Thursday, December 23, 2010

Motto To Love-Ru 12 (Finale)

The second season of To Love-Ru ends with a trip to the water park.

Guys have no place snooping in on girl talks.

Haruna reveals to Lala that she also likes Rito, and afterward neither Lala nor Haruna know what to say to each other. Rito unintentionally walks in on the girls and Lala has to send him away with a giant robot pigeon so that he doesn't overhear the conversation. After Rito has been sent away, Lala apologizes to Haruna for being selfish and never noticing Haruna's feelings for Rito, but Haruna tells Lala that the reason she is revealing her intentions is because she doesn't want to hide her feeling from her good friend. Lala then takes Haruna's hand and thanks Haruna for her willingness to communicate her feelings. Lala grabs Haruna by the shoulders and states that she will support Haruna's love, but at the same time she'll support her own love too. Lala smiles at Haruna and says that neither of them should be afraid to express their feelings. Haruna wonders if this is the best thing to do, but Lala is cheered up by her own suggestion.

Momo seems to be enjoying herself at the water park... a little too much in fact.

I'm impressed that Rito is only slightly bruised after belly flopping from the 10m dive board.

The next day at Mikado-sensei's clinic, an aquatic alien reports that he had lost his dangerous pet. Meanwhile, Lala phones up all of her friends and invites them to go visit the brand new water park. Almost every character shows up in the water park including even Kyouko and Run who are there to perform a concert. While the girls play around, Saruyama remarks that Rito can now talk to girls in swimsuits without fainting, and hypothesizes that this has something to do with Lala staying in Rito's house. Rito then stares at Lala in the pool and wonders if Saruyama's words are true. While everyone is having fun in the water park, a pair of prowling eyes emerges from one of the pools.

The mineralun agrees that Haruna is yummy.

If you can get both, why not get both?

As Kyouko and Run are performing their concert at the water park, the perverted principal charges at them but is knocked away by a slimy tentacle. Slimy tentacles then start groping Kyouko and Run, but the two starlets escape thanks to Kyouko's fire. At another park of the park, Rito is sitting on the edge the pool watching Haruna and Lala play with each other. Rito is now undecided as to which girl he likes more, and Momo emerges between Rito's legs (from the pool) and starts teasing Rito. Suddenly, the two of them are grabbed by a slimy tentacle and lifted off the ground, and the others spot a big blobby creature emerging from the waters. Nana identifies the creature as Mineralun, a rare, primitive alien aquatic creature, and Oshizu remembers from Mikado-sensei's clinic that an alien lost a pet that fits the description. The alien goes on to grab some of the other girls, but they are cut free by Yami. Momo also frees herself and Rito with her tail laser, and this sends Rito tumbling into Nana who then sends Rito flying for his indiscretion. Since the Mineralun is a liquid life form, Yami won't be able to cut it, and Nana states that the creature is too dumb to be talked to. While everyone is busy talking, the Mineralun snatches Haruna and swallows her into its liquid body, and it also engulfs Lala with a big wave. The two girls are unable to swim out and start to drown. Without thinking about himself, Rito jumps into mineralun and tosses both Lala and Haruna back out, but he becomes trapped inside the mineralun's watery body. Nana suggests that the mineralun can be defeated if its nucleus is attacked, and Yami dives into action by transforming into a mermaid. Inside the mineralun, Yami quickly finds the nucleus and whacks it with a hammer. With the mineralun dazed, Lala pulls out an energy sword and slices open the alien amoeba, thereby freeing the unconscious Rito. While he is recovering in Lala and Haruna's arms, Rito realizes that he loves both Lala and Haruna. Soon after, Mikado-sensei arrives with the owner of the mineralun to take now platter-sized amoeba away.

Awesome Yami moment. Black Cat fans, eat your heart out.

We'll see if they ever get to this stage.

Near the changing room at the water park, Rito manages to get a moment alone with Lala in front of the changing room. Rito confesses his love to Lala, but states that he also likes another girl, but Lala already knows that it's Haruna. While Rito is flustered, Lala is very happy since Rito admitted that he likes her and assures Rito that he can marry as many girls as he wants once he marries her and becomes the king of the universe. Lala then sends Rito on his way to confess to Haruna by strapping him to a jet pack. After a run-in with Yami, Rito find Haruna is about to confess. Nearby, Oshizu tries to use her mind powers to bring Rito and Haruna together, but she gets distracted by Celine and ends up ripping off Haruna's bikini. Haruna runs off to fix her bikini, but Rito has his eyes closed and ends up saying “I love you” to Nana, Yui, Run, and Misato-sensei. Lala arrives and suggest that Rito marry everybody, and Rito is in even more trouble than ever. To be continued (?)

The troubles continue.


It's appropriate that the last episode of Motto To Love-Ru covers the material from the final four chapters of the original To Love manga series plus segments from two earlier plot development chapters. This episode was the only episode of this season where the entire episode was one continuous story instead of three unrelated segments, although it wasn't significantly better than the other episodes due to how the abrupt ending of the original manga series. There was plenty of fan service, some groping, Rito playing hero, and a bit of the rare relationship development. Those things together made for an okay season finale, but wasn't anything to write home about.

Overall, Motto To Love-Ru was an alright show. There isn't much in the way of plot or action, but there was plenty of ecchi-ness and some decent comedic moments. This season of the show was much more consistent than the first season and the OVAs. Production quality has gone up, and there were no more extremely crappy anime-original stories, and that adds up to a pretty significant improvement. The three manga chapters per episode format was not exactly creative, but at least the episodes were watchable which can't be said for some of the first season and OVA episodes. The only thing I complained about a lot was the censoring, but that was a bit of entertainment on its own given now that there is nothing in the story for me to rant about.

So in the end, nothing was really resolved, but there are some developments in the central love triangle. Rito now admits that he likes both Haruna and Lala, and Lala knows that Haruna likes Rito as well. Those who follow To Love knows that the story is continuing in To Love-Ru Darkness, but it'll be a while before that series accumulates enough material to be made into an anime series. They can always make more OVAs though, as there are still plenty of chapters from the original To Love manga which haven't been covered yet by the anime.

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