Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Claymore 106

Miria attacks the Organization's headquarters.

From the last chapter, Clare/Luciela/Rafaela was engaged in a titanic struggle with Priscilla...
So what the heck is going on here?

In the holy city of Rabona, Miria suddenly cuts down Tabitha and warns Galatea not to get in her way before leaving in a Claymore uniform. Some time later, Tabitha wakes up and finds Galatea watching over her. Tabitha wonders why Miria attacked her, and Galatea explains that Miria had two options after the meeting with Dietrich. Option 1 is for Miria to go west and help her comrades. Option 2 is for Miria to go east to the Organization's headquarters. With Alicia and Beth away, the Organization has a weakened defense and it's a good opportunity to take them out. Galatea explains that Miria chose option 2, and she cut down Tabitha because she thinks Tabitha will get in the way. While Tabitha disagrees, Galatea states that Miria has made the resolve to destroy the Organization and that means killing its members, including humans. Galatea asks if Tabitha has the resolve to kill humans in order to overthrow the Organization, and Tabitha cannot answer.

Meanwhile at the Organization's HQ, Miria has made short work of the remaining Claymores including the current No. 3 and No. 5. Handlers Rubel and Rado (I think) are watching from the sidelines, with Rado being a bit shaken by how easily Miria took out the Claymores. Rubel is also impressed by Miria's power, but he is cool and composed and believes that Miria has arrived a little too late. After taking out the Claymores, Miria notices twin trainees standing in her way and quickly realizes these are no ordinary trainees. Just like Alicia and Beth, the twins can have one member go into a controlled Awakened state. The awakened twin attacks, forcing Miria to take to the air, but suddenly the other twin appears behind Miria and awakens. Miria realizes that these twins can switch between awakened and controller roles, and she manages to survive this switcheroo by using her famous speed. Rubel is yet again impressed by Miria's abilities, but he notes that these twins aren't even the Organization's new trump card.


Miria has finally appeared again, and she is off on her own adventure to destroy the Organization. That's sound all fun and good, but there is one problem: WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH CLARE!? Last time we saw Clare, she was absorbed by Luciela/Rafaela and facing Priscilla in a huge epic battle, and a chapter later we have Miria taking over the story on a completely different front? Talk about leaving us hanging, but then again Claymore is very good at doing this. Don't get me wrong: I want to see Miria (especially her kicking ass), but I wanted her to come to her buddies' rescue. Having her suddenly go off on her own while the others are in a grand battle is quite the abrupt change of topic. I guess we'll just have to take what Yagi-sensei decides to give us.

Other than the sudden jump away from the epic battle, this chapter was decent enough and has the potential to set up a lot more action down the line. Miria has her hands full with these new twins, and the Organization has something even more powerful to unleash when necessary. It only makes sense for Organization to have something newer and better in its stockpile if they are willing to send out Alicia and Beth. The Organization probably didn't expect that Alicia and Beth would be killed so easily, but they have a lot of resources and will remain a force to be reckoned with in the story for quite some time. Let's see if Miria will be able to survive her Rambo-esque venture into the enemy stronghold.

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