Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 45

Greed cuts ties with the homunculi (again), and various factions start making their moves in preparation to "that promised day".

Greed has gotten better, but still not good enough.

A somewhat crazed Greed attacks Wrath in the Fuhrer's house. Wrath fends Greed off, and Greed escapes through a window.

The Armstrong siblings sure play rough.

Back in Central, Olivier Milla returns to the Armstrong manor and tells her father to take a hike. Mr. Armstrong then lets her and her brother Alex Louis fight for the estate while the rest of the family leaves for vacation. Olivier Milla lives up to her fearsome reputation and beats up Alex to take control of the estate, although all this is really a plot to send her parents and little sis out of the country so they can't be taken hostage.

May arrives in the mining town of Youswell and is welcomed by the residents. May is about to leave the country with Envy, but Envy goads May into returning to Central in order to find the "real" secret to immortality and help save Amestris.

Looks like Ling still has the same appetite as before.

In an effort to reunite with Al, Ed and his two chimera buddies arrive at the rural house where Ed and company had fought Gluttony, but Al is nowhere to be found. Instead, Ed and the chimeras bump into Ling and they find out that Greed has cut ties with all the other homunculi after remembering the past events. Ling also says that Father will open the Gate when "the Day" comes and suggests that Ed may be retrieve his and Al's bodies when that happens. After a while though, Greed takes back the controls and was about to leave, but Ed sort of convinces Greed to stay with them, or rather states that he and the two chimeras will follow Greed.

That's sexual harassment right there.

Around the country starting at Dublith, Al's message about "the promised day" is passed among many of the good guys in the North, the East, and finally to Central and Roy Mustang.

There is probably some pot wrapped inside that paper.

In the ED sequence, the different groups including the homunculi are mobilizing in preparation for "the promised day".


Yes! FMA:B has finally reached the point where I can recycle my old manga summaries, which means I need less time to write these posts. It'll be all copy-pasta from now on.

This was another build-up episode leading towards what is slated to be the "final" showdown, and it was a pretty good build-up episode. The episode was a mix of different events, but the events all flowed well together. The fight between Wrath and Greed was brief but well-animated, and it's safe to say this probably won't be the last time Wrath and Greed face each other. Greed cutting ties with the homunculi is a pretty significant, since this translated into useful intel for Ed's group and a powerful ally to boot. Greed might not be a big fan of Ed, but he always had a liking for chimeras.

The sequence with Olivier taking over the Armstrong manor was hilarious. I loved how the other Armstrongs weren't a bit concerned about Olivier tossing Alex all over the place. There is a reason why so many people are scared of Olivier. To be honest though, Alex probably can beat Olivier if he used alchemy, but this was just a play-fight despite the amount of damage caused by the two siblings.

As many people had probably guessed, May doesn't make it out of the country and is convinced into going back to Central. We can't have her and Envy disappearing from the story when the big showdown is right around the corner.

Lastly, there was the complex message passing between the good guys. The good guys look like they are organized and ready for action, but the homunculi are probably still ahead since they have everything set already and are just waiting. FMA:B is steadily building up to "that promised day", and it shouldn't be too long until we get to the action.

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