Sunday, February 28, 2010


Canada wins!!!! Canada caps off the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games with a dramatic 3-2 overtime win over USA in men's hockey. The hockey gold isn't the "only gold that matters" as some put it, but it is probably the most important to Canadians. Sidney Crosby, who didn't do much in the last two games or for most of this game for that matter, scores the OT winner, giving Canada its record-breaking 14th gold medal. As a Canadian, of course I'm happy with the result. Have to give props to the American team though, coming back from 2-0 down to tie the game with 20-something second left to go in the third period. That was a great hockey game.

Overall, Canada has done pretty well in these Olympics games. Canada didn't quite "own the podium" as the Americans and Germans have more medals, but with 14 gold medals, Canada is on top of the gold medal standings and has broken the record for golds by a single country in Winter Olympics. Great job, Canada! Despite the shaky start to the games with the protests and the unfortunate death of the Georgian luger, and also the persistent weather problems (who would have thought that Canada wasn't cold enough...), it's been a good Olympics games. Time to watch the closing ceremonies.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 46

Everyone continues to make preparations for the promised day.

Unfortunately for Ed, he didn't actually get to see anything.

Already bickering so much... I wonder what'll happen if these two ever get married.

With the help of Miles, Winry manages to sneak back to her house in Resembool. To her surprise, she finds Ed, Greed/Ling, and their chimera buddies inside her room. After sorting everything out along with Grandma, Ed and his entourage leave to meet up with Hohenheim to deal with the "promised day". Back in Lior, Jerso, Zampano and Yoki join up with Scar and Marcoh once again, and the group then joins other Ishvalans in the fight against Father.

Hey, how come they are getting food when we aren't getting any?

Not a good time fall asleep.

In the east, General Gruman is meeting up with Major Miles during an army exercise. Gruman and Miles want to make a move for Central, but unfortunately King Bradley is on location watching over the exercise. In the nearby train yard, Al is hiding in a train car where he feels like his soul is being ripped away from his metal body once again. To make things worse, a reborn Gluttony shows up and chases Al out into the train yard, which allows a nearby Pride to use his shadowy tendrils to capture Al.

Looks like Mustang got the last laugh this time.

Back in Central, Mustang visits Olivier in the Armstrong mansion. While the two engage in some small talk, Roy comments that the mansion is big enough to hide a small army. He also hands Olivier some flowers which contains a note saying that Selim Bradley is a homunculus. Roy then makes fun of Olivier, who reacts by throwing the flowers along with note into a fire pit.

This guy is a fox.

At the military exercise out in the east, both King Bradley and General Grunman are wondering what each other is up to. Grunman and Major Miles is informed by one of their underlings that Alphonse has gone missing. In Bradley's camp, Major General Haruko informs the Fuhrer that Mustang use this exercise and planned terrorist attacks as diversions to take over Central. After thinking things over, King Bradley decides to get on a train to go back to Central. However, the train never makes it back to the capital as it gets blown up along with a the bridge it was on by some people loyal to Mustang.

With both the Fuhrer and Selim out of Central, Riza, Breda, and Fuery start their part of the plan. In the Central HQ, Olivier and other high-ranking military officials who are in on the Fuhrer's secret are discussing what to do now that the Fuhrer is missing. Olivier thinks that this is a chance for her to seize control, but unfortunately Father and Sloth show up in the meeting room.

I'm. still. here.


First of all, Japan is(was?) on tsunami alert after the big earthquake in Chile, so that's why there is the map of Japan on every screen shot.

Back on topic, FMA:B continues to build up towards a big showdown on the promised day. The bad guys and the various groups of the good guys are making their moves. Scar has gotten his Ishvalan brethrens together; Olivier is setting up her mansion for something; Mustang's subordinates have gotten together and more. The most impressive though was General Gruman who showed a bit of deviousness in tricking King Bradley into getting on the train and then blowing up the train. The expression Gruman had was hilarious. The guy is an old wily fox, there's no mistake about that.

Compared to the other groups, Ed didn't do much in terms of planning in this episode, but he already got Greed/Ling on board. For Ed, this episode was mostly for him to see Winry one last time before the promised day. It's apparent from the art that Ed now looks more manly ever since his near death experience. Over the last 40-odd episodes, Ed and Al has grown both mentally and physically, and it's good that the art takes note of this. The scene in Resembool is also probably the point where Winry bows out of the adventure. She tagged along during the Brigg's arc and didn't too badly (at least she didn't drag the others down), but the promised day is the biggest and most important event to date and people who can't fight are not that useful (despite Winry's offensive skills with her wrench).

Despite the good guys getting their acts together and Gruman blowing up Bradley's train, Father and the homunculi aren't sitting around either. Father has taken the leadership role in Central, and even worse Al has been captured by Gluttony and Pride. The next episode is where the action will truly start, and it's going to be an awesome episode. By the way, I loved the Arabian music they used during the preview. Reminded me of the Prince of Persia video games.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 21

More "poltergeist" activities occur near Haruue.

Kuroko caught Mikoto browsing at yuri manga.

After the "poltergeist" activity at the fireworks festival, Kazari and Ruiko accompany Haruue to hospital while Kuroko and Mikoto sneak back into their dorm room. Back in the dorm room, Mikoto starts looking up information about Kiyama and the Level Upper incident since that incident also involved interference with people's AIM diffusion fields. Kuroko assures Mikoto that Kiyama is still in jail, but Kuroko starts suspecting Haruue due to her strange behavior before the incident. Mikoto also remembers that Saten mentioned that there was a lot of "poltergeist" activity in the district that Haruue came from, and Kuroko decides that the matter warrants further investigation.

Other than causing strange events, Haruue seem to spend the rest of her time sleeping and eating.

Meanwhile, Haruue has been brought back to her dorm room by Kazari and Ruiko. After Ruiko leaves, Haruue wakes up and apologizes for causing any inconvenience, but Kazari promises she will take good care of Haruue and the two start eating watermelons together. The next day, Kazari takes Haruue out on a date at the nature park while Ruiko and Mikoto visits the Judgment office. While Konori is dictating her lunch menu to Ruiko, Mikoto hacks into the city database and pulls up Haruue's file. Haruue is a level 2 telepath which means she shouldn't have the ability to mess with other people's AIM diffusion fields, but there is a worrying comment on her file about her abilities becoming more powerful in certain conditions.

Yes, I'm getting my exercise. I swear.

At the nature park, Haruue tells Kazari that she is looking for a lost friend. After Kazari promises to help, Haruue suddenly starts acting strangely again and the nearby area is hit by "poltergeist" activity. The incident prompts Telestina and her MAR team to appear again, and both Haruue and Kazari are taken to the hospital. Mikoto, Kuroko, and Ruiko meet up with Kazari at the hospital lobby. Kuroko reveals her suspicions about Haruue but Kazari is not happy about it. At this moment, Telestina appears and states that it's impossible for a level 2 to cause this much damage, but she decides to take Haruue to her institute for an examination just to be safe.

This is Academy City. A flying boat shouldn't be a strange sight.

By extension, Mikoto approves of the pink paint job on Telestina's mech.

At Telestina's institute, Mikoto and friends are chatting with Telestina while Haruue is undergoing testing. Kazari asks Telestina about the results, but Telestina deflects the question by offering Kazari some candy. Later, Telestina receives the results and tells Kazari and friends that Haruue isn't the cause of the "poltergeist" event, but this leads Mikoto to wonder about who is perpetrator. The four friends and Telestina then visit Haruue in one of the institute's rooms. Kazari hands Haruue her pedant and wonders what's in the pedant. Haruue opens up the pedant which reveals the picture of young girl named Bani, and Mikoto recognizes Bani as one of Kiyama's research subjects. Haruue then reveals that she is actually a Child Error.

Best friends forever.


Not bad of an episode. The story of this arc continues build, albeit at a fairly leisurely pace. So Haruue is a Child Error, and she has a telepathic link to Bani, one of Kiyama's research subjects. This sort of explains why Kiyama is in the story, but what this has to do with the "poltergeist" activities and the rest of the arc about a potential Level 6 still remains to be seen. The arc presumably has to last to the end of the series, so Railgun is going to take its sweet time when it comes to giving answers.

Other than the revelation about Haruue, this episode also saw the reintroduction of friction between Kazari and Kuroko. Kuroko has the right to be cautious, but her business-like manner conflicts with Kazari's attitude of welcoming everyone with open arms. Neither of them is "wrong" in the way they are acting, and it's just that sometimes Kazari and Kuroko have their differences. I think Kuroko probably has the better instincts though.

Last week many people were commenting on the horrible pink paint job on Telestina's mech, but this week we finally understand why Telestina's mech has such a paint job lol. At least Mikoto approves of Telestina's tastes.

Finally, we found out that Mitsuko is doing okay after being attacked by her dolls. As usual though, once she's confirmed to be okay she is then ignored. Poor girl.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Possible Blog Mascot - Take Two

Blue 07

It took two months, but I finally completed another piece of artwork. In continuation of my attempt to create a team of mecha power ranger girls as mascots for this blog, here is the blue ranger (post about red ranger here). According to Wikipedia, blue is the only color other than red to appear in all Super-Sentai/Power Ranger series, so it makes sense to draw the blue after the red. Blue 07's human name is Audrey, and she is the outdoorsy, active, and talkative type. She likes to tease, especially the red ranger. Primary weapons are two boomerang blades, one large, one small.

This drawing took very long (as with most of my other pieces because I am terribly slow at both lining and coloring), but I'm pleased with how it turned out. Slight improvement over the red one, or maybe I just like the color blue more than red. Blue's left forearm seems a little too long though... wait, I didn't mention that. I can probably fix it, but I'm feeling too lazy right now.

The next one I draw will probably be either green or yellow, because we all know pink is always last ;).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Naruto 484

Kakashi battles Sasuke.

This is like the worst player on a sports team getting the ball and tries to make the late game-winning play by himself/herself. Usually doesn't turn out well.

Sakura has taken Karin away and started healing and Karin can see that Sakura is crying. Meanwhile, Sasuke is angry with Kakashi showing off his Sharingan and the fight starts. The two combatants end up under the bridge where Sasuke has his Susanoo fire an arrow at Kakashi, but Kakashi warps the arrow away with his Mangekyou Sharingan. Kakashi pleads with Sasuke to be reasonable, but Sasuke refuses to abandon his hate. Sasuke calls his powers and transforms his Susanoo, but suddenly the Susanoo fizzles out and Sasuke is losing his vision. Sakura sees this opportunity and sneaks up on Sasuke in an attempt to stab him, but she can't go through with it. Sasuke notices Sakura and grabs her, takes her kunai and is about to stab Sakura, but Naruto comes out of nowhere to pull Sakura out of Sasuke's grasp.


If it wasn't apparent from the previous 20 chapters, it should be now: Sakura officially sucks. She just can't get anything right these days. Then again, Naruto has never been very kind to its female characters (Karin - betrayed and stabbed; Tsunade - half dead; Hinata - ignored). Sad to say this, but it's probably better for Sakura to stay on the sidelines and let the guys handle the situation.

So Naruto finally arrives on the scene just in time to save Sakura from being stabbed by Sasuke. It'll be interesting to see what Naruto's reaction will be after seeing what Sasuke was doing. There will likely be a bit of arguing and pleading from Naruto, but this probably won't be the conclusive Sasuke vs. Naruto fight. Sasuke is really out of gas, so I still stand by the prediction that he is going to escape (probably via Madara). The transformation in Sasuke's Susanoo was interesting though; it made the Susanoo look more like Itachi's version, but of course darker. We probably won't see what that'll mean for a while though.

Bleach 393

Old man Yama enters the fray.

I'm Extinguir, the Extinguisher of fires!

Aizen cuts down Hitsugaya and the other shinigamis/Vizards but does not kill them. Instead, Aizen wants his fallen enemies to watch the outcome of the battle. Now that Aizen is done with Hitsugaya's group, Yamamoto appears in a blaze of fire to confront Aizen. Aizen taunts Yamamoto for a bit and then quickly stabs Yamamoto in the stomach, but Yamamoto grabs Aizen's arm and verifies that he has grabbed the real Aizen by the reiatsu from the sword in his stomach. Holding onto Aizen, Yamamoto activates Ennetsu Jigoku which sees giant columns of fire sprouting up and surrounding himself and Aizen. Yamamoto plans to use this attack to take Aizen out and doesn't care if himself or any of the other shinigamis or Vizards are caught. Yamammoto is about to strike, but Wonderweiss (in his true form) suddenly appears behind the squad 1 captain. Yamamoto swings at Wonderweiss with his zanpukto, but Wonderweiss somehow wards off the flames and Yamamoto is forces to dodge. With Yamamoto wondering what's going on, Aizen explains that Wonderweiss was especially made to counter Yamamoto's powerful flames.


So the old man finally enters the battle and actually came up with a plan. Yamamoto has never shown much in the form of cunningness, so I'm slightly impressed that he actually thought of something for once. I always thought that Yama just torched anything that he didn't like, although he still doesn't give much of a damn about the opinions or well-being of his subordinates by going with a big-bang kamikaze attack. This also explained why he was conspicuously missing when his subordinates were being owned by Aizen.

Of course, Aizen still one-ups Yama with the perfect counter of Wonderweiss. Looks like Aizen had plans for at least one of his arrancars despite unceremoniously dumping the rest of them. I guess Wonderweiss must have disposed of Kensei and Mashiro while the other battles were going on. With Wonderweiss being specially created to fight Yamamoto's fire, I wonder if Wonderweiss is weak against other attacks. However, since Yama has surrounded himself with columns of flames, it might be hard for the others to come to the rescue. Ichigo is probably going to sit and watch for a few more chapters.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mid-season Anime Thoughts Winter 2010

Here comes my usual mid-season anime short impressions post. I'm only following four shows this season, three of them being carry-overs (FMA:B, Railgun, and Tatakau Shisho), and one new show (Vampire Bund). Let's get down to business, shall we?

(And yes, this post has spoilers, as with almost every other post in this blog)

Dance in the Vampire Bund

Needs a little more of this.

The only new show I picked up in this season, Vampire Bund has thus far proved to be decent. Outside of the bizarre first episode, the show is progressing in a somewhat typical manner. There is nothing really good about the show, but there is nothing really bad either. Animation is decent, story is tolerable, characters are alright, and the action is good but a bit scarce for my tastes. After watching the trailer three or four months ago, I was under the impression that Vampire Bund is going to turn into a blood-fest. That hasn't happened yet. I'm still waiting for the scene in the trailer where Mina lopes off the head of some unfortunate commando.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Watch FMA if you don't want this kid to get hurt.

Just like a season ago, FMA:B continues to roll along. Over the last 13 weeks, the story moved through the Briggs arc of the manga. There were a bunch of big revelations (Selim is Pride, Sloth's debut, reverse transmutation circle and more), and there were some good action as well. Production quality is as good as always, and the story is becoming more compelling as we move towards the next arc. The only thing of slight concern is the endings of the manga and this series. The manga is near the end but could still have a few months left, and FMA:B is going through the material pretty quickly. The endings are probably coordinated though, which would give the manga maybe three or four more months which sounds reasonable.

is only going to get better from this point on, so I'm definitely looking forward to the upcoming episodes.

Tatakau Shisho - The Book of Bantorra

R.I.P. Noloty.

In my last mid-season post, I commented that Tatakau Shisho was intriguing but somewhat of a mystery. Over the last 13 weeks though this show has become surprisingly good. All of the seemingly unconnected story-arcs from before have been tied-in together to form something grand and exciting. I'm really impressed with the way this show build up its story.

While the story has really upgraded in terms of its scale, one thing about Tatakau Shisho still remains the same as episode one, and that is it has no reservations about killing any of the characters. Volken got killed off, the old lady got killed off, even Noloty the hot mocha-colored babe got killed off (those bastards). On the other hand, the queen bitch Harmutz is still alive, and I have a feeling that she's going to live at least until the last episode. After all, Harmutz is (sort of) the protagonist.

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

Kuroko is not pleased about the string of fillers.

The To Aru Majutsu no Index spin-off that I had such high expectations of. I have since learned to lower my expectations. J.C. Staff really should have made this show one cour (13 episodes), but instead they chose to make the show two cour (~24 episodes?). This translated into quite a few filler (or near filler) episodes over the last 13 episodes. The end of the Level Upper arc was decent; the swimsuit episode was... well, the swimsuit episode; episode 14 wasn't bad since it was an epilogue for the Level Upper arc, but things started going downhill after that. The two Big Spider episodes were not that great, but still better than the next two side-character fillers that came after. Those two filler episodes were boring and uninspired, and they were the lowest point of the show so far. Things appear to be on the rebound though as the show moves into the major story-arc of the second half. I'm not expecting too much at this point especially since it's an anime-original arc, but I'll be happy if the arc has a few scenes of Mikoto and friends kicking ass and blowing up stuff like in the second OP. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn OVA 01

Gundam is back in anime form once again, and this time it's in the Universal Century. Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn is a 6 part OVA based on a series of light novels of the same name, and the story is about... you guessed it: teenagers piloting powerful mobile suits.

Wow! The guy in the middle somehow survived that explosion!?

In U.C. 0001, the president of the Earth Federation is making a speech from a space colony, but the colony is destroyed by a terrorist attack in an event known as the Laplace Incident. Over the years, one of the surviving terrorists became known as Syam Vist and somehow took over the reins of the influential Vist Foundation. In U.C. 0096, the title of the family head has passed to Cardeas Vist, Syam's grandson, but Syam is still alive and Cardeas is working to carry out Syam's will regarding Laplace's Box, a mysterious object that has the power to change the world.

The Jegan pilot got some skills, but unfortunately his suit can't stand up to the Kshatriya's jets.

The Garrancieres, a ship belonging to the Neo Zeon remnants known as "the Sleeves", is traveling tn the colony of Industrial 7 to meet with Cardeas about "the box". En route, the ship is attacked by three London Bell mobile suits, but the pursuing mobile suits are destroyed by Neo Zeon pilot Marida Cruz and her Kshatriya mobile suit. At the colony, technical school student Banagher Link spots a white mobile suit flying far off in space. The white mobile suit is the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam, a prototype mobile suit developed by Cardea's organization, and Cardeas and a pilot was taking it out for one last test run. Upon returning to base, Cardeas learns of London Bell attack on the Neo Zeon ship, and in response Cardeas announces that the testing on the RX-0 is complete and tells his staff to starting deleting data.

I guess in the distant future, big hair will make a comeback even for teenage girls.

The Neo Zeon ship finally arrives at Industrial 7, and a girl sneaks off the ship and tries to find her own way into the colony. Unfortunately for the girl, she picks the wrong way and is ejected into the middle of the colony, in danger of falling to her death. Not far away, Banagher somehow knows that the girl is in trouble and runs to her rescue with a petite mobile suit. After crash landing inside the colony, the girl tells Banagher that her name is Audrey Burne and that she has urgent business inside the colony builder ship. Banagher guides Audrey towards the colony builder, but in the middle of their journey they run into Marida Cruz and two subordinates who have been sent to retrieve Audrey. Using his Haro as a distraction, Banagher manages to throw off Marida's group, and he successfully leads Audrey to Vist family estate located inside the colony builder.

Upon arriving inside the Vist mansion, Banagher has a feeling that he has been there before. The two of them are met by Cardeas, and Audrey immediately gets down to business by questioning Cardea's decision to hand her group "the box". Cardeas asks Banagher to leave. Banagher feels that Audrey needs his help, but Audrey denies it and Banagher is dragged out by security.

It's cool how these mobile suits have air bags. How come we don't see them in mobile suits from other universes (ex. SEED, 00)?

Later in the day, Cardeas meets with Suberoas Zinnerman, the captain of the Garrancieres, about the handover of "the box". Cardeas goes on a long speech about how he is only handing over "the key" to "the box", and Suberoas doesn't really understand and is more concerned about retrieving Audrey. Unbeknownst to them, the whole colony is surrounded by a London Bell task force. The London Bell mobile suit force their way into the colony and engages Marida in her Kshatriya. The battle rages on and causes a lot of damage inside the colony. Banagher and his fellow classmates are caught in the wrong place in the wrong time, and several of Banagher's classmates are killed. For some reason, Banagher is more concerned about Audrey than himself and his two remaining friends Takuya and Micott, and he runs off to find Audrey. Meanwhile, the Vist foundation building is stormed by London Bell commandos. Suberoas' group manage to escape and pass by Banagher who is going in the other direction. On the other hand, Cardeas is cornered by two commandos led by the traitor Alberto. Cardeas manages to kill the two commandos, but he is shot by Alberto who quickly leaves the scene.

At least one London Bell pilot gives a damn about civilians.

While the battle is raging outside, Audrey is trying back to her ship by herself, and on the way she runs into Takuya and Micott. The three of them are then rescued by a London Bell ReZel unit. Elsewhere in the colony, Banagher follows some corridors into a burning hangar where the wounded Cardeas is preparing the Unicorn for launch. With his dying breath, Cardeas entrusts the Unicorn to Banagher and Banagher finally remembers that Cardeas is his father. Banagher launches in the Unicorn and literally runs into the Kshatriya. Banagher and the Unicorn pushes the Kshatriya out into space, and once outside the NT-D in the Unicorn activates and the Unicorn transforms into its Destroy Mode.

That's quite a bit of pushing power packed into those relatively small thrusters.

Wouldn't really be a Gundam series without a Gundam.


A good first episode. The animation was impressive to say the least and was definitely one of the highlights. This is probably the best-looking Gundam series I've watched, and it probably should be given that this is the newest Gundam OVA. One thing I noticed about the mobile suit battles is that they are a little slower (in terms of mobile suit movement speed) than the battles I've seen in other Gundam series, and I can see that there is a lot of attention being paid to details on the mobile suits movements. It's a little different than what I'm used to seeing from Gundam TV series, but it was pretty darn good. I also liked the incorporation of CG, especially during the Unicorn's transformation into Destroy Mode. The art style of the characters were pretty cool too in a retro kind of way. I guess the retro hair styles and rounder faces are how you identify the people as being UC inhabitants.

As for the story, it was decent, but not as good as the animation. The story thus far definitely has some similarities with the original Mobile Suit Gundam, mainly the part about a teenage boy coming into possession a super-powerful, prototype Gundam. The whole thing about "Laplace's Box" is a bit lost on me though, but I suppose it will become clearer in future episodes. I probably should have done some homework and watched some of the other Universal Century series (I remember watching the original Gundam, Zeta, and ZZ, but all were more than a decade ago), but I did read up a bit through Wikipedia and other internet sources. I'm guessing that Cardeas wants to hand "the key" to "the box" to the Neo Zeon so that neither the Neo Zeon or Earth Federation has the power to open "the box" by themselves. This seems like a good idea from some perspectives, but on the hand if both sides might go to war in order to obtain the other piece of the puzzle. At this point, it's not even clear what "the box" and "the key" are, so the story still has a lot explaining to go.

Moving on to the characters, Banagher is an alright protagonist thus far. I don't really like him or dislike him. Banagher is tolerable (ex not annoying), but his behavior is a little strange at times, probably due to his "premonitions" (NewType powers?) about the events in the episode. Not much to say about the others at this point.

Overall, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn is looking good so far. I'm expecting that Sunrise would keep the animation quality near the top and hopefully the story will unfold nicely. Looking forward to the next episode, whenever that may be.

Tenjou Tenge 131

A typical Tenjou Tenge chapter with flashbacks and random stuff.

You sure they didn't spell it "Airon Fist" on purpose?

My pathetic attempt at a summary:
Back in the times of feudal Japan, Ichiyo Nagi and his companion Crab Girl beat down some freakish bandits. Ichiyo is trying absorb all the other supernatural powers with his Dragon Fist, but the more powers he absorbs the closer he is to losing control and becoming Susanoo. Jumping to the presents, Souichirou is continuing his ancestor's work and absorbs the power of some street thug.

Meanwhile, Masataka, representing the Juuken Club, is fighting with a bunch of Tekken cosplayers (no, I'm not kidding) as warm-up for the upcoming tournament. Back at the Juuken clubhouse, Maya (in child form) and Aya are hanging out together. Maya states that Souichirou will probably return after absorbing many supernatural powers and would have trouble controlling himself, and therefore she plans to use her Amateratsu Dragon Gate to alleviate his pain. Maya adds that she has received help from many people over the years, and it's time that she helped someone else. Aya comments that Maya had grown up and also surprisingly states that she wants to quit the club. In response, Maya starts biting on Aya's head.

At this time, Bob returns to the clubhouse after completing a 20km run. Maya and Aya tell Bob to take a break, but Bob states that he cannot rest or he'll be left behind by Souichirou. Bob adds that since Souichirou is his old buddy, he can't just let Maya and the other club members do all the work.


Looks like Tenjou Tenge has completely moved beyond the fight on top of the Takanyagi buildings. Maybe Sohaku really died when everyone stabbed imaginary Reiki through him within Souchirou's mindscape. It doesn't look like we'll get any more answers about what really happened at the end of that battle, so there is no point dwelling on it.

The story seems to be focused on the upcoming school tournament to determine which club runs the school. Souichirou is slated to return, and chances are it's going to be Souichirou vs. Masataka in the final fight. I'm not sure what will happen with everyone else, especially Aya who said she was quitting Juuken Club. It's way too late to hope for a coherent story at this point, but hopefully we'll at least get a few decent fights. Also, I'm hoping the story won't drag on for too long now, since one of the main reasons why I'm still reading this manga is because I'm under the impression that the story is almost over.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 45

Greed cuts ties with the homunculi (again), and various factions start making their moves in preparation to "that promised day".

Greed has gotten better, but still not good enough.

A somewhat crazed Greed attacks Wrath in the Fuhrer's house. Wrath fends Greed off, and Greed escapes through a window.

The Armstrong siblings sure play rough.

Back in Central, Olivier Milla returns to the Armstrong manor and tells her father to take a hike. Mr. Armstrong then lets her and her brother Alex Louis fight for the estate while the rest of the family leaves for vacation. Olivier Milla lives up to her fearsome reputation and beats up Alex to take control of the estate, although all this is really a plot to send her parents and little sis out of the country so they can't be taken hostage.

May arrives in the mining town of Youswell and is welcomed by the residents. May is about to leave the country with Envy, but Envy goads May into returning to Central in order to find the "real" secret to immortality and help save Amestris.

Looks like Ling still has the same appetite as before.

In an effort to reunite with Al, Ed and his two chimera buddies arrive at the rural house where Ed and company had fought Gluttony, but Al is nowhere to be found. Instead, Ed and the chimeras bump into Ling and they find out that Greed has cut ties with all the other homunculi after remembering the past events. Ling also says that Father will open the Gate when "the Day" comes and suggests that Ed may be retrieve his and Al's bodies when that happens. After a while though, Greed takes back the controls and was about to leave, but Ed sort of convinces Greed to stay with them, or rather states that he and the two chimeras will follow Greed.

That's sexual harassment right there.

Around the country starting at Dublith, Al's message about "the promised day" is passed among many of the good guys in the North, the East, and finally to Central and Roy Mustang.

There is probably some pot wrapped inside that paper.

In the ED sequence, the different groups including the homunculi are mobilizing in preparation for "the promised day".


Yes! FMA:B has finally reached the point where I can recycle my old manga summaries, which means I need less time to write these posts. It'll be all copy-pasta from now on.

This was another build-up episode leading towards what is slated to be the "final" showdown, and it was a pretty good build-up episode. The episode was a mix of different events, but the events all flowed well together. The fight between Wrath and Greed was brief but well-animated, and it's safe to say this probably won't be the last time Wrath and Greed face each other. Greed cutting ties with the homunculi is a pretty significant, since this translated into useful intel for Ed's group and a powerful ally to boot. Greed might not be a big fan of Ed, but he always had a liking for chimeras.

The sequence with Olivier taking over the Armstrong manor was hilarious. I loved how the other Armstrongs weren't a bit concerned about Olivier tossing Alex all over the place. There is a reason why so many people are scared of Olivier. To be honest though, Alex probably can beat Olivier if he used alchemy, but this was just a play-fight despite the amount of damage caused by the two siblings.

As many people had probably guessed, May doesn't make it out of the country and is convinced into going back to Central. We can't have her and Envy disappearing from the story when the big showdown is right around the corner.

Lastly, there was the complex message passing between the good guys. The good guys look like they are organized and ready for action, but the homunculi are probably still ahead since they have everything set already and are just waiting. FMA:B is steadily building up to "that promised day", and it shouldn't be too long until we get to the action.

Maaya Sakamoto Discography

Sakamoto Maaya (坂本真綾) is a well-known seiyuu and Japanese pop singer-songwriter under flying DOG, a sub-label of Victor Entertainment. She made both her musical and voice actress debuts in 1996 with the anime Tenkuu no Escaflowne. She is noted for her collaborations with Kanno Yoko.

Born March 31, 1980 (age 29)
Origin Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan
Genres J-pop
Occupations Singer, lyricist, actress, seiyū
Instruments Vocals, guitar
Years active 1996 - present

1st Album:

Track Listing:
01 Feel Myself
02 I and I
03 Grapefruit
04 Migi hoppe no nikibi
05 Poketto wo Kara ni shite
06 Orenji iro to Yubikiri
07 Aoi hitomi
08 Yakusoku wa Iranai
09 My Best Friend
10 Kaze ga fuku hi (maaya version)
11 Sono mama de ii n'da


2nd Album:

Track Listing:
01 I.D.
02 Hashiru
03 Baby Face
04 Getsuyo no Asa
05 Pilot
06 Heavenly Blue
07 Peace
08 Yukka
09 Neko to Inu
10 Kodoku
11 Dive


1st Complation Album:

Track Listing:
01 Yakusoku wa Iranai
02 Tomodachi
03 Bokura no Rekishi
04 Gift
05 Kimi ni Ai ni Ikou
06 Hikari no Naka e
07 Light of Love
08 Kiseki no Umi
09 Active Heart
10 Pilot
11 Platinum
12 24
13 Koibito ni Tsuite
14 Poketto o Kara ni Shite
15 Call Your Name


3rd Album:

Track Listing:
01 Lucy
02 Mameshiba
03 Sutorobo no Sora
04 Alkaloid
05 Koucha
06 Kinobori to Akai Skirt
07 Life is Good
08 Honey Bunny
09 T-Shirt
10 Kuuki to Hoshi
11 Rule ~Iro Asenai Hibi
12 Watashi wa Okano Uekara Kabin wo Nageru


2nd Complation Album:

Track Listing:
01 Yoake no Octave
02 Hemisphere
03 Danielle
04 Bike
05 Shippo no Uta
06 Yubiwa
07 Ongaku
08 Midori no Hane
09 Shima Shima
10 Kimidori
11 Tune the Rainbow
12 Toto
13 Here
14 Vector
15 The Garden of Everything
16 gravity


4th Album:
[Shounen Alice]

Track Listing:
01 Uchuuhikoushi no Uta
02 Sora o Miro
03 Scrap ~Wakare no Uta
04 Makiba Alice~
05 Mahiru ga Yui
06 Kingfisher Girl (The Song of Wish You Were Here)
07 Hero
08 Yoru
09 Call to Me
10 Hikari Are
11 Chibikko Folk
12 Par Amsterdam (the whole story)
13 03
14 Okitegami

Part 1:
Part 2:

5th Album:
[Yuunagi Loop]

Track Listing:
01 Hello
02 Haniikamu
03 Loop
04 Wakaba
05 Papurika
06 My Favorite Books
07 Tsuki to Hashirinagara
08 No Fear/Ai Suru Koto
09 Yunizon
10 Fuyu Desu Ka?
11 Yuunagi Loop
12 a happy ending

Part 1:
Part 2:

9th Album:
VTZL-8 (w/DVD)

Track Listing:
01 Vento
02 Triangler
03 Kazemachi Jet ~Kazeyomi edition~
04 Remedy
05 Ame ga Furu
06 Get No Satisfaction!
07 Ao no Ether
08 Shitsuren Cafe
09 Sonic Boom
10 Peanuts
11 Saigo no Kajitsu
12 Colors
13 Kazamidori
14 Guitar Hiki ni Naritai na

Part 1:
Part 2:

1st Mini-Album:
[Easy Listening]

Track Listing:
01 Inori
02 Blind Summer Fish
03 Doreddo 39
04 Afternoon Repose
05 Bitter Sweet
06 Another Grey Day in the Big Blue World
07 Birds


2nd Mini-Album:
[30Minutes Night Flight]
VIZL-222 (w/dvd)

Track Listing:
01 30minutes night flight
02 Dreaming
03 Kioku-there's no end
04 Bokutachi ga Koi wo Suru Riyu
05 Setsuna
06 Universe


1st Single:
[Yakusoku wa Iranai]

Track Listing:
01 Yakusoku wa Iranai
02 Tomodachi
03 Yakusoku wa Iranai (instrumental)
04 Hitomi no taroto uranai


2nd Single:
[Bokura no Rekishi]

Track Listing:
01 Bokura no Rekishi
02 Jiken no Yokan - Densetsu
03 Fushigi na Dekigoto ~ Sousa Kaishi
04 Bokura no Rekishi (instrumental)


3rd Single:

Track Listing:
01 Gift
02 Kimi ni ai ni ikou
03 Gift (instrumental)
04 Kimi ni ai ni ikou (instrumental)


4th Single:
[Kiseki no Umi]

Track Listing:
01 Kiseki no Umi
02 Active heart
03 Kiseki no umi (instrumental)
04 Active heart (instrumental)


5th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Hashiru
02 Pilot
03 Hashiru (instrumental)
04 Pilot (instrumental)


6th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Platinum
02 24
03 Platinum (instrumental)
04 24 (instrumental)


7th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Yubiwa
02 Vector
03 Yubiwa (instrumental)
04 Vector (instrumental)


8th Single:
[Shippou no Uta]

Track Listing:
01 Shippou no Uta
02 Midori no Hane
03 Yoake no Octave


9th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Mameshiba
02 Kuuki to hoshi
03 Mameshiba (instrumental)


10th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Hemisphere
02 Ongaku
03 Hemisphere (instrumental)


11th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Gravity
02 Shima shima
03 Park Amsterdam


12th Single:
[Tune the Rainbow]

Track Listing:
01 Tune the Rainbow
02 The Garden of Everything (with Steve Conte)
03 Chiisana Hemisphere


13th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Loop
02 High Touch
03 Loop (instrumental)
04 High Touch (instrumental)


14th Single:
[Kazemachi Jet]

Track Listing:
01 Kazemachi Jet
02 Spica
03 Kazemachi Jet (without Maaya)
04 Spica (without Maaya)

MU // download

15th Single:
[Saigo no Kajitsu]

Track Listing:
01 Saigo no Kajitsu
02 Mitsubachi to Kagakusha
03 Saigo no Kajitsu (video short version)
04 Saigo no Kajitsu (without Maaya)
05 Mitsubachi to Kagakusha (without Maaya)


16th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Triangler
02 Kotomichi
03 Triangler (without Maaya)
04 Kotomichi (without Maaya)


1st Other Single:
[Yoake no Kaze Kikinagara]

Track Listing:
01 Yoake no Kaze Kikinagara (Maaya)
02 Koko ni irukara
03 Yoake no Kaze Kikinagara (instrumental)
04 Koko ni irukara (instrumental)


2nd Other Single:
[Kouya no Medalot]
not available

Track Listing:
01 Kouya no Medalot
02 Yume iro Lollipop (Maaya)
03 Kouya no Medalot (instrumental)
04 Yume iro Lollipop (instrumental)


Kanno Yoko feat. Sakamoto Maaya:
[23ji no Ongaku]

Track Listing:
01 Two Things
02 Here
03 Daniel
04 Pepper Stretch
05 Kissing the Christmas Killer
06 Trust Me
07 Noel
08 Fad
09 Talkan
10 Pengui Shurinin
11 Mujoken Specter
12 Toto
13 Kajitsu no Knife no Shi
14 Noel no Piano

Part 1:
Part 2:

17th Single:
[Ame ga Furu]

Track Listing:
01 Ame ga Furu
02 Praline
03 Ame ga Furu (without Maaya)
04 Praline (1+1)


Friday, February 19, 2010

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 20

Kazari gets a new roommate.

Kuroko is really handy to have around on moving day.

To stop the spread of the cooties, please remember to wash your hands often with soap and warm water.

Kazari gets a new roommate named Harueh, a somewhat aloof girl who transferred from the 19th district. Ruiko, Kuroko, and Mikoto help move Harueh's stuff into Kazari's dorm, and then Mikoto and Ruiko take Harueh out to stroll around the neighborhood while Kuroko and Kazari attend a joint Judgement and Anti-Skill meeting about the recent earthquakes. At the meeting, Yomikawa explains that the "earthquakes" are actually the result of the RSPK syndrome which causes espers to temporarily lose control of their powers. RSPK syndrome can spread among espers and the "earthquakes" are the result of simultaneous RSPK reactions. Yomikawa then passes the mike to Telestina from the psychiatric rescue force (Academy City's version of the fire department?). Telestina basically repeats what Yomikawa had said without offering a solution, and she tells the Judgment members to help stop people (ex Ruiko) from spreading rumors that the earthquakes are supernatural phenomenons.

Where is Ruiko's left hand grabbing at?

If Ruiko had arrived any later, these two klutzes might have really choked themselves to unconsciousness.

After the Judgment members are dismissed, Konori decides to do her own little investigation into RSPK syndrome while Kazari and Kuroko head off to meet up with Mikoto's group. The girls meet up at an arcade where they take a group photo inside a photo booth. While Harueh is talking with Kazari, Ruiko comments to Mikoto and Kuroko that Harueh reminds her of Kazari when she and Ruiko just met. The five girls then decide to attend the fireworks festival going on at night. Kazari and Harueh return to their dorm to put on yukatas, but after several unsuccessful attempts they call in Ruiko for help. Kazari uses the opportunity to thank Ruiko for her help during the Judgment entrance exams and states that she wants to help Harueh just like how Ruiko had helped her.

It's true: Mikoto is a victim of mass merchandising.

This somehow turned into a yukata fanservice episode.

The five girls meet up after Mikoto and Kuroko successfully sneaked out of their dorm. After visiting all the festival booths, the girls notice several Multi Active Rescue (the psychiatric rescue force/fire department) vehicles parked nearby. The girls then climb up to a viewing platform up a hill. While watching the fireworks, Harueh suddenly starts acting strangely and wanders off, but Kazari and Ruiko and notices and follows her. With the other three girls gone, Kuroko uses the opportunity to snuggle up to Mikoto, but suddenly she gets a call from Konori who states that the RSPK outbreak is causes by someone is interfering with people's AIM fields. At that moment, the ground suddenly starts shaking and the viewing platform begins to collapse, forcing Kuroko to teleport herself and Mikoto to safety. Higher up on the hill, Kazari grabs hold of Harueh just as a light pole is about to fall on them. However, Kazari and Harueh are saved by Telestina who holds up the pole with her mechanized suit. While Ruiko, Kazari, Mikoto, and Kuroko wonder what happened, Harueh is clutching the pedant she's wearing and Telestina flashes an evil grin. Back down by the river, the crowd begin to notice that the platform has collapsed, and among the crowd is Kiyama.

I thought someone like Telestina would grow beyond the pink paint job thing. Apparently I was wrong.


The second half story-arc finally begins, but Railgun is probably going to take its sweet time building the story up. This arc has to last to end of the show I presume. This episode formally introduced the two important characters of this story-arc (Harueh is the girl form episode 17 and Telestina is the glasses lady from the end of the Level-Upper arc) and gave some hints about the upcoming attractions, and there were plenty of scenes devoted to the five girls hanging together and having their slice-of-life moments. All the talk about RSPK syndrome sounded like mumbo jumbo to me, but that's probably the case for every other exposition in the Index/Railgun universe. It wasn't the most exciting introductory episode, but at least we're not on fillers any more.

Judging by the OP sequence, we know Telestina is going to start popping pills, and Kiyama is going to be involved as well, but probably as an ally to Mikoto's gang this time. Speaking of Kiyama, did she escape from jail or something? She should have been locked up for a long long time for all the damage and grief she caused with her Level Upper scheme. There is no legitimate reason to let Kiyama out early, so she either escaped or probably made a backroom deal to get out jail early.

Doesn't look there will be any major action next week. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long until some Mikoto pwnage. Also, I wonder what happened to Mitsuko after she was attacked by her doll collection. That girl is always get the short straw in this series lol.

Road of Major Discography

ROAD OF MAJOR (ロードオブメジャー) was a Japanese rock band under the avex trax label. They disbanded in 2007.

Kitagawa Kenichi (北川賢一) (Vocals)
Kondo Nobumasa (近藤信政) (Guitar)
Matsumoto Kenichi (松本賢一) (Bass)
Uehara Akikane (上原彰兼) (Drums)

1st Album:
[Road of Major]

Track Listing:
01 Bokura Dake no Uta
02 Zatsu Hashi
03 Taisetsu na Mono
04 Ashiato
05 Kimi ga tame
06 L.F.D
07 Scooru
08 Ruuru no Yukue
09 Row,Row,Row
10 Yume oi Hito
11 Kadzuke no Nai Nikki
12 Harusame


2nd Album:
[Road of Major II]
CTCR-80007 (w/dvd)

Track Listing:
01 Souten ni Mukatte
02 Evolving!!
03 Kokoro e
04 Guuzen to Iu Na no Hitsuzen
05 Mirai no Kimi yo, Ano hi no Kimi yo
06 Tsuki no Hagaki
07 Kazauta
08 Kodou
09 Sono ni Ashita wo
10 Hoshizora mo Tsukiakari mo
11 Asayake
12 Shin'ai Naru Anata e

Part 1:
Part 2:

3rd Album:
[Golden Road ~Best~]
CTCR-80037 (w/dvd)

Track Listing:
01 Taisetsuna Mono
02 Zatsu Kakeru
03 Bokura Dake no Uta
04 Kimi ga Tame
05 Kokoro e
06 Guzen Toiu Na no Hitsuzen
07 Shinai Naru Anata he...
08 Souten ni Mukatte
09 Saraba Midoriki Omokage
11 apasionado
12 Hajimari no Basho
13 row,row,row
15 Fuuka
16 Evolving!!
17 Tsuki no Hagaki
19 Bokura no Yoake Mae


1st Remix Album:
[Silver Road ~Remix~]

Track Listing:
01 Taisetsu na Mono ver.1
02 Zassou
03 Bokura Dake no Uta
04 Kimi ga Tame
05 Kokoro e
06 Guuzen to iu na no hitsuzen
07 Shinai Naru Anata he...
08 Seiten ni Mukatte
09 Saraba Aoki Omokage
11 apasionado
12 Hajimari no Basho
13 row, row, row
14 Sukooru
15 Kaze ka
16 Evolving!!
17 Tsuki no Hageki
18 Play the Game
19 Bokura Dake no Uta
20 Taisetsu na Mono ver.2


1st Indies Single:
[Taisetsu na Mono]

Track Listing:
01 Taisetsu na Mono
02 Hajimai no Basho
03 SUN


2nd Indies Single:

Track Listing:
01 Zassou
02 Ashiato
03 HEY!Police

not available

3rd Indies Single:
[Bokura Dake no Uta]

Track Listing:
01 Bokura Dake no Uta
02 Harusame
03 Higashi no Sora ni


1st Single:
[Kokoro e]

Track Listing:
01 Kokoro e
02 Asayake


2nd Single:
[Guzen to Iu Na no Hitsuzen]

Track Listing:
01 Guzen to Iu Na no Hitsuzen
02 Tsuki Hagaki
03 Sidewinder
04 Guzen to Iu Na no Hitsuzen (instrumental)


3rd Single:
[Shinai Naru Anata e]
CTCR-80004 (limited edition)

Track Listing:
01 Shinai Naru Anata e
02 apasionado
03 Kaze Ka


4th Single:
[Seiten ni Mukatte]

Track Listing:
01 Seiten ni Mukatte


5th Single:
[Saraba Aoki Omokage]
CTCR-80023 (limited edition)

Track Listing:
01 Saraba Aoki Omokage
02 Sunny Road March
03 Ari and Nai 2006
04 Guuzen to Iu Na no Hitsuzen (Appare! Akihhare Night!! 2005 LIVE VERSION)


6th Single:
CTCR-80026 (limited edition)

Track Listing:
02 Mr.Happy Man
03 Bokura no Yoake Mae


7th Single:
CTCR-80034/B (w/dvd)

Track Listing:
02 Aru haru no tonar de
03 Shikairyoukou
04 PLAY THE GAME (instrumental)


Suara Discography

Suara is a female Japanese singer born on August 3 who is from Osaka, Japan. She works under the label of FIX Records, distributed by King Records. Her two singles "Musōka" and "Hikari no Kisetsu" were both used as opening themes for the anime Utawarerumono and Asatte no Hōkō respectively. Additionally, her song ""Kimi ga Tame" was featured in episode twenty-six of Utawarerumono. Her song "Tomoshibi" was used as the ending theme of the anime ToHeart2. Her name "Suara" is derived from the Malay word for "voice".

1st Album:
[Amane uta]

Track Listing:
01 Suiren -amaneku hana-
02 Tooi Machi
03 Tomoshibi (acoustic version)
04 Seiza
05 Totsuki ame
06 Pray
07 Hajimari no Yakusoku


2nd Album:

Track Listing:
01 Kimi Dake no tabiji
02 Towa ni
03 Aoiro no Sora
04 He is Here ~watashi no kamisama
05 Kimi no Kawari
06 Musouka
07 Brand New Days
08 Toki no Kawa
09 Lesson
10 Anata no Egao
11 Tabidatsu hito e
12 Kimi ga tame

Part 1:
Part 2:

3rd Album:
[Taiyou to Tsuki]

Track Listing:
01 haunting melody
02 Hikari no Kisetsu
03 Mahiru no Tsuki
04 Blue
05 Taiyou to Tsuki
06 June
07 Ichibanboshi
08 Crawl
09 home
10 Taiju no Soba de
11 Mizukigami
12 Wasurenaide (album version)
13 Tsubomi - blue dreams-
14 memory


4th Album:

Track Listing:
01 adamant faith
02 Free and Dream
03 Kanojo no Senaka
04 Mai Ochiru Yuki no You ni
05 TOKYO-days
06 Mata Aeru Sono hi Made
07 Friends
08 Crystal Tears
09 Shunkashuutou
10 Hana Kotoba
11 Utsusemi
12 Tenshi ga Miru Yume

Part 1:
Part 2:

1st Other Album:
[Pure -Aquaplus Legend of Acoustics-]

Track Listing:
01 Unmei -Sadame-
02 Heart To Heart
03 Sorezore no Mirai he
04 Musouka (Suara)
05 Eikyuu ni
06 Powder Snow (Suara)
07 Etaanarubau
08 Makki no Kotoba ~ Saigo no Chikai ~ Seijaku
09 Kimi ga Tame (Suara)
10 Seiza (Suara)

Part 1:
Part 2:

1st Single:

Track Listing:
01 Musouka
02 Hoshi Sou Yakyoku
03 Musouka (instrumental)
04 Hoshi Sou Yakyoku (instrumental)


2nd Single:
[Hikari no Kisetsu]

Track Listing:
01 Hikari no Kisetsu
02 Kasa
03 Hikari no Kisetsu (instrumental)
04 Kasa (instrumental)


3th Single:
[Ichiban Boshi]

Track Listing:
01 Ichiban Boshi
02 I am
03 Ichiban Boshi (instrumental)
04 I am (instrumental)


4th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Blue
02 Tsubomi -blue dreams-
03 Blue (off vocal)
04 Tsubomi -blue dreams- (off vocal)


5th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Wasurenaide
02 Tsuyogari no Yukue
03 Wasurenaide (instrumental)
04 Tsuyogari no Yukue (instrumental)


6th Single:
[Maiochiru Yuki no You ni]

Track Listing:
01 Maiochiru Yuki no You ni
02 Koi no Yokan
03 Maiochiru Yuki no You ni (instrumental)
04 Koi no Yokan (instrumental)

193kbps and up

7th Single:
[Free and Dream]

Track Listing:
01 Free and Dream
02 Asu he -Sorairo no Tegami-
03 Free and Dream (instrumental)
04 Asu he -Sorairo no Tegami- (instrumental)


8th Single:
[adamant faith]

Track Listing:
01 adamant faith
02 Mugen no Oka
03 adamant faith (instrumental)
04 Mugen no Oka (instrumental)


1st Other Single:
[Hello / Tomoshibi]

Track Listing:
01 Hello
02 Tomoshibi (Suara)
03 Hello (instrumental)
04 Tomoshibi (Suara) (instrumental)


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sekirei 96

The confrontation between Uzume and Minato's group becomes more interesting.

Minato always knows how to take advantage of the situation.

Uzume reveals herself and declares her intention to rob the jinki from Minato's group. Musubi wants to fight Uzume one on one, but while Minato's group is distracted by the suggestion, Uzume wraps up both Musubi and Tsukiumi and then grabs Minato. Homura orders Uzume to let Minato go, but Minato suddenly gives Uzume a hug and begs Uzume to stop. Minato knows that Uzume isn't a bad person and states that everyone at the Izumo Inn wants her to come back. Uzume is touched by Minato's actions and emotionally states that she likes everyone at the inn too, but it's too late for her to go back. Suddenly, a shower of ice needles appear out of nowhere, forcing Uzume to block with her sheets. The attack came from Akitsu who has arrived with Mutsu and Mikogami.


What were Minato's Sekirei doing!? It was a 3 on 1 and they let Uzume grab Minato! At this stage of the game, they really need to pay more attention to their Ashikabi. Most of this chapter was Minato using his puppy eyes and hugging to try and convince Uzume to come back to the light, but it wasn't completely successful. I was expecting more reinforcements from Higa's camp to back up Uzume, but instead Mikogami showed up with two of his strongest Sekirei. Mikogami's group seems to be targeting Uzume, but maybe they are after Minato's jinki as well. I can't see why Mikogami would go out of his way to help MBI enforce the rules. The situation is developing, but looks like it could be a while before this goes anywhere.

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