orsola back from the battle nuns, and this could potentially end up as Touma beating up a lot of girls which would be... an interesting sight to see. I didn't see Touma punching anybody in next chapter's preview though, so it looks like things will be solved with something other than Touma's right fist.

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