Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Amanchu! 19

Amanchu! returns from a two month break, and this time Hikari, Futaba and the gang are playing Red Light/Green Light under the hot summer sun.

Not sure how Red Light/Green Light turned into Kung-fu fighting.

It's almost time for summer vacations and the weather is getting hot. Hikari, Futaba, Ai and Makoto are in the shade taking a break when they are spotted by Katori-sensei. Katori-sensei thinks that her students are slacking off and not studying for their end of term exams, so she tells them to play Red Light/Green Light under the hot sun. In this version of the game, players who are caught moving are captured by "it", and other players can rescue the captured players by getting to "it". All the players can freely escape until "it" counts to 10, and the "it" can take 10 steps to capture any of the players by tagging them. Makoto plays "it" first and catches Hikari and Ai moving. With incredible calmness, Futaba rescues Hikari and Ai from Makoto. Makoto manages to tag Hikari and Ai in the ensuing process, making Futaba the sole survivor. The next round Hikari plays "it", but she fails to catch anyone before Ai gets to her and therefore Hikari loses. Ai then plays "it" and gets Makoto and Hikari on a tricky count, but Futaba rescues them and ends up being the sole survivor again as Ai just fails to reach her.

While the students are playing, Katori-sensei chats with another teacher under the shade. During the conversation, Katori goes on a speech that concludes that games and play is the best way to study. Katori then joins her students in the game where she catches Makoto, Ai, and Hikari. Futaba rescues her fellow students and Katori-sensei tags Ai and Hikari in the ensuing process. It seems that Makoto and Futaba have survived, but Katori-sensei cites a rule that "it" can tag players by throwing personal items at them, and thus Katori-sensei tosses her sandals into Futaba and Makoto. The students feel like they've been cheated, but Katori-sensei is too busy basking in her glory to care.


Futaba might be a newbie at diving, but she's pretty darn good at playing Red Light/Green Light (without manipulating the rules like Katori-sensei). I remember playing the game in elementary school, but the rules we had were different and there was definitely no shoe tossing. Back on topic, after the important event of Futaba getting her diving license last chapter, this chapter is once again a fairly typical slice-of-life setup that has nothing to do with diving. The chapter was a fun read, but I'm still hoping for more ocean adventures so Amano-sensei can show off her renowned skills in making vibrant backgrounds. We don't exactly read Amanchu! for fast plot development, but more diving (or the possible relationship between Hikari and Futaba) certainly helps things along.

If you didn't know already, Amano-sensei took two months off because she became pregnant. A big congratulations to Amano-sensei and I wish her the best. Because of the pregnancy though, Amanchu! will become a quarterly release at least for a next couple of chapters. So if you thought it was going a bit slowly before, it's going to get even slower now with one chapter every three months. If I counted correctly, the next post for this series will probably come in December.

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