Saturday, June 5, 2010

Angel Beats! 10

Otonashi tries to get rid of Yui.

You there, stop stealing my spotlight.

Here, you are now the new lead singer of Girls Dead Monster.

Having made the agreement with Tenshi, Otonashi makes Yui his first target. To get a moment alone with Yui, Otonashi asks Tenshi to take away Yui's guitar. Tenshi does so but Yui does not immediately give chase as the other Girls Dead Monster members think Yui can't sing and play at the same time. Yui eventually comes after her guitar and Otonashi pretends to take guitar from Tenshi. Afterwards, Otonashi talks to Yui and discovers that Yui has a lot of wishes. In life, Yui became a paraplegic after a car accident and was stuck in her room all day watching TV. Most of Yui's wishes came from watching TV, such as becoming the lead singer of a band. Otonashi gets Yui started on her first wish which is to execute a German suplex (specifically, a bridged German suplex pin). After many unsuccessful attempts and some instruction by Otonashi, Yui finally pins Otonashi with a bridged German suplex.

Yui scores the three count!

TK actually spoke Japanese!

I was surprised Noda knew how to read as well.

Let's see Maradona make a shot like that.

Next up, Yui wants to score a soccer goal by weaving past five guys a la Maradona's Goal of the Century. For this task, Otonashi gathers up Hinata, Noda, Fujimaki and TK. Thanks to interference from Otonashi and Tenshi, Yui is able to score a goal against five guys, completing another wish (despite the fact the Goal of the Century was past six guys including the goalie). Yui's third wish is to hit a home run. For this task, Otonashi and Yui practiced day in and day out, but Yui cannot hit a home run no matter how hard she tries. Yui eventually gives up on the home run wish, but she's happy that she is getting exercise which she couldn't do in life. Otonashi asks if Yui has any other wishes, and Yui states that she wishes to be married. Yui asks if Otonashi will marry her, and Otonashi hesitates, but suddenly Hinata comes out of nowhere and declares he'll marry Yui. Hinata makes up a story about how he and Yui would have met in life and promises that he'll help take care of Yui even if Yui can't walk. Yui is touched by Hinata's words, and after a dream sequence about her life with Hinata Yui disappears from the world.

You may now kiss the bride.

And they lived happily ever after (in the dream world).

Somewhere on campus, Yuri gets a report that Oyama was attacked by a shadow-like being. Noda was there to fend off the attacker but he wasn't sure what the attacker was.


Otonashi and Tenshi start their plan to make the SSS members pass on, but they aren't doing a very efficient job. There had better be a massacre/mass disappearances in the remaining episodes or they'll never get rid of everyone by episode 13. Maybe that's where the strange shadow monster comes in.

This week was Yui's show, and her last show for that matter. The writers have a penchant for killing off the lead singers of Girls Dead Monster, probably so that they can switch singers and sell more music. Yui's story wasn't as "in your face" as Otonashi's of Yuri's, but her life as a paraplegic explains why she's so energetic and hyperactive in this world. Yui's character might be annoying at times, but her presence livened up the screen, so her disappearance does have a sizable impact on the show.I thought the end of episode featuring Hinata's "assistance" was a bit out of nowhere, but I guess it was hinted that Hinata saw through Otonashi's plans and also cared for Yui enough to help her pass on. And of course this is Angel Beats!, a show that switches from comedy to emotional moments in half a second.

Overall, I thought this was a decent episode. I liked the comedy (the guitar stealing and German suplex scenes were fun), and the emotional parts at the end wasn't too overbearing. We never did find out how Yui died, but it's probably not important. I wonder who's going to disappear next episode.

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