Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist 106

Ed and company continue to battle Father.

Take that, you creepy homunculus!

While Ed and company continue to battle Father at lowest level, Scar talks with Ran Fan and explains that his brother had designed his circle not only to neutralize Father's circle but to unlock the power within the earth (Xingese alchemy) in Amestris. Back in the lowest level, Ed is surprised by the level of alchemy attacks he is able to perform, but he, Al, Izumi and Hohenheim are still not able to even scratch Father with their attacks. Hohenheim encourages everyone to keep attacking as Father is having trouble keeping "God" contained. Ed and company try dropping a column and dousing Father with lava (from the tank that melted the first Greed), but Father fends off all the attacks and flies out to the surface.

Hohenheim realizes Father is trying replenish his energy by absorbing souls and suggest that everyone give chase. Hohenheim, Al, Izumi, May and Mustang head to the surface using alchemy, but Ed stays to take on Pride. On the way up, Izumi and Al runs into her husband Sig along with the Armstrong siblings, Riza, and the chimeras. Izumi leaves Mustang with Riza's group before continuing upwards. Meanwhile, without anyone to give him a ride, Greed is climbing up the hard way and he arrives at Scar and Ran Fan's level. Greed takes a look at Wrath's body and is not pleased with the satisfied look on Wrath's face.

Back at the lowest level, Ed wonders why Pride even listens to Father given how little Father seem to care for him, but Pride refuses to listen to Ed. After tossing Ed around for a bit, Pride tries to take over Ed's body as his own body is no longer stable due to forcing Mustang to open the Gate. However, Pride's attempt is blocked by Kimblee's soul. Pride can't believe Kimblee managed to retain his existence, but Kimblee states that howls of anguish are lullabies to him. Kimblee doesn't like the fact that Pride is being a hypocrite by trying to steal a human body despite his despise for humans. Kimblee's interference buys enough time for Ed to clap his hand together, and using his alchemy Ed invades Pride's soul and reverts Pride to his embryo state. Instead of killing Pride, Ed leaves the homunculus and heads upwards to join the others.

On the surface, Father tries to take the souls of several Briggs soldiers, but he is interrupted by Hohenheim and the others. Hohenheim confronts Father for being good for nothing but destruction, but Father responds by releasing some of the souls (including King Xerxes and other acquaintances of Hohenheim) in his body into human form. Hohenheim and the others and sickened by the display. Just as Ed arrives on the surface, Father releases a powerful energy blast to blow away all of "humans" he just created and also Ed, Hohenheim and allies.

By the way they are dancing around, things don't look too good.


That was quite a long chapter, totaling at over 60 pages. Arakawa-sensei must be working hard to finish the manga before FMA:B draws to a close. In terms of developments, there is not a lot on the good guys vs. Father front. Despite Scar giving alchemy back to Ed and company, they are still no closer to defeating Father who still appears to unstoppable. I suppose the good guys can try to outlast Father until Father is unable to contain "God", but I doubt that will be case since it would mean slowing down the manga. The heroes will have to find some ingenious solution to defeat Father unless Father suddenly gives out on his own. All of the important characters are still in the fight though, so we might see contributions from many sources at the end. Ed and perhaps Al be the one to put the final touches on Father's defeat though. I'm still sticking by my theory that Ed, Al, and maybe Mustang and Izumi will go through the Gate one last time, since Ed and Al still have yet to reclaim their body (parts).

The biggest development in this chapter was Ed defeating Pride. Sticking with his "no killing" principle, Ed only turns Pride into his embryo form. At this point, it looks like Pride might survive to the end of the series, which is certainly a surprise given the evilness and creepiness he has shown. The assistance from Kimblee soul was unexpected as well and felt a little out of place, but then again Kimblee is both a psycho and a weirdo so it's hard to predict what he will do. I guess Arakawa-sensei felt Kimblee had a weak death, so she's giving Kimblee one final moment in the spotlight.

Given that FMA:B probably has one more season left in it, I'm guessing the manga has two or three more chapters left. There can't be more than three chapters or else the anime is going to end before the manga and I can't see that happening. I think the series can provide a good ending if the remaining chapters continue to be super-sized.

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