Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To-Love-Ru OVA 06

This "last" episode of the OVA covers three chapters from the manga.

This is what happens when you mess with the cutest and baddest assassin in the universe.

Part 1 Summary:
At the locker area in school, Yui confronts an older student about his outrageous hairstyle and clothes. The guy doesn't listen to Yui and Yami arrives stating that it's useless talking to people like that. The guy makes a rude remark at Yami, and Yami responds by shaving him bold, but in her angry Yami accidentally clips off Yui's panties which falls to the ground unbeknownst to Yui.

You can't show signs of weakness against predators like these two.

After the incident Yui thanks Yami and walks off into the hallways, and only after a while does she realize that her panties have fallen off. Yui then thinks about what everyone would say if they knew she wasn't wearing panties and she becomes very nervous. Unfortunately, Yui runs straight into Mio and Risa, who instantly notice Yui pulling down her skirt, but Yui manages to run past them without having her secret revealed. Yui then bumps into Rito, who states that Lala has recruited him to look for a lost puppy. A gust of wind blows through the window and lifts Yui's skirt, but thankfully Rito's attention has turned to Lala, who found the puppy. After Lala and Rito run off, Yui walks back to the locker area and wonders if someone picked up her panties. Yui suddenly hears the principal making perverted noises behind the lockers and fears the worst, but it turns out the principal is just having lunch. Yui doesn't want to stay near the principal so she quickly runs outside.

Outside of the school, Yui bumps into Oshizu, and the two of them spot Rito and Lala with an ugly puppy. The puppy spots Oshizu and starts jumping on her legs, and Oshizu becomes scared and starts using her PK power. Oshizu's discharge of PK power knocks Yui to her knees and flips her skirt over. Rito is shocked to see Yui's uncovered underside, but he is soon knocked unconscious by a flying kettle stirred up by Oshizu's PK powers. Rito wakes up later and doesn't remember what he saw prior to being knocked out. Meanwhile, Yami is standing behind a corner looking for a chance to return Yui's panties.

A timely flying kettle saves Yui from eternal embarrassment.

Evidence that Yami secretly likes ecchi.

Part 2 Summary:
After school, Mikan says goodbye to her two friends and goes grocery shopping. As Mikan shops on the streets, she spots Peke hovering nearby. Peke explains that he is scanning people's clothing so Lala can follow the season's style. Lala herself is back at home watching Magical Girl Kyoko. As Mikan and Peke walk/fly home together, a man comes up from behind and snatches Mikan's bag of groceries. Mikan gives chase but loses track of the man. Peke decides to help out by combining with Mikan and giving Mikan Lala's flying costume. Mikan flies around and spots the man who robbed her. The chase between Mikan and the robber is spotted by Mikan's two friends, and one of them comments how Mikan is so amazing she's fighting crime. Meanwhile, Mikan has caught up to the man and grabs his head, but the man turns out to be an alien in disguise. The alien unleashes a smoke bomb to get away, and this also knocks Mikan into a light pole. The impact causes Peke to turn into a swimsuit, and Mikan is embarrassed as people stare at her from across the street.

This is what started Mikan's affinity for cosplay.

Golden Darkness, but missing the golden part.

After changing back into Lala's costume, Mikan flies around looking for the alien. Peke informs her that the alien is one of the infamous Hittakun-seijin, and the two then come up with a plan to trap the alien. Somewhere in a back alley, the alien robber thinks that he has finally lost Mikan, but suddenly Mikan appears in front of him while wearing the Golden Darkness' costume. Mikan claims to the be legendary assassin, but the alien sees through her disguise because Mikan isn't blond. The alien gets pissed off and goes after Mikan, but Rito comes out of nowhere and drops the robber with a kick to the head. It turns out Rito was on his way to his dad's place but heard Mikan's voice, so came into the alley to investigate. As Rito and Mikan talk about what happened, the alien pulls out a ray gun and aims it at the sibling, but Yami arrives and knocks out the alien for good. Yami explains that she's here to save her friend Mikan, but not Rito. With the alien knocked out, Yami checks if Mikan is alright and comments that Mikan looks good in her costume.

Is there any doubt that Yami is awesome?

Part 3 Summary:
Rito is visiting Lala's room and he spots some of Lala's inventions lying on the floor. Rito goes to pick one up but ends up getting shocked and falling to the ground, and inadvertently his right hand grabs Lala's tail. Lala tells Rito to let go but Rito discovers that his right hand is stuck on Lala's tail.

 I tell you, Rito is doing this on purpose.

Mikan is walking on the second floor with Celine and hears some questionable words coming from Rito's room. Mikan barges into the room thinking Rito and Lala are doing something embarrassing, but it ends up being just Rito trying to loosen his grip so Lala feels better. Peke explains to Mikan, Rito and Lala that the invention Rito touched creates a strong magnetic field on the object that touched it, so therefore Rito's hand currently has the magnetic field and can't let go of Lala's tail, but the effects should wear off after a while. Momo and Nana arrive and Momo offers to look at Lala's invention while making fun of the situation.

 A nice family dinner ruined.

In the meantime, there is not much Rito and Lala can do but to wait for the effects to wear off. Lala suddenly wants to go to washroom and Rito has to stand outside the door with a vision-blocking helmet. During dinner, Rito find is hard to eat with his left hand. Lala offers to feed Rito but Rito gets embarrassed and squeezes Lala's tail, causing Lala to dump a bowl of soup into his face. Later at night, Rito is standing outside the bathroom once again as Lala takes a bath. Lala opens the door and asks Rito for more soap. Rito gets embarrassed at the sight of Lala's naked body and accidentally squeezes her tail, causing Lala to fall on to Rito. Nana arrives to check on the commotion and demands to know what Rito is trying to do with her sister.

Lala ends up sleeping in Rito's bed for the night as the effects of the device still haven't wore off. While in bed together, Lala tells Rito that even though today was terrible, she was glad to spend it together with Rito. Lala then turns away, leaving Rito to ponder those words. Rito didn't get any sleep through the night because of Lala sleeping beside him, but in the morning he discovers that his hand is free from Lala's tail. Rito runs of his room in celebration and bumps into Momo and Celine, the latter of whom is holding the magnetic device. Moments later Lala discovers that Celine is now stuck to Rito's face thanks to her invention.

 I wonder what happens when Celine needs to go pee pee.


I kind of forgot this episode was due for release early April, but better late than never. This episode covered chapters 142, 121 and 143 of the manga (in this order). Seems like XEBEC has given up writing original material at least for this episode, which is probably good news given how utterly horrendous some of the anime original episodes were. It also made the summaries easier since I can just copy and paste from my To-Love-Ru manga posts. All three of the chapters covered in this episode were good by To-Love-Ru standards, so this turned out to be a decent episode.

One thing to note about these OVAs is that it doesn't continuously cover the manga. Some of you might have noticed that Oshizu got her human body in the third OVA episode even though the related chapter was never animated, and now Celine has magically appeared in the last third of this episode. This episode is supposedly the last release for this series of OVAs, so I'm not sure when or if those missing parts will be animated. There is still plenty of manga material left for an one cour or even two cour series, I don't know if there is enough interest in this point for a new To-Love-Ru series to be made. If they ever get around to it and I'm still writing on this blog then I'll cover it.

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