Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 51

Kimblee comes to Pride's rescue; Olivier battles Sloth; and Ed's group battle the mannequin soldiers.

People, including undead mannequin soldiers, are usually hungry when they wake up in the morning.

Somewhere underneath Central HQ, an army official forcibly activates the immortal army despite protests from a researcher saying the procedure is not ready yet. After being injected with Philospher's Stones, the hanging mono-eye corpses come to live with a blood-curling scream that is heard throughout the facility. The army official tries to command the mannequin soldiers but they decide to eat him. The frightened researcher pulls out his pistol and shoots the monsters, but the shots does little to stop the mannequin soldiers and the researcher is killed.

The key to moving heavy weights is remembering to breathe.

Ed's group has come upon the remains of Barry the Chopper lying in front of a giant gate. The chimeras note that there's something bad going on, while Ed checks out the gate and tries to open it. To Ed's surprise, the gate opens by itself and out of it comes a horde of mannequin soldiers hungry for human flesh. Ed realizes that the mannequins are dead bodies with souls infused into them, and everyone in the group knows that they cannot let these monsters reach the outside. Ed seals off the exit using alchemy and the group try to fight off the hundreds of mannequins.

Ed and company have been surrounded by hundreds of rabid fans.

On the outskirts of Central, Mustang's group listen to the Central soldiers' radio transmission and learns that the Briggs forces have started their move. Now that Central is swarming with soldiers, it'd be hard for Mustang's group to get back into the city but Mustang seems to have a plan.

At Central HQ, Olivier is holding the remaining general hostage and demands that the Central forces be called off. Despite being cut and stabbed by Olivier, the general tells his men to seal off HQ and not let anybody in. Oliver suddenly notices that Sloth is behind her and jumps out of the way just in time. The general is not so fortunate and is crushed by Sloth's massive hand. Sloth states that he is here to take out Oliver, and Oliver defiantly waves her sword at the giant homunculus.

Heinkel's well-honed senses can detect well-dressed people even if they're standing behind him.

In the forest outside of Central, Heinkel the chimera checks on Al and hears the tapping sound that Pride is making. After listening for a while, Heinkel realizes that Pride is tapping out his location in Morse Code. Unfortunately for Heinkel, his realization comes too late as Kimblee has arrived, and the Crimson Alchemist sends the chimera flying with an explosion. The explosion has blown a hole in the mud mound and this frees Pride.

Along with Envy's return are all the chibi jokes.

Somewhere in the underground tunnels, Mei is trying to fight off a horde of mannequin soldiers. Apparently she had followed Envy's directions back to Central to find the secrets of immortality, but instead of the secrets she found the mannequins. While beating back the mannequins, Mei accidentally drops Envy's container, and Envy is eaten by one of the mannequins. However, Envy infects the mannequin and starts absorbing the other mannequins. After getting back his normal body, Envy states that he wants to "thank" Mei for bringing him back to the tunnels.

Awwww... Sloth just wants to give you a hug.

Back at Central HQ, Olivier fights against Sloth in the hallway. Oliver tries shooting Sloth but the bullets don't even scratch the massive homunculus. A couple of soldier appear to arrest Olivier but Sloth accidentally takes them out with his chains. Olivier then grabs a grenade off one of the fallen soldier and lobs at Sloth. After the explosion Olivier hides behind a column but Sloth grabs her from behind. Sloth is about to crush Olivier but her brother Alex suddenly appears and sends Sloth flying with a right hand. Alex then tells Olivier to leave Sloth to him.

 The guy knows how to make an entrance.

Central soldiers have arrived at the slums and Kanama. Dr. Marco wants to go warn Heinkel and Al about the development, but he and Yoki spot the explosion caused by Kimblee. At the giant mud mound, Pride and Al emerge from the opening Kimblee created. Al spots the injured Heinkel and tries to get to him, but Pride wraps up Al's legs with his shadows. Al frees himself with an alchemical explosion, but he loses his legs. Al manages to get to Heinkel through the smoke. Heinkel tells Al to run, but Al refuses and tries to carry Heinkel with him, but he can't anywhere because he lost his legs. Realizing Al is not going to abandon him, Heinkel hands Al a Philosopher's Stone that he picked up after Kimblee dropped it. Al repairs himself, powers up with the stone, and goes to face off against Pride and Kimblee.

 You are going to pay for messing up my paint job.


That episode quite a bit of ground and the story is really building up. It's becoming hard to keep track of the important developments that are happening in this episode. Good things I already wrote summaries for the manga chapters so I can copy and paste the summaries lol. There is so much to talk about and I'm not sure where to begin. First of all though, this episode continued to weave in and out between the different groups, and the switching was great for the most part. The only switch that stood out as a bit unnecessary was the one that cut from Ed's group vs. the mannequins to the baby, and then seconds later it went back to Ed's group vs. the mannequins. That was probably the only part I wasn't too excited about.

The most impressive moment is the one at the end where Al gets the Philosopher's Stone from Heinkel, powers up and goes to face Kimblee and Pride. Al's carelessness allowed Kimblee to locate to hone into Pride's location and caused Heinkel to get blown up, but now he has a big chance to redeem himself and show what he has got. Pride and Kimblee was a little too patient when waiting for the smoke to clear, but that's probably one of Pride's weaknesses (his pride) and the scene was worth the extra seconds. I loved the look on Pride's face when he realizes Al is not down for the count just yet. This should be a great fight coming up next episode.

Speaking of great fights, we have another one in the form of the Armstrong siblings vs. Sloth (with some Central soldiers serving as fodder). We'll see how Alex handles fighting someone who is even bigger than he is, although things don't look too bad as Alex showed that he has enough power to send Sloth flying. We'll see how the sister and brother fight together.

Next up, Envy is back. Everyone expected this to happen, but it's still an important development. Envy's infectious personality really came in handy and he regenerated his body after absorbing a dozen mannequins. Another score for the bad guys, and May's situation is not looking too good.

There is also Ed, Scar, and three chimeras vs. a horde of mannequins. I think Ed's group is being too nice with the mannequins. Ed needs to use his blade to cut up the mannequins and Scar should be ripping them into pieces. Instead, they are just punching and kicking them which doesn't do much good. Looks like Ed and company might need some help.

Finally, the OP and ED were refreshed once again. Neither of the songs are that memorable, but I like the OP a bit better. The OP sequence is once again full of spoilerific images that seem to cover up to current development in the manga. The ED also has some spoilers, but mostly it's just images of the Elrics.

That was a pretty long post for single episode. We should be expecting more or less the same next week, which means it should be another great episode.

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