Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 24

Ed and crew battle the enraged Gluttony.

Hot air is yummy, but it's not very filling.

Somewhere underground, Envy is belittling Dr. Marcoh for his decision to cooperate to protect his village even though the homunculi's plans involve the destruction of the entire country. Meanwhile, Wrath chats with the hidden Pride somewhere in Central HQ and Wrath states that he knows where Gluttony is.

Long coat... Dual pistols... Riza is like one of those Hong Kong action stars!

At the house on the outskirts of Central, Gluttony is wreaking havoc with his true form. The Elrics and Mustang run into the forest to draw off Gluttony, allowing everyone else to get to the car. Using one of Ed's patented dummies, the Elrics and Mustang manage to lose Gluttony in the forest while they run back to the house. The Elrics and Ling decide to stay to recapture Gluttony, while Knox drives Mustang, Riza, and Ran Fan away. Before leaving, Riza hands Ed a pistol for protection, and Ed reluctantly takes the gun.

Mustang's ego has been completed obliterated.

Calling Ed short can be hazardous to your health.

Now back in the forest, the Elrics and Ling wonder how they are going to deal with the raging Gluttony, but suddenly they notice a large dog behind them. The dog turns out to be Envy who is here to retrieve Gluttony. Lust tells Gluttony that he isn't allowed to eat Mustang or the Elrics, but Ling is fair game. Realizing he and Al can't be touched, Ed separates the battlefield with a wall with him and Al facing Gluttony while Ling faces Envy. Ling manages to kill Envy a few times with his saber and he notices that Envy is heavier than expected. Meanwhile, Gluttony cannot swallow the Elrics, but in self defense he throws Ed and Al through the wall into Ling and Envy's half. As Gluttony lines up Ling with his giant vacuum mouth, Ed jumps into the way to try to knock Ling out of the way and Gluttony grabs onto Ed. The three of them are then swallowed by Gluttony. Al grabs Gluttony and demands the homunculus spit out his brother, but Gluttony states that he can't.

Envy may have the transformation skills, but Ling has the better moves.

This is what happens when playtime gets out of hand.

Back in Central, Mustang is getting worried about the Elrics and Ling not returning, but he realizes he has his own stuff to do. Mustang and Riza head to Central HQ and Mustang meets General Raven, who General Grumman said was a straight-up guy. Mustang is looking to probe the upper echelons of the military to see if he can find any support. General Raven invites Mustang to a meeting and on the way Mustang mentions the rumour that the Fuhrer is a homunculi. Raven laughs it off as a bad dinner joke and invites Mustang into the meeting room. The room is filled with high-ranking military officials, and to Mustang's surprise, King Bradley shows up and asks him to elaborate on the rumour. Mustang now realizes that when Maes Hughes said the military was in trouble, the trouble was actually coming from within the military.

Making fun of the leader behind his back is a bad idea as Mustang is about to find out.

Ed wakes up and finds that he is lying in a large pool of blood littered with rubble and even skeletons.

Stuck in limbo.


The plot is starting thicken in FMA:Brotherhood. There was a fair bit of action in this episode, but I wouldn't call it action-heavy since there was a fair bit of humor during the fight between the brother + Ling vs. Gluttony + Envy. The "Ed is short" jokes made a return, and Ed's over-reaction and Envy's nonchalant attitude make for a nice comedic combination. Envy also showed some of true colors in this episode with the human-hating speech and also his heavy footsteps. Too bad his martial arts skills aren't quite a match for Ling's. During the whole sequence with Gluttony, the Elrics and Ling did alright; Riza was quite flashy with her pistol dual-wield in her brief moment of action; and Mustang got owned by everyone and his bad luck doesn't end there.

An notable scene during the sequence was when Riza hands Ed the pistol. I don't remember this part of the manga Ed is against taking lives, so I thought he would refuse. I don't know what he is going to do with that gun now that he is stuck in Gluttony's stomach. Probably light a fire?

Anyways, the episode ends with a double cliff-hanger with Ed, Ling, and Envy in Gluttony's stomach while Mustang is stuck with Wrath and a bunch of unfriendly generals up in Central HQ. Ed and Ling's situation seems pretty bleak, but I feel that Mustang is in more trouble now that all the bad guys have caught on to his little game. Not only does Mustang have to worry about himself, all of his subordinates are also in trouble. I remember I was reading this part of manga and wondering how Mustang and crew are going to get out this jam. Things are looking pretty bad for the good guys.

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