Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist OVA - Simple People

A short OVA about why Winry wears earrings and why Riza grew her hair long.

Not long after Ed and Al had tried to resurrect their mother, Mustang and Riza arrived in Resembool to investigate. While Mustang is talking to the brothers, Riza sat with Winry. Winry states that she doesn't like people from the military, but is surprised when Riza reveals that she doesn't like the military either. Riza explains that she joined the military because there was someone she needed to protect and that she did so out of her own free will. Winry is moved by Riza's words.

Ed tries to buy off Winry with presents...

...and it works! although Ed's earring design is rejected.

A year or two later, Ed and Al are walking around on a street window-browsing. Ed has messed up his arm and he dreads the notion of asking Winry to fix it, so he and Al comes up with plan to buy Winry off with presents. Remembering that Winry just got her ears pierces, the brothers decide to buy her two pairs of earrings. Later in Resembool, Ed successfully avoids Winry's wrath by giving her the earrings.

No wonder Ed's arm breaks so often.

A few months later, Ed damages his arm once again while trying to apprehend a dangerous knife-wielding criminal. Knowing that Winry would probably beat him up otherwise, Ed decides to buy Winry another pair earrings. Ed and Al return to Resembool and find that Winry is already wearing all four of earrings that they have previous bought her, and Ed manages to quell Winry's wrath once again with the presents. While Winry and Grandma are fixing the arm, Ed wonders why Winry suddenly started wearing earrings, and Winry explains that she saw Riza wearing them and thought they looked good. Ed comments that it's such a simple reason and that Winry is not comparable to Riza even with the earrings, and this prompts Winry to lay a beating on both him and Al. Days later, Ed and Al are about leave and they notice Winry has pierced more holes on her ears. Winry explains that she is going to wear all of the earrings Ed and Al had bought her, but the brothers then start making fun of her for piercing so many holes in her ear and an argument ensues.

Earrings might get you off the hook for breaking the arm, but it doesn't get you off the hook for making snarky comments.

That's a bit of an overreaction.

In a military base somewhere, Riza heads to the locker room to prepare for a round on the firing range. Riza's friend Rebecca comments about Riza's long hair and wonders why Riza suddenly decided to grow it long, and Riza explains that she was inspired by a girl from Resembool (Winry). Rebecca is disappointed that the reason was so simple, but Riza states that reasons are always simple.

Looks like Riza knows how to take care of her hair.

... uh huh, right...


Like The Blind Alchemist OVA, this OVA is based on a gaiden chapter from the manga and released with the newest FMA:B DVD volume. As far as I can tell, everything from the gaiden chapter was covered in this OVA, but I'm not sure if Bones added anything in. I was surprised by the nice action scene though, so maybe that's new or maybe just lengthened. Anyways, this OVA was just a little side story about Riza and Winry having an impression on another. It doesn't have much to do with the main plot, and it didn't have as much of a emotional message as the last OVA, but it's interesting FMA trivia nonetheless.

I wonder which gaiden chapter will be turned into an OVA next. I wouldn't mind seeing Tales of a Master, or perhaps the Elric Family Gaiden. Some of the gaidens have already been covered by the old anime series, and there are two that are video game tie-ins, so there are only the two mentioned above and maybe one or two more that haven't been animated.

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