Friday, April 2, 2010

Claymore 102

Dietrich helps Uma fight off the Destroyers, while Helen and Deneve try to escape from Priscilla.

It's time for a monster mash!

In the forest, Dietrich arrives and states that she'll save Uma. Uma doesn't believe Dietrich can beat all the Destroyers by herself, but soon she discovers that Dietrich is not alone and a bunch of Abyss Feeders have wandered in. Dietrich explains that the Abyss Feeders are usually honed in to a specific target, but they haven't located their target. After telling Uma not to make sudden movements, Dietrich throws the piece of cloth she had into the midst of the Destroyers, and on cue the Abyss Feeders start attacking the Destroyers. The Destroyers try to smash the Abyss Feeders up, but the Abyss Feeders regenerate. The Destroyers also try to infect the Abyss Feeders with their spikes, but the Abyss Feeders absorbs the spike and continue to attack. While the two groups of monsters are busy fighting, Dietrich explains that her group of Abyss Feeders already encountered Destroyers so they have experience, but the outcome of the battle will be determined by herself.

Out in the rocky area, Deneve and Helen (carrying Clare) try to escape from Priscilla through the crowd of Destroyers, but Priscilla is catching up to them. Seeing that they are about to be caught, Deneve tells Helen to escape with Clare while she stays to hold off Priscilla. As Priscilla charges towards Deneve, suddenly a giant monsters appears from behind and smashes Priscilla into the ground. Deneve and Helen don't know who the monster is, but Priscilla recognizes the attacker as the awakened Dauf who has purposely infected himself with the spikes in order to gain power. As Dauf continues to smash Priscilla into the ground, something flies out of his left hand and lands near Helen, and Helen sees that it's less than half of the body of a girl (Riful). Sick and tired of being pummeled, Priscilla awakens and destroys Dauf's right arm, and she declares that she is going to make everyone who gets in her way disappear.

Things just got serious.


That was an awesome chapter. It kind of made up for the so-so chapters 100 and 101. I didn't expect Dietrich would bring Abyss Feeders along to the fight especially given her attitude towards those things, but they are pretty effective against the Destroyers due to their regeneration and immunity to being infected by the spikes. Abyss Feeders are still vulnerable to head shots, but they don't run out of juice like the Destroyers. It's a pretty cool mindless monster vs. mindless monster fight, and it shows that Dietrich has some brains. Dietrich seems to be controlling the Abyss Feeders with that piece of cloth in her hand, although I'm not sure what prevents the Abyss Feeders from going after her.

Moving on, we then have another unexpected development with Dauf indirectly coming to Helen and Deneve's rescue. Dauf might be uncultured and dumb, but he really does love Riful and he remembers that even though he has been infected by the spikes. Have to give him some props for that. It's curious that Dauf was able to deal enough damage to force Priscilla to awaken while the twins, who are theoretically stronger than he is, could not. Must be the power of love... and the element of surprise. Pissing Priscilla off is probably not the smartest thing to do though, and Dauf is probably going to be slaughtered in the next chapter. Another piece of interesting news is that Riful's body was not completely destroyed. I wonder if this means that she'll come back to life somehow. That would be pretty awesome actually, since she is one of the most lively characters in the series.

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