Monday, July 19, 2010

Sekirei 103

Minato and crew start their operation to rescue Chiho.

Matsu should have worn some shades.

Minato and his Sekirei start their operation to rescue Chiho from Higa's hospital. Matsu (providing leadership and strategic support), Tsukiumi, Kusano and Musubi will go to the hospital while Minato, Kazehana and Homura stay home on standby. Matsu has chosen the operation date so that Miya would be visiting Takehito's grave and wouldn't be home during the day.

After Miya leaves the inn, Matsu's group start on their way to the hospital. After the others have left, Kazehana thanks Minato for being concerned about Uzume even though she is technically an enemy Sekirei. Suddenly, Matsu's computer alerts Minato, Kazehana and Homura that an enemy Sekirei is approaching, and Minato spots Uzume approaching the inn.


After spending a couple of chapters talking about the rescue operation, Minato's crew is finally on their way to rescue Uzume. Conveniently, Matsu decided to choose a date when Miya isn't at the inn, thereby leaving the inn vulnerable to attack by Higa's forces. If Miya was home, it would probably be nearly impossible for anyone (except maybe for Karasuba) to attack the inn and hope to live. I'm guessing the author threw in this coincidence so that there would be a battle at Izumo Inn to create some drama. I don't think Miya would have gotten in the way of Minato's operation if she was home.

So now Minato, Kazehana, and Homura are charged with defending the inn against Uzume and possibly more of Higa's forces, while Matsu leads her group of four to Higa's hospital to rescue Chiho. Matsu's bumbling ways in this chapter (getting blinded by the sun) goes along with her indoor only persona in the manga, but I wonder how the anime is going to handle this since Matsu was riding motorbikes and firing bazookas near the end of the first season. Maybe Matsu is only weak in sunlight, or maybe they'll just assume that manga readers will forget this little detail by the time this part of the manga is animated.

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