Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 39

Ed, Scar and Miles' groups join forces to thwart Kimblee.

What are you doing? I just want to rub my hands together to get some warmth.

In Baschool, Ed confronts Kimblee for not watching Winry as Scar stare down at them from the top of the building with Winry in his arms. Kimblee doesn't really care about Winry and prepares to blow up the building, but Ed gets in the way and this allows Scar to escape. Kimblee wants to go after Scar, but the Briggs soldiers warn him that a blizzard is coming. As the group is walking to a shelter, Miles secretly compliments Ed on his good acting.

Going back a few moments to inside the building Scar was standing on, Winry confronts Scar about killing her parents. Scar has nothing to say other than he is willing to accept Winry's judgment, but tp his suprise Winry tends to his injured left arm because that's what her parents would have done. Winry clarifies to Scar that she has not forgiven him, but she believes there is a meaning to her parents saving Scar. After that, Scar chats with Miles about being in Ishvalan in the Amestrian military, and Miles explains that he wants to change Amestrians' perception of Ishvalans. Miles phones up Kimblee's group and plans to hand Scar over to Kimblee, but Marcoh and May appear to voice their disagreement as Marcoh needs Scar to translate some of the passages in Scar's brother's book. Miles changes his mind and suggests that everyone go hide out in the Briggs, and Scar agrees to cooperate. Miles then tells his men to kill Jerso and Zampano, but Al objects. After receiving an inspirational speech from Al, Jerso and Zampano decides it's better to switch sides and possibly find a way to restore their bodies to normal.

Looks like the years of tyranny over a mining town was good for something after all.

At this moment, a soldier alerts Miles that a blizzard is coming. The group wonders how they are going travel through the blizzard, but Yoki suggests that since this is a mining town, they can travel underground through the mining tunnels. Miles hands Marcoh a message to give to any Briggs soldier to encounter. There is still one problem though: what about Winry? Miles knows they need to put on a good show in order to fool Kimblee, and Winry herself suggests that Scar can pretend to kidnap her. The Elrics object to the plan initially, but with Kimblee's group approaching fast the brothers have no choice but to accept. Before parting ways, Winry hands all of her earrings to Ed for safekeeping (as they will induce frostbite if worn) and tells Ed that she'll be waiting at the fortress.

Arguing with a girl usually doesn't get you anywhere.

Back to the present, Scar's group, Winry, and Jerso and Zampano are following Yoki through the mining tunnels. Yoki leads the group to the mine office and finds a detailed map of the mining tunnels. Meanwhile, the Elrics, Miles, and Kimblee's group are staying in a building to wait out the blizzard. Miles receives a phone call from Briggs and is shocked to learn that Olivier has been summoned back to Central. With Olivier gone, the fortress is no longer a safe place for Scar's group and Winry to hide. The group needs to get a message to Winry's group somehow, and the only person who can travel through the blizzard is Al. As Al makes his way through the whiteout conditions, suddenly he sees his emancipated body reaching out to him. Al remembers Barry's words and realizes that his armored body is starting to reject his soul, but he has no time worry about this now since he must warn Winry's group.

It's not the right time to try to make a snow angel.

Deep below Central, Father has Ed, Al, Izumi, and Hohenheim lined up as four sacrifices for his plans. Father then thinks about who to pick for the fifth sacrifice.

Who'll be no. 5?


So the cliffhanger from last episode turns out to be a ploy by the good guys to throw off Kimblee. Most of us probably figured it out after seeing the preview. Most of this episode was character development and setup for next few episodes. Winry decides to tolerate Scar; Scar and Miles come to understanding; and Jerso and Zampano join the good guys. The developments in this episode are important to the story and the characters, but unfortunately 15-20 minutes of nothing but talk wasn't that exciting to watch (especially since I just read the newest FMA manga chapter before watching this episode, and that chapter was action-packed). Setup episodes can be a bit dull sometimes, but it's usually worth payoff later.

Anyways, the fake-kidnapping plan works out well and fools Kimblee for the moment. I was impressed by the fact that it was Winry who thought of the plan, but on the other hand no one (not even Scar himself) would suggest to let Winry get kidnapped by Scar. unfortunately Briggs has now been taken over by Central soldiers which means Scar and Winry's group are heading into a trap. Al is out in the blizzard trying to get to Winry's group, but he's having a bit of trouble with his body/soul connection. The issue with Al's soul and body is a recurring theme within FMA, and from now on it's probably going to rear its head more often now that the armor has started to reject Al's soul.

While there are a lot of things happening up in the north, the preview indicates that the narrative is heading in other directions, first back to Central to Olivier, Mustang and Riza, and then to a flashback sequence. Next week will still be a setup and explanations episode, but I think it'll be more interesting than this week's show due to the flashback.

Finally, we have new OP and ED sequences this week. Both of the new songs are decent, and I like OP song a bit better than the ED. As for the animation, both sequences are standard mash-ups with no particular focus. Both sequences did give Hohenheim a bit more screen time, and that's a preview of things to come. The OP sequence contains a minor spoiler of sorts, while the ED sequence has the hand-holding thing that I don't quite understand. Whose hands are those? Overall, the new sequences are decent but nothing really special (no big spoilers this time). The things that caught my attention was the impressive manner they were animating Pride's shadowy tendrils. If the actual fights with Pride are going to be anything like the OP/ED then they are definitely worth looking forward to.

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