Saturday, May 29, 2010

Angel Beats! 06-09

I finally started watching anime again after returning from my vacation, and I managed to marathon (okay, maybe more like a 5km run) through the last four episodes of Angel Beats!. Here is my sloppy catch-up post for the series.

A hug from Otonashi can mend all emotional problems, just like duct tape can mend all physical problems.

Episode 06
The interim student council president Naoi tries to rule the school with an iron fist and his first goal is to crush the SSS. In the midst of the struggle, Otonashi takes Tenshi out on a secret lunch date but they are locked up by the student council. Otonashi and Tenshi break free only to find that the SSS has been decimated by Naoi's forces. It turns that Naoi is a person with a soul just like SSS members. Naoi wants to become the new god of the world now that Tenshi is out of favor, but Otonashi manages to save the day by giving Naoi a much-needed hug.

Who's doing the fishing here?

Episode 07
Thanks to Otonashi's intervention, Naoi has joined the SSS. Yuri quickly puts Naoi to good use by asking to perform hypnotism on Otonashi so Otonashi can regain his memories. In his past, Otonashi was a guy working odd jobs with no real prospect, and the only bright spot in his life was his little sister who was sick and stayed in hospital. Eventually Otonashi's sister passed away, and after that Otonashi decided to turn his life around and started studying. Unfortunately, Otonashi gets into a bad train accident while on his way to med school entrance exams.

After Otonashi regains his memories, Yuri organizes a fishing trip to help him and the other members relax. Otonashi invites Tenshi along as well, and during the trip Tenshi manages to catch the giant monster fish that lives in the river. Afterwards the SSS and Tenshi hand out fish soup to the entire school, but after the feast Yuri and the SSS are attacked by a red-eyed violent clone of Tenshi.

Why can't the evil Tenshi move even though the victim isn't pinning her?

Episode 08
As the evil Tenshi clone attacks Yuri and the SSS, real Tenshi intervenes and fends off the evil clone, but she is hurt bad and remains unconscious. The next day, Yuri sneaks back into Tenshi's room and discovers that the evil clones are a product of the Harmonics guard skill. Yuri reprograms Tenshi's skills so that Tenshi will absorb all the clones after she uses Harmonics. However, the evil Tenshi clones counter by kidnapping the real Tenshi, and the SSS are forced to go down the (now abandoned) Guild to rescue the real Tenshi. Once again, Otonashi and Yuri are the only two to make it down to the bottom after the other members sacrificed themselves against Tenshi clones. At the bottom, Yuri faces off against the last clone and defeats the clone using knowledge she gained from accessing Tenshi's computer. Meanwhile, Otonashi finds the real Tenshi and gets her to use Harmonics. As per Yuri's programming, Tenshi absorbs all the clones, but in the process she also absorbs all the evilness from the clones and becomes unconscious once again.

Of course going to class makes you happy. Our teacher said so.

Episode 09
With Tenshi unconscious once again, Yuri and the SSS decide to take precautions and goes to delete all the programming off of Tenshi's computer. Meanwhile, Otonashi waits by Tenshi's side at the infirmary and falls asleep. During his sleep, Otonashi remembers more of his past. It turns out Otonashi didn't die when the train crashed, but he did sustain significant injury. Otonashi and other survivors are trapped in the tunnels which had collapsed, and Otonashi uses his medical skills and selfless attitude to help the other survivors. On the 7th day, rescue crews finally reach the survivors, but Otonashi had succumbed to his injuries.

Back in the infirmary, Otonashi wakes up and discovers that Tenshi had awakened too. Otonashi realizes he has completed his wish to save someone (he saved Tenshi) but he can't pass on just yet because he doesn't want to leave the other SSS members behind. After Tenshi confirms that the world is a place for young souls with unfulfilled wishes in life, Otonashi decide to work with Tenshi to help Yuri and the others fulfill their wishes and pass on. Some time later, Tenshi is reinstated as student council president.


Angel Beats! hasn't changed all that much over the last four weeks. The content is still a varying mixture of slapstick comedy, drama and action. The story still likes to wander (random giant monster fish etc.), but episode 09 has set up a somewhat clear direction for the rest of the series. Here are some of the thoughts I have on episodes 05-08:

- I thought Naoi had potential as a new villain when he took over the school in episode 05/06, but his reign came to a disappointing end via man-hug by Otonashi. Even more ridiculously, Naoi instantly fell in love with Otonashi and joined the SSS. Are man-hugs that effective? On the other hand, Otonashi was some kind of reborn saint during his last few days of life, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

- We finally learned Otonashi's story over the last three episodes, and it was the saddest complete story so far (can't really comment on Yuri's since we don't know how she died yet). Otonashi's story is similar to Iwasawa's in that each found a way to turn their life around when everything seemed to hit rock bottom, but Otonashi's was more inspirational because he bounced back after losing his little sister who was the only light in his life at that point. Have to feel sorry for the guy to just not quite make it after surviving for days after the train wreck.

- I found Otonashi's expression of surprise to Tenshi explanation about the purpose of the world to be rather amusing and a bit puzzling, because I thought Otonashi and the others have already figured it out. Or maybe Otonashi didn't believe in Yuri's theory? Not sure what happened there.

- Tenshi had a central role in these four episodes, but she doesn't appear to have changed much despite all the things that have happened to her. I guess her character is supposed to be like that, since she was never evil from the start. However, I do wonder if the SSS' continued tempering of Tenshi's computer will have any unforeseen effects on Tenshi.

- TK doesn't know English? Then what the heck does he speak?

So it looks like the rest of Angel Beats! will have Tenshi and Otonashi working together to make the other SSS members fulfill their lifelong wishes and pass on. The easiest way would be to recruit Naoi and have him use hypnotism, but Otonashi probably thinks that's too underhanded. Otonashi is now a double-agent, and I wonder if it'll ever get to the point where the SSS wants to kick his ass. I'm sure Yuri wouldn't be too happy if she found out what Otonashi is up to. It's possible that Yuri will be last obstacle for Otonashi, but I have a feeling that there will be some issues with Tenshi as well.

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