Monday, November 30, 2009

Tenjou Tenge Omake

Instead of a real chapter this month, we get a short omake for Tenjou Tenge. Make no mistake though: this is still Tenjou Tenge, and this means I have no idea what the story was about.

What the...

My pathetic attempt at a summary:
Some pervert, muscle-head teacher who can carry an office photocopier with his erection (see picture above) somehow tricks Aya and Madoka cosplaying as various anime characters. When Masataka arrives to investigate, the muscle-head teacher cosplays as Haruhi Suzumiya and then beats Masataka into accepting him as the Juuken Club's consultant (or something along these lines).

Oh my...
I guess the proper term for this is "eye-cancer".


Wow, this was just a really random and somewhat perverted omake. I don't really understand what this omake was about, and I probably missed all the inside jokes if there were any. I suppose the point is that most people read Tenjou Tenge because of the hot girls, and therefore Oh! great is just catering to what people want. I'd rather take another mind-numbing real chapter then this omake though.

Oh, I wish Madoka would have killed the muscle-head guy. but too bad Masataka (who is wussier than ever) showed up and then got beaten up.

XBlade Volume 6

In Volume 6 of XBlade (chapters 22-25), Haru and Mana venture into the 13th District of Tokyo.

The fight at Haru's school is covered up in the news reports for unknown reasons, but Haru and Mana knows they can't stick around anymore. The two of them ask the Hollyhock Syndicate to let them into the 13th District. The Hollyhock leader Matsu warns them that there are grotesque, horrifying monsters living inside the district, but Mana has seen these creatures before with Kuushirou and she and Haru still wants to go inside, so Matsu agrees to arrange for transport and protection. Mana also asks Matsu to prepare a special item for her and Matsu agrees as well.

In the days before departure, Haru and Mana visit Grandpa Kazunari and Seiichi, and Haru and Mana are surprised that Seiichi knows a girl who became a guardian blade and supposedly lives inside the 13th District. On the day of departure, Haru and Mana are assigned three bodyguards. The first is a female commando named Yaegaki who happens to be the person who rescued Haru from the 13th District. The other two are Crusaders who came to replace Kris since she is still recovering from her injuries. One of the Crusaders is a large and somewhat arrogant man named Alex, while the other is a quiet blond loli named Ruru.

Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea.

With everyone assembled, the group along with a few Hollyhock agents and soldiers begin their journey into the 13th District through an underground tunnel in a two truck convoy. Soon after entering the district the trucks come under attack by monsters. Haru, Mana, and their three bodyguards manage to bail out of their truck, but all the other soldiers and agents except one are killed. Haru is scared to death at first, but with Mana's encouragement he defeats the large monster with a Dragonfly strike, and Alex kills all the smaller monsters.

Examples of women who kick ass.

After the battle Haru suddenly spots his supposedly dead little sister Aki walking down a nearby tunnel. Haru runs down the tunnel with Yaegaki and Ruru in tow, but the tunnel entrance suddenly collapses and now Haru's group is separated from Mana's group. Yaegaki radios to Mana's group and the two group agree to meet up at a nearby subway station. Haru, Yaegaki, and Ruru travel down their tunnel and find the subway tracks, but unfortunately the tracks are inhabited by a group of giant spiders. Since Mana is not around, Haru is practically defenseless, but both Ruru and Yaegaki are prepared for the fight. Ruru blasts spiders left and right with her bladed pistols, while Yaegaki slices the giant arachnids apart with a sacred, wine-drinking long sword. After getting rid of the spiders, Haru's group arrive at the subway station, but Mana's group is nowhere in sight. Worried about Mana, Haru digs around the rubble at the exit and emerges out in the streets of the 13th District, with the ominous island of Yamata hanging upside down from the skies.

Home sweet home? More like a dangerous place full of painful memories.


That was excellent volume. XBlade was already pretty cool with the girls(and boys as well)-changing-into-swords concept and the fast paced action, but now it's even better, because we have monsters!!! I guess I have a special spot for monsters since I like Claymore and Gantz a lot, and those two manga have tons of monsters and action. Back on topic, I have always commented that XBlade has really crisp and detailed art, and it shows in this volumes with the monsters (and them being sliced and blown apart by our heroes).

The story is also getting exciting too thanks in part to the freaky monsters, but it's mainly because the story is starting to dwell into the mysteries behind the 13th District and Yamata. The entrance into the district was nicely planned out with the sudden monster attack and then Haru and Mana being separated. Without Mana, Haru is pretty useless for the moment, but his two bodyguards are pretty formidable. I am a little sad that our resident hot blond Crusader Kris is out of action, but Ruru the pistol-toting, drill-curl loli appears to be a capable replacement. Yaegaki is not bad as well with her wine-drinking long sword, and in addition she has a personal connection to Haru since she rescued him before. We didn't get much coverage on Mana's group in this volume, but that's going to come in the next volume.

The story is moving in the right direction now, but there are still a lot of questions surrounding the what happened in the 13th District. There are quite a few random characters moving around in this series and we don't know what they are up to. For example, there was the guy who gave Sakura the new sword in the last volume, and there is also Haru's little sister Aki who also appeared to Kazunari. Speaking of Kazunari, I still don't understand why he harbors a secret hatred for Haru. Haru was partially responsible for Kazunari getting his arm cut off during the fight against Sakura, but Kazunari's secret hate seemed to have stemmed before that. From what I've seen thus far it just appears that Kazunari is jealous that Haru is suddenly better at kendo then he is, and that's pretty dumb. Given the hate, I'm sure Kazunari will be playing a bigger role in the story somewhere down the line.

The volume 7 post will be up in the next couple of days.

Utada Hikaru PVs

Utada Hikaru - Traveling

Utada Hikaru - Colors

Utada Hikaru - Keep Tryin'

Utada Hikaru - Hikari

Utada Hikaru - Can You Keep a Secret

Utada Hikaru - Deep River

Utada Hikaru - Be My Last

Utada - You Make Me Want to Be a Man

Utada Hikaru - Automatic

Utada - Easy Breezy

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 34

The Elrics take a tour of the Briggs fortress, and a new homunculus appears.

Don't be so sad. It was a long overdue haircut anyways.

Upon entering the fortress, Ed and Al are taken to the medical room where Ed is treated for frostbite. One of the workers reveal that the northern automail used by Buccaneer is made of aluminum and carbon, and Ed's normal steel automail does not work well in the cold. The brothers then are visited by Olivier who demands the brothers tell her about their intentions. The Elrics tell Olivier about their quest to get their bodies back and their search for May, but they don't talk about their dealings with the homunculi. Olivier knows that Elrics are hiding something from her, but she agrees to help search for May and also orders the brothers to go to work, since there's no food for the lazy.

Miles being of Ishvalan heritage doesn't surprise me. What I'm wondering is how he can get his sideburns like that?

After the talk with Olivier, the Elrics are led around the base by Olivier's second in command Major Miles. The Elrics are surprised to find that Miles has Ishvalan ancestry, and Miles states that Olivier doesn't care about the race of her subordinates as long as they do their job. Miles leads the brothers to an exposed walkway to knock off icicles from the ceiling, and here the brothers run into Falman, who has been transferred from Norther HQ and is now a second lieutenant.

This is why nobody dares to mess with the Major General.

Falman's unlucky streak continues.

The Elrics are too dull to keep Sloth awake.

Later in the day, Falman leads the brothers to the lowest level of the fort where the HVAC systems are located. Nearby, a couple of workers are investigating strange noises coming from one of the pipes, and one of the workers discovers that someone is digging underneath their feet. Suddenly, the pipe explodes and the huge homunculus Sloth emerges from a hole in the ground. The Elrics thinks that Father sent the homunculus after them, but after a short talk it becomes apparent that Sloth doesn't know the Elrics and has some other business in mind. Buccaneer and some soldiers arrive and starts shooting, but the bullets have not effect on Sloth. Sloth then wanders on to a lift to the upper level, and both Buccaneer and the Elrics give chase.

Olivier knows how to handle the big guns...

... and the big tanks as well.

On the upper levels, Sloth steps out of the lift and is immediately hit by a bazooka round from Olivier, but the round does little to stop the huge homunculus. Olivier then calls up a trio of tanks which starts firing at Sloth, but the shells only manage to slow Sloth down slightly. At this moment the Elrics arrive and tell Olivier that Sloth cannot be killed by conventional means. Olivier and Buccaneer wonder why the Elrics know so much about the homunculus, but the brother refuse to elaborate. Instead, Ed does reveal that the composition of a homunculus should be similar to a human's. With this knowledge in mind, Olivier gets an idea on how to stop Sloth and orders Buccaneer to dump tank fuel onto the homunculus.


This episode consists mainly of introductions since so many new characters showed up, but there was some decent action as well. In the first half, we learned more about Olivier, Miles and the workings of Briggs through the Elrics chatting with various characters. It's not the most exciting part of the manga, but it's necessary to give the new characters a bit more substance. We also Falman reintroduced into the storyline, and it seems despite the promotion, Falman's bad luck continues and he's now stuck doing menial work.

The second half of the episode was the action packed segment with Sloth's debut. Sloth is digging a tunnel for some other purpose, and it is quite coincidence for him to break into the fort just as the Elrics are visiting. Sloth during his debut is not all that interesting since he's just a big, slow, and nearly invincible lug that's hardly awake, but his appearance gave Olivier an opportunity to show off her skills. Olivier might not have Alex's strength and alchemy, but she is very formidable in her own way, capable of firing bazookas, commanding tanks, and thinking up plans on the fly. There is a very good reason why she's in charge of defending the northern borders. It's too bad that the episode ended just as the battle was reaching the climax, but I guess they ran out of time because of all the chatting in the first half of the episode.

Last note: I liked the focus that this episode had on the tension between Ed and Olivier due to Ed's reluctance to reveal the secrets of the homunculi. This episode did a good job emphasizing Ed's psychological dilemma. On one hand Ed wants to stop Father and the homunculi, but he knows he can't make any false moves because the people he cares about are basically being held hostage. I don't remember this part of the manga too well, but I'm guessing Ed's insistence on keeping his mouth shut is what gets him locked up in the next episode.

XBlade Volume 5

It has been another six months since I've read any XBlade chapters, but now I've managed to find volumes 5-7. I am going to write a post for each volume since if I wrote everything into one post then it'll be too long. Besides I can get more readers with multiple posts lol. Anyways, I'll start off with volume 5 which includes chapters 18 and 19 that I already wrote about.

Can Haru handle the truth?

Summary (chapters 20 and 21):
Continuing from the events of chapters 18 and 19, Musuzu becomes Sakura's new guardian blade. On the day of the baseball game, Sakura invades Haru's school and attacks Kris to get revenge for his old sword, and Kris is injured by the sneak attack. Haru and Mana comes to Kris' defense, but Haru is reluctant to go all out because Musuzu is Sakura's blade. Sakura swings his sword around and almost hits Sanae if not for Kazunari sacrificing his own left arm to block the slash. Kazunari's injury causes Haru to go into full-rage mode, and Haru uses the Dragonfly stance to slice both Musuzu and Sakura in half.



Just like eight months ago when chapter 18 was translated, I had to go back and skim through all the earlier chapters to remember the character's names. There were some pretty big developments in the latter half of the volume, but I already saw them coming eight months ago when I read chapter 18. I can go off and boast about my psychic abilities, but I won't. Anyways, despite getting a new sword (and a real Guardian blade this time supposedly), Sakura is still pretty weak since he couldn't even withstand one attack from Haru/Mana. Kris probably would have beaten Sakura if she was ready for it. It's funny that after all that training, Haru still only has one attack, but that one attack has done the job thus far.

So at the end of the volume, Haru has killed someone in school including Musuzu. Even though nobody except him and Mana knew Sakura's blade was Musuzu, it doesn't change the fact Haru sliced someone in half at school (in front of his friends no less), and that will have some big repercussions. I'll go over what happens next in my volume 6 post.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 09

The investigation into the Level Upper leads Kuroko into a fight against a dangerous esper.

Kuroko has Mikoto right where she wants her.

It seems that the only one Kuroko wants to see stripping is Mikoto... while the two of them are alone.

Kuroko and Mikoto invites researcher Kiyama out for drinks so they can ask her about the Level Upper. Kiyama claims that she doesn't know about the Level Upper but would be glad to help with the matter. The three are then joined by Ruiko and Kazari. Ruiko had originally wanted to show everyone that she had found the Level Upper song, but she decides to keep her mouth shut when Kuroko mentions that the Level Upper has severe side effects. After the meeting, Kuroko and Kazari go off to collect data, but Mikoto notices Ruiko running off. Mikoto catches up to Ruiko and wonders what's wrong, and Ruiko does not provide a real explanation.

This is what Kazari gets for not watching her back.

Little Ruiko is a lot cuter than the current one.

The next day, Ruiko is wondering if she should delete the Level Upper song from her phone when she hears a commotion near some abandoned buildings slated for demolition. Ruiko investigates and discovers that a man is trying to buy the Level Upper from a trio of thugs. The thugs demand that the man pay them more money and proceeds to beat up the man. Ruiko knows that she has no chance against the thugs, but for some reason she decides to intervene anyways. As the leader of the thugs is about to beat up Ruiko, Kuroko arrives on the scene as part of her investigation into the Level Upper. Kuroko quickly beats up the two other thugs, but thug leader is not the least bit intimidated. Kuroko and the thug leader start fighting and Kuroko finds herself unable to hit her opponent. At the same time, Kuroko is also unable to dodge the thug's attack and is kicked into one of the buildings.

Nice kick, but terrible teeth.

Injured from the kick, Kuroko runs into the building to buy some time, but the thug knows the building layout very well and chases Kuroko up the floors. After a short chase, the thug finally corners Kuroko, but Kuroko is ready for him. Kuroko states that she knows that thug has the power to bend light and therefore obstruct his opponent's sight. Kuroko concedes that she won't be able to hit the thug directly, but instead she is going to teleport window panes into the support columns and collapse whole building. The thug thinks Kuroko is joking, but soon realizes that Kuroko is serious as the building starts to collapse. At the last possible moment, Kuroko teleports herself and the thug out of the building. Kuroko demands that the thug hand over the Level Upper, and the thug hands over his music player and explains that the Level Upper is an audio file.

Went a bit overboard? Really? Just a bit?

As the thugs are taken away by the Anti-Skills, Ruiko wanders away from the scene. Ruiko is happy that Kuroko is okay, but at the same time she's feeling down about her own lack of ability when compared to Kuroko. Ruiko then runs into three of her friends who start talking about the Level Upper. At this moment, Ruiko reveals to her friends that she has the Level Upper.


More developments on the Level Upper story, but there's still a ways to go. This episode mainly featured some more weirdness from Ruiko and the fight between Kuroko and the light-bending thug. The Kuroko fight was one of the parts for which I actually peeked at the manga, and I have to say that I enjoyed the manga fight more because I didn't read what came before or after that part. I don't quite understand why Kuroko had to run inside the building to defeat the thug. Even if Kuroko can't handle the thug in close combat, her teleportation ability would essentially make it impossible for the thug to catch her. She could have then just sniped at the thug while he's not looking instead of having to destroy a whole building. I guess Kuroko thinks she's doing a favor for the demolition crew. I suppose in the regard of collateral damage, Kuroko is still better than Mikoto. The other possible reason for Kuroko to run into the building is so she can have that speech about how she's going to beat the thug. Looks like the speech-itis that we dreaded from Touma and Komoe-sensei has infected Kuroko as well. Anyways, Kuroko know possesses a copy of the Level Upper song, but unfortunately the preview doesn't show Kuroko and Kazari doing anything with the music player.

Moving, the other main focus of this episode was Ruiko, who is acting rather strangely. It's not that strange she's hiding the Level Upper from her friends; that's understandable, but it was strange that she tried to play hero despite knowing that she had no chance. Just run to a pay phone to call the cops. Ruiko was slightly out of her mind this episode, and it's gotten to the point where it's becoming hard to sympathize with her. I guess she'll continue descending down that path until she starts listening to the Level Upper.

speena Discography

speena was a two-person (previously three-person) group on the avex trax label. They debuted in 2000 with the single “Calm Soul,” and have released a total of five albums since then, their latest being “Ninnananna” in January 2007. In mid-2005, speena’s drummer Shouko left the group to persue her own projects; the group then consisted of vocalist Kanako and guitarist Shiho.

In June of 2007, Kanako and Shiho announced that they would be “transforming” into Yvonne Sisters. The speena name will no longer be used.


1st Album:
[much much more!!]

Track Listing:
01 Girlie Rock
02 Jirenma
03 Bubble Bible
04 speena
05 Calm Soul
06 Iron Tower
07 Ego Rock
08 Nemureru Mori
09 Self Drunker
10 Chulolly's Ring
11 Kimi dake no Koto
12 Thanatos
13 speena 2001

not available

2nd Album:
[Chu Chu de Vista!!]

Track Listing:
01 Tsuki ni Naku
02 vista!
03 Marugoretta
04 Electric Song
05 Strange Days
06 One Two Three
07 Yuuhatsu Modern
08 Gekirin ni Furete Kuukijuu Uchippanashi
09 Crystal
10 Tsuzureori
11 Yuuyake Issho ni Miyou
12 Vita
13 Veil

Part 1:
Part 2:

3rd Album:
[Sugar Moon Champs-Elysees]

Track Listing:
01 Kira Kira Days
02 Rendezvous
03 viva! romantic
04 Ohana no Hitorigoto
05 Hitogomi to Watashi
06 dear my mama
07 Sugar Moon Champs-Elysee
08 Momoiro to Haiiro
09 Mizu to Amai Hana
10 Butter Cream
11 Marvelous Day
12 Konpeitou no Tameiki
13 Singin' Swimmin' Sweet
14 Raspberry Sauce Raspberry Heart

Part 1:
Part 2:

4th Album:

Track Listing:
01 Bedroom Story
02 Jewel Box
03 Cheek to Cheek
04 Love Hand Claps
05 Moonlight Monste
06 Hello, hi!
07 Girlfriend
08 Dancing Doll


1st Mini-Album:
[Candy Lovely Music!!]

Track Listing:
01 Material Girl
02 Special Boyfriend
03 True Colors
04 Sweet Memories
05 Parade Shiyou yo
06 Toshishita no Otoko no Ko
07 Ame no Hi to Getsuyoubi wa

*Credit and thanks to Suffers

1st Single:
[Calm Soul]

Track Listing:
01 Calm Soul
02 Hill Killer
03 Calm Soul (instrumental)
04 Hill Killer (instrumental)


2nd Single:

Track Listing:
01 Speena
02 Love Potion No.69
03 Speena (instrumental)
04 Love Potion No.69 (instrumental)

not available

3rd Single:

Track Listing:
01 Jirenma
02 Sixteen
03 Jirenma (instrumental)
04 Sixteen (instrumental)


4th Single:
[Nemureru Mori]

Track Listing:
01 Nemureru Mori
02 Yuuwaku Aroma
03 Nemureru Mori (instrumental)
04 Yuuwaku Aroma (instrumental)

not available

5th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Tanatosu
02 Haiagaredii
03 Dai Meiwaku
04 Niku wo Kure


6th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Tsuzureori
02 Gosan (Gin Gin Gin)
03 Aijousouchi


7th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Marugoretta
02 Fuzz
03 Heart no Pumps


8th Single:
[Strange Days]

Track Listing:
01 Strange Days
02 Aoi Osora Kara


9th Single:
[Tsuki ni Naku]

Track Listing:
01 Tsuki ni Naku
02 24 Love Song


10th Single:
[Material Girl]

Track Listing:
01 Material Girl
02 Toshishita no Otoko no Ko
03 Material Girl (instrumental)
04 Toshishita no Otoko no Ko (instrumental)


11th Single:
[Kira Kira Days]

Track Listing:
01 Kira Kira Days
02 Syrup Rondo
03 Candy


Friday, November 27, 2009

Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne 10

The highly anticipated Reina vs. Tomoe fight.

Is it possible to get drunk on milk?

List of shoddy highlights:
- Nanael is still pissed off the Melona stole her holy milk and she and Melpha goes to a bar to drink milk. While at the bar Nanael learns from waitress Nyx that there is "horned monster" roaming the woods in the city. Nanael thinks that monster is Melona, and she and Melpha goes off into the woods to investigate. Instead of finding Melona, Nanael and Melpha discover that the "horned monster" is actually Tomoe who has cut down a nice patch of bamboo from training.

- Claudette tells Elina to go back to the castle and take care of good ol' dad since neither she nor Reina can stand him anymore. Elina reluctantly agrees and goes to molest say goodbye to Reina before leaving with her entourage.

Without the holy milk, Nanael doesn't even have the power to lift Reina.

- After Elina's goodbye, Reina is approached by Nanael who wants Reina to take out Tomoe. Nanael thinks that her only hope of completing her mission is for Reina to win, but Reina isn't going to stoop so low as to sneak attack Tomoe. The two eventually run into Yummil, and none of them notices Melona lurking nearby.

- Nanael and Reina follow Yummil back to her shop where Nanael reveals that Aldra is afraid of the holy milk. Since the holy milk can counter heavenly powers, it means that some heavenly being is living within Aldra. Unbeknownst to the three woman, the Rana hanging out with them is actually Melona in disguise, and Melona quickly leaves after learning Aldra's secret.

- The Queen's Blade match starts and Reina is summoned to Japan to fight against Tomoe who now sports silver hair in addition of sporting Shizuka's headband. While the match is happening, Yummil sets up a stage in front of her shop to sell cheap replicas of Reina's sword.

Go Tomoe go!!!

This is now a light sword fight.

- Having home court advantage, Tomoe blasts out of the gates and pummels Reina with good variety of attacks. During the fight, Tomoe reveals that she had killed Shizuka much to Reina's disbelief. Tomoe then powers up for a finishing slash. Reina tries to counter with the Dragon Tail but is sent sprawling to the floor. However, Reina is able to get up and strangely her sword starts to glow just like Tomoe's, and this cause Aldra and her shadow some concern. Having received the miraculous power-up, Reina fights evenly with Tomoe. Both warriors attempt their finishers again, and this time Reina's Dragon Tail blows Tomoe away. After being defeated, Tomoe's hair turns back to black, and Reina walks over to give Tomoe a hug. The two combatants are then teleported away, but Tomoe is teleported into Aldra's collections room.

Wouldn't be much a fight without explosions.

While Reina may have won the match, the real winner here is Yummil.

- Thanks to Reina's win, Yummil has sold a lot of her replica swords. While counting her money, Yummil learns that Rana has been sleeping all morning and begins to sense that something was amiss during the morning's conversation. Meanwhile, Melona has arrived at the base of Aldra's castle


As expected, Reina defeats Tomoe by some magical fluke after being dominated for most of the match. The fight was decent enough for the most part, and Tomoe showed a nice variety of kick and sword attacks. As for Reina, well... she's Reina, and the only move she really has is Dragon Tail. That and her sword started glowing, which must count for something since Aldra and her shadow started worrying. Aldra and her shadow have seen the glow before, and I'm guessing that it might have something to do with Reina's mother Maria since Reina is using her mother's armor and sword. Reina's new powers is a predictable development since she'll need something to fight against Aldra, but I'm sure that the holy milk will come into play at the end as well. I think there's still a good chance the Aldra will be defeated when someone spills the holy milk on to her.

So in the end Reina beats Tomoe, and Tomoe gets transported to Aldra's collections room where it looks like Aldra will work her magic on Tomoe. Aldra already has Risty as her servant, but I suppose she can always use another one. Lets see if Tomoe can escape, or perhaps we'll have another Tomoe vs. Reina match with Tomoe being evil? The next episode is also the big Risty vs. Reina showdown. The fight will probably go similarly to the Tomoe vs. Reina fight we just saw, except Risty will probably get a Terminatrix power-up somewhere during the fight.

And I wonder what happened to Echidna. She hasn't lost in the tournament yet, but here has been no mention of her since Irma's defeat. Did she leave with Irma?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Naruto 473

The conclusion to Kisame vs. Killer Bee.

Praying isn't going to help.

As Kisame tries to cut off Killer Bee's legs, Killer Bee secretly retrieves the pencil he threw earlier and throws it at Kisame, but pencil only grazes Kisame's face. Kisame swings down with the sword, but the blade is cut off by a ninja star thrown by Darui, who has arrived with Raikage and Shi. It was easy for Raikage's group to locate Killer Bee due to his battle with Kisame, and Killer Bee and Raikage proceed to decapitate Kisame with a front and back double lariat.

Back in the Land of Iron, the samurais are trying to track down Jugo and Suigetsu. A troop leader notices that two of the samurais seem suspicious and orders them to take off their masks, and the two samurais reveal themselves to be Jugo and Suigetsu.

Elsewhere, Mizukage and Chojuro have stopped Ao's body from decapitating himself. It is still Fuu's spirit inside Ao's body, and Fuu tries to trick Mizukage into breaking the barrier on Ao's Byakugan. Unfortunately for Fuu, Mizukage actually cannot break the barrier and she was able to tell that Ao is not in control of the body. Realizing he has no chance, Fuu calls Mizukage a hag and returns to his own body, leaving the real Ao to take the punch from Mizukage.

Meanwhile in the snowy village, a clone of Sai approaches Naruto's group and states that he's going to tell the truth that Sakura failed to reveal.


A disappointing ending to the Kisame vs. Killer Bee fight. It's another one of those fights that received hype (Wow, tailed beast vs. tailed beast without the tail) but failed to live up to the billing. I guess Kisame is dead now and maybe Killer Bee will keep Samehada as a pet or something. Killer Bee is safe for now, but I think eventually Madara will capture him and extract the hachibi, since the villain's plans always have to be on the verge of completion near the final showdown.

This chapter touched upon a bunch of other stuff as well. Jugo and Suigetsu have been found out trying to masquerade as samurais, and it's not clear why they are sticking around the summit grounds when Sasuke has already ditched them and left. On the other front, Ao is saved by his comrades, so nothing really developed from his chase with Danzo's group. Finally, Sai has returned to tell Naruto "the truth". Part of is probably the news that the other Konoha ninjas have decided to hunt Sasuke down, but I have a feeling that Sai has more to say as well. He is becoming more meddlesome in other people's affairs these days.

One Piece 565 and Strong World 0

A double header for One Piece this week.

Being the first one over the wall is not always the best.

Chapter 565 Summary:
Back at the Shabaody Archipelago, the crowd wonder why the execution broadcast suddenly cut off. Among the crowd are the big bounty pirates that had fought Kizaru and PX bots at the archipelago, and all of them decide to set sail for Marineford.

Akainu rains down lava fists into the bay which turns the ice into pools of lava and destroys Whitebeard's flagship Moby Dick. The Marine then rain down on the pirates with cannon fire from the siege walls. Whitebeard tries to break the Marine's siege walls but the walls are able to withstand his attacks. Seeing that the pirates are being held off, Sengoku orders Ace's execution to proceed. Luffy charges at only gap into wall but ends being blown up, but he refuses to give up and asks Jimbei for a favor.

The battle has awakened Oars Jr. who is still barely alive. Kizaru prepares to finish Oars Jr., but suddenly Luffy vaunts over the siege walls with Jimbei's help and starts fighting the three admirals. Seeing the situation, Whitebeard orders Oars Jr. to stay where he is and the rest of the pirates prepare to charge the execution platform.

Strong World 0 Summary:
Years ago before Gold Rogers became the pirate king, there was another powerful pirate named "Golden Lion" Shiki who fought Gold Rogers in a famous battle. When Gold Rogers was arrested, Shiki charged into Marineford and demanded to have a rematch with Rogers, but he was eventually apprehended by Garp and Sengoku. Shiki was thrown into Impel Down, but two years after Roger's death Shiki escaped from the prison by cutting off his own feet. Shiki eventually finds his way to Whitebeard and states that he has a grand plan for the world.


We got two chapters of One Piece this week which was a nice surprise. The special "Strong World" is supposed to a tie-in to the upcoming One Piece movie of the same name. About half of the chapter was introducing Shiki who's likely one of the major characters in the movie, and the other half of the chapter was just showing various other characters in their younger days. The special wasn't that interesting, especially since I'll probably never watch the movie.

As for chapter 565, the situation hasn't changed that much, but Whitebeard's forces have a sliver of hope as Oars Jr. wakes up. This will give Whitebeard's forces a path to rush up to the platform and get themselves into a better position. Luffy and Whitebeard still look overmatched though. It was a bit weird seeingthat all the Shichibukai including Hancock lining up again. I thought Hancock was openly defying orders, but why isn't she helping Luffy when he's fighting the admirals? And I thought all the Shichibukai were engaged in fights as well, and there was no mention of the Pacifista bots in this chapter. I suppose there's just too many things going in the battle for one chapter to touch upon.

Bleach 383

Yammy becomes even bigger, while back in fake Karakura Town Aizen talks more smack to Shinji.

Forget John Cena. "You can't see me" is perfect catch phrase for Tousen.

In Hueco Mundo, Kenpachi and Byakuya slash Yammy in the face and think they are done, but Yammy rises again and transforms into a even more massive bipedal form. Yammy explains that in his true form, the more angry he is the bigger and more powerful he gets, and he is about had it with the two captains. While Kenpachi and Byakuya are staring at their adversary, Kurotsuchi asks his fellow captains to kill Yammy quickly because dissecting Yammy will become even harder if the arrancar becomes any bigger.

Back at Fake Karakura Town, Shinji asks Hachigen to take care of Hyori until Ichigo arrives. Hearing this, Aizen goes off on a speech about how he only believes himself and that he'll become the god that everyone believes in. Hearing this speech, Tousen decides that it's time to unleash his new power on Komamura and Hisagi.


I think this is the best chapter of Bleach since the "let's dump the Espada" moment. To be made worthy of his number, Yammy didn't just die off like a piece of trash, so there will be a bit more drama back in Hollowland, although it's going to be side event as it doesn't involve either Ichigo or Aizen. I like Kurotsuchi's request though, and maybe to save on dissection work Kurotsuchi will throw himself into the fray as well. This battle is probably not all that important to the main plot, but it could still provide some entertainment as a sideshow.

Back in Fake Karakura Town, the main development is that Tousen about to show off his new powers. Based on his pose, I'm thinking Vizard-like mask. Given that all the current Vizards were more or less created by Aizen's gang, it's not too much a stretch to say that Aizen and his cohorts know more about how the form works and therefore Tousen's form is probably more refined and powerful than the Vizards'. Of course, Tousen's new powers could be something else entirely, but based on the pose it looks like a Vizard-like power-up.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gantz 308

Kurono #1 fights the two alien troopers at his school.

When did this battle turn from a real gunfight to a fake gunfight?

Two large humanoid aliens emerge from their battle suits after they were hit by Kurono's H-gun. One of the aliens spots a nearby teacher and is about to step on the man, but Kurono crushes the aliens into a pool of blood with the H-gun. However, the other alien quickly climbs up to the school and aims at Kurono with its finger lightning weapon. Kurono and Tae dodge the attack, but one of Kei's classmates is blown to bits. The alien then takes a swipe at Kurono and Tae, forcing Kurono to drop his H-gun and jump down to ground level with Tae in his arms. The alien gives chase, and in the action Kurono and Tae are separated. The alien goes after Kurono, but without Tae to worry about Kurono powers up in his Gantz suit and topples the alien by punching it in the knee.


Not much in terms developments in the grand scheme of things, but a very nice action chapter nonetheless. This chapter doesn't change my impression that these alien troopers seem kind of weak. They do have a fair bit of attack power, but they are big and not all that fast, and in comparison people in Gantz suits are much more nimble and probably just as strong. I think Kaze would have no problem beating these guys with his bare hands. Anyways, the current Tae and Kurono's classmates finally discovers what Kurono actually does for a living and you can't blame them for being shocked. As for Kurono's reaction, I suppose he was just a bit embarrassed, because it doesn't make sense for him to be feeling reluctant to fight sentient aliens. Most of aliens that the Tokyo team fought were sentient, but maybe they weren't as humanoid or organized like the current invaders.

Hopefully Kurono #1 will punch out the his opponent in the next chapter and move on to take on the giant mechs and flying ships.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Queen's Blade: Heir to the Throne 09

Risty vs. Claudette.

A morning of fun.

List of shoddy highlights:
- Back in Gainos, Reina gets an unique wake-up call from Elina to watch the upcoming match between Risty and Claudette. As the Vance army march out of the fortress, Risty and Claudette face off in the courtyard while the count watches from the balcony. After a back and forth fight around the castle, Claudette hits Risty with a thunder attack, knocking Risty out.

That's got to leave a mark.

- Both Claudette and the count think the fight is over and the count wants Claudette to join his army to invade Gainos. Claudette, however, argues that the count is being tied down by his family name and this was the reason why his wife Maria (Reina's mother) participated in Queen's Blade. Claudette advises the count to call back his army, but the count isn't in a listening mood and tells Claudette to get out of his sight.

The Terminatrix is here.

- Back in Gainos, Aldra works her magic and revives Risty. Risty goes after the count but Claudette fends her off. Claudette shocks Risty a few more times, but Risty seems to be unaffected. Claudette and the count then try to escape from the castle, but Risty destroys the draw bridge. The chase eventually ends in a dome where Claudette once again saves the count from Risty's mace. Risty moves in for the finishing blow, but the dome starts to collapse due to damage from the fight and Risty is forced to bail out. After the tower collapses, Risty is declared the winner and she leaves the castle. In the wreckage of the dome, Claudette is pinned by a wall slab, but the count is okay and he finally calls Claudette by her name instead of her title. Claudette is then teleported back to her hotel room in Gainos where she's patched up by Reina and Elina. After the match, Count Vance calls off his army, and Aldra is satisfied with the development.

Claudette is dying!!! NOOO...
Oh wait, she's just being teleported back to the hotel. Never mind.

- After being knocked out from Queen's Blade, Nyx works as a barmaid and she hears rumors about a horned monster appearing in the outskirts of town. That "monster" turns out to be Tomoe who is wearing Shizuka's horned headband.

There's no way that Melpha didn't see Melona swipe the flask.

- Inside Melpha's church, Melona is secretly trying to steal Nanael's flask of holy milk, but Nanael inadvertently thwarts Melona several times. Melona does reveal that Aldra is neither human nor a magical being, and is also afraid of the holy milk. Based on the information, Nanael seems to have inkling of what Aldra might be, but she refuses to tell Melona. While Nanael is thinking about Aldra, Melona is finally able to swipe the holy milk and quickly leaves the church, and soon after Nanael discovers that she's been robbed.

No wonder Nanael is so distressed. She just got robbed by one of the three stooges.

- Back in her collections room, Aldra and her shadow friend are banking on that Melona will return to save Menace.


The Queen's Blade tournament is winding down, and the matches are becoming longer and more interesting. As expected, Risty defeats Claudette after a hard fought battle. Claudette put up a decent fight, but she wasn't able to stop Risty after Risty went into Terminator mode. The animation during the action was pretty good, although you still wouldn't mistaken it for any top-of-the-line production. There was some semi-interesting drama thrown into the fight as well with the relationship between Claudette, the count, and Maria. It's funny how nobody except Risty, the count, and Claudette were left in the castle during the match. You'd think someone who's as rich and important as the count would have some bodyguards, although they probably wouldn't last very long against the Terminatrix Risty. At the end, the count resorted to calling back his army and doing absolutely, and that's probably the best thing that could have happened since doing nothing is what the count does best.

In other developments, Melona steals Nanael's holy milk and probably will use it to take on Aldra and/or rescue Menace. Meanwhile, Nanael seems to have figured out what Aldra is, but she doesn't the holy milk anymore. If Nanael were smart (big if), then she would wait near Aldra's collections room for Melona to show up so she can reclaim her holy milk. I wonder if that's going to happen.

Next episode will be the highly anticipated Reina vs. Tomoe. Tomoe has hardened up a bit after Shizuka's "death" (I still refuse to believe Shizuka is dead), and I hope she gives Reina a good beating before Reina inevitably wins via some fluke. It's frustrating to think that someone like Tomoe who's fighting for her country and dead friend will lose to someone like Reina who entered the tournament for no particular reason. I guess this is just an example of "life is unfair" lol.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 33

Kimblee catches up to Scar, and the Elrics go up to the Briggs fortress.

Kimblee might have fought better if he didn't have to worry about keeping his hat from flying away.

In the western regions of Amestris, Kimblee and his crew stop at the winding railways to determine where Scar has gone. The group follows a trail towards the north that's supposedly blocked by rock slides, but Kimblee discovers that there are signs of transmutation in the fallen rocks, which means Scar must have passed by. Kimblee then heads north by train to cut off Scar's escape. After getting word that Scar and companion have jumped onto a cargo train, Kimblee decides to go after Scar while the train is still on the move. After Kimblee's military train catches up to the cargo train, Kimblee jumps onto the cargo train and discovers a hooded man inside one of the cars, but the hooded man turns out to be Yoki instead of Dr. Marcoh. Scar jumps back into the car and attacks Kimblee. As the moonlight shines into the car, the two adversaries recognize each other from Ishval, and in anger Scar destroys the roof of the car.

Kimblee got caught napping.

Bye bye for now.

Scar continues to attack Kimblee while Yoki tries to stay out of the way. Kimblee recognizes that Scar is in better shape than he is, but he thinks that he can take advantage of Scar only being able to decompose. Much to Kimblee's surprise, Scar suddenly pulls out a makeshift spear and throws it through Kimblee's abdomen. Badly injured and pinned against the car in front, Kimblee has no choice but to destroy the linkage so that the car that Scar is standing on is disconnected from the the train engine. Hearing the explosion, the train operators stop the train after discovering that their rear cars are gone. At the back of the train, the operators discovers the wounded Kimblee who demands that the train keep on going to the north.

Slipping just as you arrive at a new location is not a good omen.

The wilderness of Briggs is full of dangerous creatures.

At Rush Valley, Winry phones into Central and finds out that the brothers have headed north. Winry tells Garfield about the situation, and Garfield states that the brothers might die without proper equipment. Meanwhile, Ed and Al have arrived in North City and they get a ride from a guy with a horse-drawn cart. The guy leads them to entrance to the path to the Briggs fortress, and before leaving the guy tells the Elrics not to stray from the path. The guy also makes a comment about automail is bad in the north, but the Elrics don't understand. A while later, the brothers find themselves under blizzard conditions where they can't see more than a few feet in front. Suddenly, the two are attacked by large man in a military uniform with a strange automail arm. The man catches Al with a net gun and starts fighting Ed, claiming that the brothers are spies from Drachma. Ed tries to break up the confusion, but the man attacks relentlessly. In the heat of the fight Ed suddenly discovers that his automail right arm isn't working very well, and this allows the man to catch Ed's automail arm with his saw blade equipped automail arm. The big man tries to cut through Ed's automail arm, and to Ed's surprise he is not able to decompose the man's automail. Ed is finally able to break free after jamming the sword with the ribbons on Al's helmet, but seconds later the brothers find themselves surrounded by half a dozen camouflaged Briggs soldiers.

Ed isn't really worried about being tossed around by Buccaneer; he's more worried about what Winry would do to him if his arm breaks again.

Now that's what I'd call a fortress.

As the weather clears up, the brothers discover they are only about 20 feet away from the fortress, and the man they've been fighting is a captain named Buccaneer. Looking down at brothers from the imposing fortress is Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong, the commander of the fortress and Alex Armstrong's older sister, and the Elrics are surprised that Olivier looks nothing like Alex. Despite Ed's claim of being a State Alchemist, Olivier has Ed and Al searched and Alex's introduction letter is brought to her. Olivier can see from the seal that the letter is from Alex, but instead of reading the letter Oliver tears the letter into shreds and throws the scraps into the wind. Olivier explains she has no need for introduction letters since she judges people with her own eyes. The major general grants the Elrics permission to enter the fortress, but she warns the brothers that she's not going to treat them like kids, because only the tough survive out in the Briggs.

An accurate depiction of the relationship between Olivier and Ed.

Elsewhere in the snowy northern landscape, Marcoh and May have located the cabin where Scar hid his brother's research, and Marcoh wonders if the research will bring about hope or despair.


This episode marks the official beginning of Ed and Al's great northern adventures and the long arc of FMA that takes place in and around the Briggs. The (in)famous Olivier Mira Armstrong finally appeared in person, and in accordance to the hints she is nothing like her brother in both looks and personality. The Elrics will be suffering for a bit under Olivier's hard-nosed supervision, but the brothers have been through worse, and Olivier and her crew aren't really horrible people. It's more like they've been hardened by their surroundings.

Speaking of the surroundings, this episode brings up some interesting facts about automail in that the usual automail from the warmer parts don't work very well in the cold. It seems that the Elrics just came up the north on a whim and didn't do any research. The northern automail such as Buccaneer's "Crocodile" is made of different metals and that's why Ed was unable to decompose Buccaneer's arm. The conclusion to all of this is that Ed will need some northern gear before he can do anything outside.

The other half of this episode is about the long overdue rematch between Scar and Kimblee. The fight was short and rather one sided, but at least the animation was pretty good. Just like Ed wasn't prepared to go up north, Kimblee wasn't really prepared to take on Scar. Not only is Kimblee not in the best shape and not dressed for the occasion, he also underestimated what Scar is capable of. I find it really funny that just as Kimblee was thinking that Scar's alchemy can only destroy, Scar pulls out a spear and throws it through Kimblee's stomach. That was perfect timing. Despite his serious injuries, Kimblee is going to survive since it'd be really pointless to introduce him into the story and have him killed off so quickly.

The pace of the series is picking back up again, and the next episode should be quite exciting with Olivier and the Briggs soldiers taking on the big homunculus Sloth.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

KOKIA Discography

Kokia (コキア?) is a Japanese singer-songwriter from Tokyo. She is known mostly for her performances in video game and anime soundtracks; having appeared in eight different game/anime soundtracks to date. Kokia is also known for her vocal range, and ability to hold long-tone opera notes, having done so for 29 seconds during a television appearance. She is most well-known in Hong Kong and Taiwan for her song "Arigatou...", which achieved commercial success, and was covered by star Sammi Cheng. Her biggest hit in Japan is the single "The Power of Smile / Remember the Kiss", which reached number 15 on the Oricon charts. She studied opera at the Toho Gakuen School of Music.

Birth name Akiko Yoshida (吉田 亜紀子)
Born July 22, 1976 (age 33)
Origin Tokyo, Japan
Genres J-pop
Occupations Singer, Songwriter, Producer
Years active 1998 - Present

1st Album:

Track Listing:
01 Watashi wa Utau Kotori Desu
02 Soyokaze ga Sougen wo Naderu You ni
03 I catch a cold
04 Shiroi Yuki
05 River
06 Hirusagari no Toki
07 You
08 Live Alone
09 Arigatou...
10 Erika
11 Aishiteiru Kara (Sincerely Version)


2nd Album:
[trip trip]

Track Listing:
01 Cyouwa oto
02 Tsugi Au Toki wa
03 Say Hi!!
04 The rule of universe
05 Princess ÉHIME
06 Tenshi
07 Pink no Zou
08 Hello passing days
09 Hana
10 Ningen tte Sonna Mono ne
11 Ashioto
12 tomoni
13 a gift


3rd Album:
[Remember Me]

Track Listing:
01 Prologue "Remember me"
02 Watashi no Taiyou
03 Different way
04 Kawaranai Koto ~since1976~
05 Happy birthday to me
06 with music
07 Anshin no Naka
08 Sora
09 The Power of Smile
10 Clap your hands!
11 I believe ~Umi no Soko Kara~
12 Daiji na Mono wa Mabuta no Ura
13 ?
14 Sigh
15 Remember the kiss (duet "KOKIA & Piano") 

Part 1:
Part 2:

4th Album:
[Uta ga Chikara]

Track Listing:
01 Yume ga Chikara
02 a girl
03 so much love for you
04 Sora ni Taiyou, Anata ni Watashi
05 Pinch wa Chance
06 Kirari
07 give & take
08 New season ~Yume ni Mukatte Fuku Kaze~
09 Utau Hito
10 Yume ga Chikara (acoustic version)


5th Album:
[Pearl ~The Best Collection~]

Track Listing:
01 The Power of Smile
02 Ai no Melody (Original Version)
03 dandelion
04 Shiawase no Hanataba
05 Kawaranai Koto ~since 1976~
06 Watashi no Taiyou
07 Remember the kiss ~a wish~
09 Yume ga Chikara / Brave Warrior
10 Utau Hito
11 time to say goodbye
12 Cyouwa oto ~with reflection~
13 so much love for you
14 I Believe ~Umi no Soko Kara~
15 Arigatou…... (The Pearl Edition)
16 The Power of Smile ~a gentle breeze~

Part 1:
Part 2:

6th Album:
[Ai ga Kikoeru]

Track Listing:
01 Itsuka Dareka wo Ai Shita Toki (Anthem Version)
02 Uchuu ga...
03 Ahiru no Kokoro
04 Futari no Musume
05 Awakening (Open Your Eyes)
06 Kokoro
08 so sad so bad
09 Yasashikusareru to Yasashikunareru Hana
10 Nukumori (listen for the love)
11 why do I sing
12 Atatakai Basho
13 Remember the Kiss ~World Ver.~
14 Inori ni mo Nita Utsukushii Sekai

Part 1:
Part 2:

7th Album:
[The Voice]

Track Listing:
01 Odoyaka na Shizukesa
02 Follow the Nightingale
03 Ave Maria
04 Todokimasu You ni
05 song of pocchong ~Shizuku no Uta
06 Gomen ne
07 Lacrima
08 Nani mo Kamo ga Hoshi ni Natte
09 il mare dei suoni
10 everlasting
11 Chiisa na Uta
12 Watashi ni Dekiru Koto

Part 1:
Part 2:

8th Album:
[Christmas Gift]

Track Listing:
01 Amazing Grace
02 Hallelujah
03 I'll be home for Christmas
04 We three kings of orient are
05 Christmas Medley
06 Teo Torriatte (Let us cling together)
07 Ave Maria
08 It came upon a midnight clear
09 Seinaru Yoru ni ~holy night
10 Kokoro no Rouzoku
11 Remember the kiss ~Dedicated to 'new' NY~

Part 1:
Part 2:

1st Mini-Album:
[Fairy Dance ~Kokia meets Ireland~]

Track Listing:
01 Lydia ~Fairy Dance
02 Song Of Pocchong ~Shizuku no Uta
03 Kanashiku teyari kirenai
04 Black Is The Colour
05 Soshuu Yakyoku
06 Siuil A Run
07 Sono mama dei ~Be As You Are
08 Taimse im Choladh


1st Single:
[Aishiteru Kara]

Track Listing:
01 Aishiteiru Kara
02 You
03 Aishiteiru Kara (instrumental)
04 You (instrumental)


2nd Single:
[Tears in Love]

Track Listing:
01 Tears in Love
02 Blue Night
03 Tears in Love (backing track)
04 Blue Night (backing track)


3rd Single:

Track Listing:
01 Arigatou...
02 Aishiteru Kara (Sincerely Version)
03 Arigatou... (backing track)
04 Aishiteru Kara (Sincerely Version)(backing track)


4th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Tomoni
02 Yes I know


5th Single:
[Say Hi!!]
9.13.2001 (overseas version)

Track Listing:
01 Say Hi!!
02 Mokuji


6th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Tenshi
02 Whispter


7th Single:
[Ningen tte Sonna Mono ne]

Track Listing:
01 Ningen tte Sonna Mono ne
02 mou ai senai
03 Moonlight Shadow


8th Single:
[Kawaranai Koto ~since 1976~]

Track Listing:
01 Kawaranai Koto ~since1976~
02 tell tell Bouzu
03 Kawaranai Koto ~since1976~ (instrumental)
04 tell tell Bouzu (instrumental)


9th Single:
[The Power of Smile / Remember the kiss]

Track Listing:
01 The Power of Smile
02 Remember the kiss
03 The Power of Smile (instrumental)
04 Remember the kiss (instrumental)


10th Single:
[so much love for you]

Track Listing:
01 so much love for you
02 New season ~Yume ni Mukatte Fuku Kaze~
03 i Shiteru
04 so much love for you (instrumental)


11th Single:
[Yume ga Chikara]

Track Listing:
01 Yume ga Chikara
02 Ningyo no Yume
03 Yume ga Chikara (instrumental)


12th Single:

Track Listing:
01 dandelion
02 Boku no Kimochi
03 dandelion (instrumental)


13th Single:
[time to say goodbye]

Track Listing:
01 time to say goodbye
02 Shiawase no Hanataba
03 time to say goodbye (duet "KOKIA & Piano")
04 Yuukyuu no Mori ~My Home Town~


14th Single:
[Ai no Melody / Cyouwa oto ~with reflection~]

Track Listing:
01 Ai no Melody
02 Cyouwa oto ~with reflection~
03 Ai no Melody (soundtrack ver.)
04 Ai no Melody (instrumental)


15th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Arigatou
02 Utau Hito


16th Single:
[Follow the Nightingale]

Track Listing:
01 Follow the Nightingale
02 say goodbye & good day
03 Follow the Nightingale (original karaoke)
04 say goodbye & good day (original karaoke)


17th Single:
[Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi]

Track Listing:
01 Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi
02 Umaretate no Shiro
03 Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi (instrumental)
04 Umaretate no Shiro (instrumental)


18th Single:

Track Listing:
01 Karma
02 Insomnia
03 Karma (instrumental)
04 Insomnia (instrumental)


19th Single:
[Kimi o Sagashite]

Track Listing:
01 Kimi o Sagashite
02 What a wonderful world
03 last love song
04 Kuruma Rete


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