Saturday, September 26, 2009

Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne 01 - First Impressions

The Fall 2009 season starts extra early this year, and just like this spring Queen's Blade is the first one out of the gate. The first season of Queen's Blade was of course one of the most terrible and pornographic anime series ever to be shown on network television. It's so notorious that it actually has a sizable following, and my posts for the first season of Queen's Blade are among this blog's most viewed posts. Anyways, Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne picks up where last season left off with all of the female warriors in Gainos preparing for the tournament. Here's what happened in this season premiere:

Warning: some images not safe for work

I guess direction finding wasn't a part of miko or ninja training.

- There was no OP at all and the ED is just credits and images of the characters flashing by on instrumental music.

- Reina helps Tomoe and Shizuka (both of whom have terrible sense of direction) find a hotel within the city. Tomoe and Shizuka reveal that they think Aldora is behind the unrest in their country and they want some payback.

- Yuumil parts ways with Cattleya and her son Rana.

Given that you are Nowa's teacher, all the embarrassment coming from Nowa's lack of knowledge of the human world is all your fault.

- Allean tries to keep Nowa from embarrassing the both of them since Nowa has little knowledge of human society.

Your wish has been granted.

- Nanael is ordered by the head angel to take part in Queen's Blade because the head angel is concerned about the current queen Aldora. To make things fair (for the non-angels), Nanael is given another flask of holy yogurt and if she spills any she will correspondingly lose some of her heavenly powers. After the briefing, Nanael is cast down from the heavens and falls into the church where Melpha is praying.

- Echidna teases Irma about entering Queen's Blade. The two seem to have a history together.

Tentacle raepage in the first episode? I shudder to think what will happen in the rest of the series.

- Nyx is violated by her tentacle staff.

- Elina and Claudette share a hotel room together. Claudette convinces Elina that the best way to bring Reina back home is to defeat her in combat.

- Count Vance (Reina, Elina and Claudette's father) declares his plan to send another warrior to represent the Vance estate.

Acid milk is delicious.

- The three stooges... I mean Mellona, Airi, and Menace hang out together. Unsatisfied about having to participate in the tournament, Mellona plans to assassinate Aldora and goes off on her own.

- Aldora learns of Nanael's arrival but is not worried. In her chamber of petrified opponents, Aldora starts talking with her shadow. Mellona tries to sneak attack but Aldora is immune to her acidic breast milk. Aldora then petrifies Mellona and adds her to the collection, but that's not before Mellona figures out Aldora and the shadow's true identity.

- Aldora's shadow suggests that Aldora get some help to command the Assassins of the Fang. The shadow already has a candidate in mind and conjures up a fake letter to send off.
- The fake letter is delivered to Risty's room. The letters appears to have come from Risty's orphanage tells how the count evicted all the orphans after Risty had left. Risty is angered and saddened by the letter and makes plans to get some quick cash to save the orphans.

Shizuka doesn't appreciate Reina stealing away Tomoe.


This season premiere did a good job touching upon all the notable characters, showing us where they are and what they are doing. The only new character is Nyx, whose screen time was short but quite explicit. The most interesting character in this episode is Aldora, and we got a sneak peek as to who she really is and why she wants to be queen. Aldora seems to be looking for someone, possibly a little sister? She also has that ominous looking shadow companion that appears to be more evil than she is. Aldora and her shadow have some devious plans for Risty, but it's unclear from the letter and the preview what they are really trying to do. As a result from the fight with Aldora, Mellona got petrified again. I wonder how she recovered from her last petrification and also if she is going to escape eventually. It'd be a little sad if the acid-breast-milk bunny monster got killed off in the first episode. Maybe her fellow stooges will come to her rescue.

For a Queen's Blade episode, this premiere wasn't bad. There was a bit of story-building, and at least the episode made the effort to check on all the notable characters. And of course there was plenty of frontal nudity and a tentacle violation scene too to satisfy the series' core audience. The animation is still the same as before, and it's still standard aspect ratio for the broadcast version. My only expectation for this show is for it to be outrageously bad, and hopefully Heir to the Throne will break some new ground on what can be shown on network TV so I have something to make fun of every week. Since I blogged the last season of the show, I might as well blog this season, but I'll probably write the summary in point form like in this post to save time. Here's to another season of Queen's Blade. Let's see how low can it go.

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