Friday, September 17, 2010

Queen's Blade Utsukushiki Toushi-tachi OVA 02

In the second Utsukushiki Toushi-tachi OVA, Allean and Nowa have a run-in with Nyx and Funikura.

Some images not safe for work.

I guess Allean really is the thousand-year-old version if she's blushing because Nowa was leaning against her.

No more elven no pantsu.

The world of Queen's Blade is full of random sticky fluids.

After the Queen's Blade tournament, Allean originally wanted to go back to the forest as soon as possible, but Nowa wanted to visit new places and the two end up wandering around the land. Allean feels guilty about not returning to the forest, but she also feels happy to travel with Nowa. One day, Allean and Nowa find their way to the seaside where the two decide to spend the day and have fun on the beach, but Allean notices that there is a malevolent tentacle creature swimming in the waters. At night, after Allean has fallen asleep, Nowa secretly sneak out of the inn room to find a rare sea stone that Allean had told her about a long time ago. Diving into the water and braving the currents, Nowa finds the sea stone but is then knocked unconscious by something.

Queen's Blade Beach Volleyball... now there is an idea for a video game.

If you want to buy swords from Yummil, you better buy the high end stuff.

Back at the seaside inn, Allean heads out after discovering that Nowa is gone. While searching the beach, Allean finds two local girls being attacked by a tentacled monster. Allean drives off the creature but the creature escapes. Allean eventually finds Nowa's monkey Lu who points to the water. Allean dives in and is swept by the currents to a nearby island.

Obligatory tentacle rape.

Meanwhile, the unconscious Nowa has washed up on the island and is found by Nyx. Nyx treats Nowa to some soup and Nowa is thankful for Nyx's kindness. Nowa notices Funikura sleeping nearby and advices Nyx to get rid of the evil staff, but Nyx thinks she's useless without Funikura. While Nowa is giving Nyx a pep talk, Allean arrives and is pissed that Nowa sneaked out on her own and is socializing with Nyx. While the situation becomes tense between the three females, Funikura wakes up and gropes Nyx who turns into her sadistic mode and starts spraying fire everywhere. Nowa and Allean jump around to avoid being toasted, and in the process Nowa drops her sea stone which cracks when it hits the ground. Nowa retrieves the stone but is sent flying by one of Nyx's fire blasts. Allean gets serious and quickly defeats Nyx, shedding what's left of Nyx's clothes, but Funikura attacks from behind and attempts to take over Allean's body. As Allean is about to lose control, Nowa comes to the rescue and knocks Funikura off of Allean. Nowa then spin tosses Funikura far into the sea, and Nyx jumps in the water to follow after the staff (but then realizes she can't swim).

Now that's a moonsault.

Hey, Nowa stopped being useless.

The day after, Nowa and Allean say goodbye to the sea. Nowa tells Allean that she understands why Nyx is so attached to Funikura as it's hard to live in the world alone, but she adds that sometimes a person has to strike out on his/her own. Nowa states that she wants to travel the land by herself and hands Allean the sea stone she found. Supposedly by holding the stone, a person can see the love one he/she is thinking about. Allean tells Nowa that she'll remember her even without the stone, and the two share an emotional hug before going their separate ways. Some time later, Allean arrives back at the elven forest.

The hardest part of love is letting go.

The ED sequence has more focus on Allean, Nowa and Nyx as you'd expect.


Seems like the Utsukushiki Toushi-tachi OVAs are going to be focused on various character relationships in the series. Last episode it was Elina and Reina, and this time Nowa and Allean. Basically, Allean was falling in love with Nowa, but Nowa "grew up" and then dumped Allean. That sounds sad, but it's probably better that way for Allean, since she can go back to her day job without having to babysit Nowa. Nowa was still pretty careless and useless until the very end of the battle against Nyx and Funikura, so letting her go off on her own probably isn't the best idea. Then again, if Reina (who was even more useless than Nowa at the beginning), can wander around and become super strong, maybe a self journey is just what Nowa needs to power up her abilities. In that way, I guess going separate ways is the best for both teacher and student.

Compared to last episode, I thought this episode was better in the action department. Seeing Nyx spray fire around and having the two elves jump from rock to rock to dodge was more entertaining than seeing Reina create random explosions. Allean's finisher move was a letdown though (random streaks of light with no movement on Allean's part). Since this episode also featured Nyx and Funikura, there was plenty of tentacle action (on Nyx, Allean, and the two girls Allean and Nowa played beach volleyball with). Last episode had Elina and Echidna's snake, but people who are into the tentacle thing will probably like this episode more. On the downside, there wasn't much in the way of cute flashbacks (where Elina was too young to be considered an obsessive siscon) like the Elina episode.

Overall, this was another pretty decent episode by Queen's Blade standards. The next episode appears to focus on Airi, and Rana, Cattleya and Melpha will be there as well.

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