Thursday, May 27, 2010

Amanchu! 17

Futaba begins her first ocean dive.

Into the abyss we go.

Early in the morning, Futaba meets up with Katori-sensei and the other members of the diving club, and the group drives to a diving destination called Osezaki. Even though it's early, a lot of diver have shown up on the beach. After a short briefing, the group gears up and snorkels over to a float. While swimming to the float, Futaba looks down and becomes a little scared of the depth and limited visibility, but she makes it to the float thanks to Hikari's help. At the float, the group notices that Futaba missing one of her flippers. Futaba becomes even more nervous, but suddenly a diver rises up from below and returns the flipper to Futaba in a stroke of good luck. Futaba quickly puts her flipper back on and dives down a little, and at that depth she can see streams of bubbles rising up from all around her. Hikari dives down beside Futaba and explains that the bubbles are coming from all the divers below. With Hikari by her side, Futaba is not anxious anymore and is ready to dive down deeper into the ocean.


I guess Amanchu! must have taken a break last month since I didn't find a chapter in April. Regardless, I'm glad that the series has finally gotten to Futaba's first ocean dive. Well, actually Futaba just snorkeled a bit to the float, and the story was the now typical Futaba "OMG I'm scared -> with Pikari by my side, I can do anything!" setup, but at least Futaba is in the ocean for the first time. Osezaki is a real diving destination in Japan and supposedly has abundant sea life near the bottom, so the next chapter(s) should be good if Amano-sensei works her artistic magic.

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