Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Motto To Love-Ru 10

Celine gets drunk on cola and sprays pollen that makes people fall in love with Rito; Risa gets Rito to hang out with her for an afternoon; and Momo, Nana and Celine help Rito answer text messages from Yui.

Just like Haruna, Yui also has an overactive imagination.

Part 1 Summary:
Rito brings Celine out for a stroll to show her around the town. While walking around, they run into Yui. While Celine plays in a playground, Rito explains that there's a lot of mysteries regarding Celine's biology, and even Momo didn't expect that Celine would turn into human form. At the moment, Celine jumps on to Yui for a hug. An old lady passing by observes that Rito and Yui looks like Celine's mama and papa. These words cause Yui to start fantasizing about Rito and then she becomes greatly embarrassed. When Yui calms down, both she and Rito notice that Celine has run off. The two eventually find Celine at a store where the flower girl is drinking a bottle of cola. After Yui pays for the cola, both she and Rito notice that Celine seems to be drunk. Celine then suddenly jumps onto Saki, who is out with her two loyal followers Rin and Aya. As Saki questions Rito about Celine, Celine sprays a cloud of pollen into Saki's face. The pollen causes a flower to grow out of Saki's head and Saki immediately attacks Rito in a show of affection. Yui manages to pull Saki off, but Aya and Rin have also been sprayed and so Rito and Yui has to make a run for it. As Rito and Yui run away, Celine sprays more and more people with her pollen and therefore the crowd of people after Rito grows ever larger. Rito and Yui manage to lose the crowd by hiding behind a corner, but Rito is soon caught by the half-naked principal who also have been sprayed with the pollen.

It's not easy being the most popular guy in town.

30 minutes later, everyone who has been sprayed with pollen returns to normal and have no recollection of what they've been doing. Rito managed to make it back home with Celine, but his clothes are all ripped up from the "love attack". As Celine enjoys some noodles, Momo explains that Celine emits a special pollen when she's drunk. When asked by Lala about why everyone only goes after Rito, Momo speculates that's probably because Celine transfers her own love for Rito to the people who were sprayed. There are still plenty of mysteries behind Celine's biology though.

Part 2 Summary:
Rito and Lala are out buying groceries when Lala remembers that she has to watch the Magical Kyoko show featuring a new duet with Run. After Lala flies off back home, Rito walks on the streets and nearby Risa is being bothered by some guy who wants to go out with her. Risa spots Rito and pretends that Rito is her boyfriend which drives off the guy. After Risa explains what's going on, Rito is about to return to grocery shopping but Risa wouldn't let him go. To thank Rito for helping her out, Risa drags Rito to the maid cafe where Mio works and treats him to some food. During the meal, Risa teases Rito about not doing anything with Lala, and she suggests that Rito should teach Lala to act like an adult both in heart and body. Rito becomes embarrassed, but Risa starts laughing.

Will Risa become the first girl to actually get it on with Rito?

It's already dark after the meal. Rito tries to head off, but Risa convinces Rito to walk her back home and on the way they pass by some love hotels much to Rito's embarrassment. Rito tries to leave once again upon arriving in front of Risa's house, but Risa insists that Rito go inside. Risa leads Rito to her bedroom and reveals that her parents aren't home. Rito realizes it's time to go, but it's too late as Risa pins him on to her bed and looks as if she wants to do something really naughty. Rito prepares for the worst, but it turns out Risa is just teasing him once again. On his way back home, Rito receives a text message from Risa telling him to visit again when he has more courage. Rito arrives back home where the irate Mikan wonders where he has been and why he didn't buy any groceries.

Part 3 Summary:
At school, Rito asks Yui if he can borrow a novel called "Midnight Date" from her. The novel features a feline protagonist and Rito's mangaka dad needs the novel for research. Yui agrees to lend the novel to Rito once she finishes reading it, and Rito tells Yui to text him to let him know when she's done with the book.

Yui wouldn't know much about flat chests, since she certainly isn't one herself.

At night, Yui finishes reading the novel and tries to text Rito, but it takes her 30 minutes to come up with a one-sentence message. At Rito's house, Lala and Nana are watching TV; Rito has dozed off on the couch after pulling weeds from the garden; and Momo is examining Rito's sleeping face. Suddenly, Rito's phone starts to vibrate but the still groggy Rito tells Momo to answer the text for him. Momo opens Rito's phone and finds Yui's message and is surprised by the mention of “Midnight Date”. Thinking Yui and Rito had done something naughty, Momo replies to Yui that they should keep this their little secret. Back at the Kotegawa residence, Yui gets embarrassed after reading Momo's text.

At Rito's house, Nana sees Momo and wonders what she's doing with Rito's phone. After finding out that Momo is replying to Yui's texts, Nana snatches the phone and sends a text asking Yui what she thinks of flat chests and sends it without letting Yui know that the message wasn't written by Rito. Yui immediately replies back asking what Rito is planning, and Momo informs Rito that she might have made Yui mad. Rito is about to reply himself but is called by Mikan to do the dishes, so once again he asks Momo to reply for him. Momo is about to reply to Yui saying the last message was sent by Nana, but Celine snatches the phone from her and runs off. Nana chases Celine through the hallways to in front of the bathroom where Lala is standing after taking a bath. Nana runs into Lala and knocks her towel off, and Celine takes a picture of the naked Lala and sends it to Yui.

Classic example of sexting.

Back at the Kotegawa residence, Yui thinks Rito's prior texts might be jokes, but that notion is instantly dispelled when she receives Lala's naked photo. At Rito's house, Momo tells Nana and Celine that they'll apologize to Rito afterwards.


Decent episode this week. The last segment was the best and made me chuckle a fair bit even though I already knew the story. Stories focused on Yui are always kind of fun due to her conflicting attitudes towards Rito, and the segment only served to further confuse her. As for Rito, he partially deserved what happened because what kind of guy lets other people answer text messages for him? The great thing about texting is that you don't have to respond immediately, and responding to Yui after the nap and chores would have certainly saved a lot of trouble. On the other hand, it's not like this actually changes Yui's opinion of Rito by much, because she knows he's a pervert (and still likes him despite of it).

The other two segments weren't either. Celine was cute in the first segment, getting drunk on cola and making Rito the most popular guy in town for a little while which led to Rito being mauled by the perverted principal. Come to think of it, this was probably the only story in To Love where the principal actually got to his target. Unlucky Rito lol. As for the Risa segment, this was the best of the Risa chapters, but that's not saying much since there were only around two Risa focused chapters to begin with. Risa appears to have shown a little bit of true feelings, but mostly she is still just a tease and thus low on the potentials list for Rito.

That's all I have to say for this episode. I'm tired of making fun of the censoring, so no more of that unless they do something really funny/outrageous.

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